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197101Too many scenarios to fit in the report.  Some were left out.
197102Some scenario values were too long and had to be truncated.
197103Changing Cells are required.
197104You must specify result cells when creating a scenario PivotTable report.
197105Scenario information will be lost.
197106Cannot change a cell containing a string of more than 255 characters.
197107Cannot open PivotTable source file '|'.
197108The PivotTable field name is not valid. To create a PivotTable report, you must use data that is organized as a list with labeled columns. If you are changing the name of a PivotTable field, you must type a new name for the field.
197109"This command requires at least two rows of source data. You cannot use the command on a selection in only one row. Try the following:

• If you're using an advanced filter, select a range of cells that contains at least two rows of data. Then click the Advanced Filter command again.
• If you're creating a PivotTable report or PivotChart report, type a cell reference or select a range that includes at least two rows of data."
197110Not all source records have been copied.
197111No item of this name exists in the PivotTable report. Rename '|1' to '|0'?
197112Cannot move a data field button that does not appear in the PivotTable report.
197113"At least one item must be showing.

If you don't want to show the field at all, cancel the current operation, and then drag the field out of the report.."
197114Too many items are hidden. Unhide some items to continue.
197115A field in your source data has more unique items than can be used in a PivotTable report. Microsoft Excel may not be able to create the report, or may create the report without the data from this field.
197116Cannot create a PivotTable report on a hidden sheet.
197117Because the query for this page field does not return any items, the options for the field cannot be changed. If you expected the field to have items, go back to Microsoft Query and change the query so that the result set includes data for this field (see Help in Microsoft Query).
197118"Microsoft Excel cannot refresh a PivotTable report until refresh of the external data range on which the report is based is complete.

When refresh is finished (the spinning world icon no longer appears in the status bar), click a cell in the report, and then click Refresh Data on the PivotTable toolbar."
197119Cannot show detail data for that selection. If the source database has more detailed data that you want to view, click OK, click an item in a row or column field, and then click Show Detail on the PivotTable toolbar.
197120No data fields are available in the OLAP Cube.
197121"The organization or content of the OLAP cube has been changed and, as a result, no data items are available for display in this PivotTable report.

Consult your database administrator."
197122Cannot show or hide detail for this selection.
197123Cannot change this part of a PivotTable report.
197124Cannot edit a |0 in group edit mode.
197125Cannot edit |0 on protected sheet.
197126Cannot edit |0 in data entry mode.
197127"You cannot create or make changes to PivotTable reports in a shared workbook. If you copy a report and paste it in a shared workbook, only the cell contents are pasted.

To make a copy that you can edit and rearrange, paste the report into a workbook that is not shared."
197128You cannot create or make changes to PivotChart reports in a shared workbook. To make a copy that you can edit and rearrange, paste the PivotTable report that the PivotChart report depends on into a workbook that is not shared, and create a PivotChart report from it.
197129Please wait until Microsoft Excel has finished refreshing the PivotTable report, and then try the command again.
197130Microsoft Excel is placing the PivotTable report on a new sheet, so that it won't overwrite existing data in your workbook. When you run the macro you just recorded, Microsoft Excel won't automatically place the report on a new sheet.
197131"The Top 10 AutoShow options are turned on for this field.  To retain this setting, click OK, and then click Cancel in the list of items for the field.

If you click OK and then click OK in the list of items for the field, the Top 10 AutoShow options will be turned off, and the items selected in the list will be displayed instead of the AutoShow items."
197132Cannot paste items into a different field.
197133Cannot paste items into a different group of items.
197134Cannot change that part of a PivotTable report.
197135Cannot enter a formula for an item or field name in a PivotTable report.
197136Cannot enter a null value as an item or field name in a PivotTable report.
197137You cannot hide this selection.
197138Cannot move subtotals or block totals.
197139Cannot edit subtotal, block total, or grand total names.
197140Cannot delete every item of '|' field from the PivotTable report.
197141Cannot hide the (all) item of a page field.
197142Cannot delete the last item in a page field.
197143Cannot move a PivotTable report to a macro sheet.
197144You have not specified any source ranges for your PivotTable report. Type or select at least one range in the Ranges box before choosing Next or Finish.
197145The PivotTable report will not fit on the sheet. Do you want to show as much as possible?
197146Cannot determine which PivotTable field to sort by.
197147Cannot sort items in a page field.
197148Cannot create a PivotTable report on a macro sheet.
197149Cannot move a data field button to a page orientation.
197150Cannot paste a link into a PivotTable report.
197151Cannot make this change. The PivotTable report does not contain this field.
197152'|' is not an item of this field.
197153"There is not enough memory available to create the PivotTable report. To make more memory available, try the following:

• Reduce the number of column or row fields you include in the PivotTable report.
• Close files or programs you aren't using."
197154Number must be greater than zero.
197155Cannot group that selection.
197156Cannot ungroup that selection.
197157"You cannot group items in this field because it's set to query for each item separately when it's in the page position.

