


Rated as : Critical // 漏洞等级:严重
Remotely Exploitable : Yes
Locally Exploitable : Yes
Release Date : 2005-10-03

* Technical Description * //漏洞描述

A critical vulnerability has been identified in various Kaspersky Anti-Virus products, which could be exploited by attackers or malware to execute arbitrary commands. This issue is due to a heap overflow error in the CAB file format parser that does not properly handle a specially crafted file containing a malformed header, which could be exploited by attackers to execute arbitrary commands and compromise a vulnerable system (e.g. by sending an email containing a malicious CAB file). //大意是一个严重的漏洞被发现在卡吧的各种产品中, 攻击者可以随心所欲利用这个漏洞执行各种命令, 这个是有一个cab文件格式剖析器出现堆积溢出错误, 这种剖析器不能适当的处理包括有特别,格式header的文件, 攻击者可以发送含有恶意cab文件的email来执行程序, 危及到系统安全

* Affected Products * //受影响的版本

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 4.x
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.x
Kaspersky SMTP-Gateway 5.x

* Solution * //暂无补丁

The FrSIRT is not aware of any official supplied patch.

原文地址: http://www.cemsg.com/p/20051004.php

最后编辑2005-10-05 12:13:04