Drag the field to the page position, double-click the field button, click Advanced, and click the Retrieve External Data For All Page Field Items option. Then try grouping the items again."
197158Ending value must be greater than starting value.
197159This PivotTable report is not valid.
197160"You must specify a data field. The available fields appear on the right side of the Layout dialog box. Drag a field and drop it in the area labeled DATA.

For more information about dragging fields to summarize data, click OK, and then click the Help button in the dialog box."
197161You have entered an invalid source range for your PivotTable report. Enter a valid range in the Ranges box and then choose Add.
197162A PivotTable report with that name already exists on the destination sheet.
197163PivotTable name is not valid.
197164PivotTable field name already exists.
197165Replace crosstab table with PivotTable report?
197166Replace crosstab table with PivotTable report, ignoring criteria range?
197167Excel could not get the source data for the PivotTable report from the disk.
197168The Refresh Data operation changed the PivotTable report.
197169Microsoft Excel did not receive any information from Microsoft Query.
197170To use this feature, you must have a World Wide Web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer.
197171This Web query returned no data. To modify the query, click OK, click the name of the external data range in the name box on the formula bar, and then click Edit Query on the External Data toolbar.
197172Microsoft Query could not be started because it isn't installed. You can install Query by running the installation program you used to install Office or Excel. The Query option is in the Office Tools category.
197173Microsoft Query is already running, but is not responding to Microsoft Excel.  Switch to Microsoft Query and make sure that there are no dialog boxes open or that Microsoft Query is not busy retrieving data.
197174Microsoft Query is busy editing another query for Microsoft Excel. You can not edit more than one query at a time from within Microsoft Excel. Switch back to Microsoft Query to complete (or cancel) the editing operation currently in progress.
197175No data source specified.
197176Problems obtaining data.
197177The PivotTable report was saved without the underlying data. Use the Refresh Data command to update the report.
197178Data will be saved with other PivotTable reports using the same source data as this report.
197179Data will not be saved with other PivotTable reports using the same source data as this report.
197180Changes to the Background Query option also change the option for other PivotTable reports based on the same source data. From now on, when you refresh the other reports, the query for external data will also be run in the background.
197181Changes to the Background Query option also change the option for other PivotTable reports based on the same source data. From now on, when you refresh the other reports, the query for external data will also be run while you wait.
197182To save this web page to the current location, it needs to be saved using short file names, which requires organizing supporting files in a folder.  However, you don't have privileges to create a folder in the current location.
197183The folder that this Web page would use to organize supporting files is already reserved for use in the current location.  Please choose a different name or location for this Web page.
197184Changes to the Optimize Memory option also change the option for other PivotTable reports based on the same source data. From now on, memory will also be optimized for the other reports.
197185Changes to the Optimize Memory option also change the option for other PivotTable reports based on the same source data. From now on, memory optimization will also be turned off for the other reports.
197186Changes to the Refresh On Open option also change the option for other PivotTable reports based on the same source data. From now on, whenever you open this workbook, data will also be refreshed in the other reports.
197187Changes to the Refresh On Open option also change the option for other PivotTable reports based on the same source data. From now on, whenever you open this workbook, data also will not be refreshed in the other reports.
197188Changes to the Save Password option also change the option for other PivotTable reports based on the same source data. From now on, the database password will also be saved for the other reports.
197189Changes to the Save Password option also change the option for other PivotTable reports based on the same source data. From now on, the database password also will not be saved for the other reports.
197190References, names, and arrays are not supported in PivotTable formulas.

197191"That command cannot be performed while a protected sheet contains another PivotTable report based on the same source data.

To remove protection from the sheet that has the other report, click the sheet tab, point to Protection on the Tools menu, and then click Unprotect Sheet. Then try the command again."
197192Some calculated items were removed because new items of the same name appeared during refresh.
197193"Because a PivotTable report field is grouped, you cannot add a calculated item to this report.

To ungroup the field, make sure it is in the row or column area, select the field button for the grouped field, point to Group and Show Detail on the PivotTable menu, and then click Ungroup. Then insert the calculated item. Once inserted, you can group the items in the field again."
197194The field you are moving cannot be placed in that PivotTable area.
197195"An ending single quotation
mark ( ' ) is missing."
197196The formula is not complete. Make sure an ending square bracket  ]  is not missing.
197197The last item for the range is missing.
197198"An item name in the formula does not match any of the items in the field.

Check the field in the PivotTable report to make sure it has the item you typed. If the item name includes a space, put single quotation marks around the name, for example, 'Order Amount'."
197199"An item name is ambiguous. Another field in the PivotTable report may have an item with the same name.

Use the syntax field[item]. For example, if the item is Oranges and the field is Product, you would use Product[Oranges]."
197200An item name cannot be found. Check that you've typed the name correctly and the item is present in the PivotTable report.
197201"A field reference in your formula included more than one field name, such as 'Sales Revenue' when both Sales and Revenue are separate fields, or you tried to include a field name in a calculated item formula.

Calculated item formulas cannot include field names, and can include names of items only from the field in which you are inserting the calculated item."
197202Keywords must be entered alone.
197203References to subtotals and data items cannot be entered into PivotTable formulas.
197204References to multiple item names per field cannot be included in PivotTable formulas.
197205Refresh has been disabled by a Visual Basic macro.
197206Formatting cannot be applied to PivotTable reports in shared workbooks.
197207"This workbook contains a PivotTable report with a calculated field or calculated item. Calculated fields and items cannot be saved in this file format.

• The data displayed in calculated fields will be saved, but the next time you refresh the report, the calculated fields will be replaced with the first field in the data area.
• The data displayed in calculated items will be saved, but the formulas won't be. The next time you refresh the report, the calculated items won't appear."
197208Your formula needs an equal sign (=) at the beginning.
197209The format of a PivotTable formula is 'Item Name = Formula'.
197210"Some PivotTable cells contain circular references.

• Check your calculated field and item formulas to make sure that none of the formulas refer to their own cells.
• Or, change the order of calculation by using the Solve Order command (PivotTable menu, Formulas submenu)."
197211Group item names are not supported in calculated item formulas.
197212You've chosen to save this Web page using a short file name. The name must be eight characters or fewer in length.
197213Your formula cannot be entered because calculated fields cannot contain circular references. Change the formula to make sure that it doesn't refer to its own cells.
197214An insertion cannot be performed on that selection.
197215Microsoft Excel cannot make this change because there are too many row or column items.  Drag at least one row or column field off the PivotTable report, or to the page position. Alternatively, right-click a field, and then click Hide or Hide Levels on the shortcut menu.
197216You can't save files directly to this location.  Try saving the files to a different location, and then copying them to this location.
197217AutoSort must be turned off to move items in a field.
197218This document needs too many supporting files to use short file names.
197219Your formula includes a function that cannot be used in PivotTable formulas. You cannot use functions that return variable results, such as RAND and NOW, database functions, or the GETPIVOTDATA function in PivotTable formulas.
197220"This is an AutoSort field. Do you want to sort it manually?

• To sort manually now, and set the AutoSort options on the PivotTable Field Advanced Options dialog box to manual, click Yes. To display this dialog box for a field, double-click the field button, and then click Advanced.
• To cancel the sort, click No."
197221You cannot apply data validation to cells in a PivotTable report.
197222"You cannot edit the formulas in data cells for groups or for calculated fields.

To change the formula for a calculated field, click OK, and then point to Formulas on the PivotTable menu and click Calculated Field."
197223You cannot edit the formula for a calculated item while custom calculation is used.
197224You cannot edit data cells for fields in the row, column, or page area.
197225The path you've indicated for your Web page's supporting files is too long. Try saving the files with a shorter name, or in a higher directory.
197226Calculated items do not work with custom subtotals.
197227Multiple data fields of the same field are not supported when a PivotTable report has calculated items.
197228Averages, standard deviations, and variances are not supported when a PivotTable report has calculated items.
197229If you're trying to add a calculated item, you cannot do so because a field has been used more than once, either in the data area two or more times, or in the data area and another area at the same time.  Change the PivotTable report so that no field is used more than once, and then try the calculated item command again.
197230"Memory was used up attempting to convert and save PivotTable report data from a different version.
Data for the saved PivotTable report(s) will be refreshed upon the first update."
197231Groups cannot be placed in the data area when a PivotTable report has calculated items.
197232You have configured this Web page so that supporting files are in a folder, but you don't have privileges to create a folder in this location. Make sure you have the correct privileges, or choose another location.
197233PivotTable formulas can only refer to items in the same field as the calculated item.
197234"The item cannot be added or modified. There may not be enough memory, the maximum number of items allowed in a field may have been reached, or if a Visual Basic macro is performing the operation, the macro may be incorrect.

Simplify the PivotTable report or check the macro for errors, and then try the operation again."
197235AutoSort and AutoShow cannot be used with custom calculations that use positional references. Do you want to turn off AutoSort/Show?
197236"Positional references cannot be used in a calculated item formula while AutoSort by values or AutoShow is on.

To turn off AutoSort and AutoShow, double-click the field button for the field, click Advanced, and click the Manual options under AutoSort options and under AutoShow options."
197237The PivotTable report could not be sorted by values, because it contains a calculated item with a positional reference.
197238Text cannot be entered into a calculated item cell.
197239Calculated item or field could not be created because another item or field of the same name exists.
197240PivotTable report "|" contained incomplete information. To restore the missing information, click OK, and then click Refresh Data on the PivotTable toolbar.
197241"Excel cannot find OLAP cube |. Either the OLAP database has been changed or you don't have permissions to connect to the cube.

Consult your database administrator."
197242"Excel found more than one OLAP cube named |. Your data source might contain an error.

Check your data source or create a new one to connect to the OLAP cube you want."
197243You cannot show more detail for that selection. The data displayed is the lowest level of detail available in the source database.
197244"Excel cannot connect to your database with the driver you specified in your data source. The driver does not support OLAP-provider capabilities required by Excel.

Consult your system administrator or contact your OLAP database vendor."
197245The item could not be found in the OLAP Cube.
197246"The organization or content of the OLAP cube has been changed and, as a result, the field could not be found in the OLAP cube.

Click OK, and then click Refresh Data on the PivotTable toolbar to update the field list."
197247"This |0 was created in a later version of Excel and can't be updated in this version.

To update it, click OK, and then open the workbook in the version of Excel it was originally created in."
197248You can not use an OLAP cube for this query source.
197249Microsoft Query either is not installed properly or does not have enough memory to run.
197250Click OK, close one or more programs to free up resources, and then try the operation again. If you see this message again, run the installation program that you used to install Excel, and then repair or reinstall Query.
197251How to install MS Query
197252Microsoft Query is not able to run properly.
197253"Try the following:

• Switch to the Query window, make sure it isn't waiting to receive data, and then close any open dialog boxes.

• If this does not correct the problem, close one or more programs so that Query has enough memory to run."
197254More about MS Query
197255Microsoft Query is busy editing another query for Microsoft Excel.
197256You can not edit more than one query at a time from within Microsoft Excel.  Task switch back to Microsoft Query and complete (or cancel) the editing operation currently in progress, and try your command again.
197257About Microsoft Query
197258A problem occurred while returning your data from Microsoft Query.
197259" Your query might not have selected any data, your MS Query data sources may not be set up correctly, or there may be a problem with the connection to the external database.

Create the query again. Verify that you can connect to your external database and view the data. Make sure the Query Wizard or the MS Query window is displaying the correct data before you return the data to Microsoft Excel."
197260How to create a query

197261How to set up a data source
197262The PivotTable report named |0 on |1 could not be refreshed.
197263The external data range |0 on |1 could not be refreshed.
197264The original external data range is no longer valid.
197265This workbook contains a query that is currently being edited by Microsoft Query.  Changes made to this query will not be saved, and you will not be able to use Microsoft Query to create or edit additional queries in Microsoft Excel until you complete or cancel this editing operation in Microsoft  Query.
197266This sheet contains a query that is currently being edited by MS Query.  You will not be able to use MS Query to create or edit additional queries in Excel until you complete or cancel this editing operation in MS Query.
197267This action will cancel a pending Refresh Data command.  Continue?
197268This workbook contains external data.  Do you want Microsoft Excel to clear the data before saving the template, and then automatically refresh the data whenever the template is opened?
197269"The following data range failed to refresh:
Continue to refresh all?"
197270No columns that Microsoft Excel can use were returned from this query.
197271This refresh is already running in the background.
197272This operation cannot be done because the data is refreshing in the background.
197273Data Range properties cannot be modified while the data is being refreshed.
197274The query definition cannot be edited while the data is being refreshed.
197275Data Range properties cannot be modified while the query definition is being edited.
197276External Data cannot be refreshed while the query definition is being edited.
197277Copy '|0' to the Addins folder for |1?
197278Unable to copy add-in to library.
197279'|' is not a valid add-in.
197280Cannot find add-in '|'. Delete from list?
197281"The query returned more data than will fit on a worksheet.

• To continue and display as much of the data as will fit, click OK.
• To cancel the query, click Cancel. You can go back to Microsoft Query to create a query that returns less data (look up criteria in Microsoft Query Help)."
197282Microsoft Excel cannot insert columns because the last column (column IV) contains data. You will not get any data.
197283Bad Name for Query
197284A query with this name already exists on this sheet
197285This will permanently remove the query definition from the sheet. Continue?
197286Cannot return external data to a hidden sheet.
197287Cannot return external data to a macro sheet
197288The start of the destination range specified lies within an existing External Data Range.  Please choose another destination.
197289This external data range was created programmatically and can not be refreshed.
197290This external data range was created programmatically and can not be edited.
197291QueryTable is invalid.
197292The range you deleted is associated with a query that retrieves data from an external source. Do you want to delete the query in addition to the range? If you click No, the query will retrieve new data to the worksheet the next time the query is refreshed.
197293Column sorting, filtering, and layout changes are not being retained for this external data range. To begin retaining these changes, click OK, and then click Refresh Data on the External Data toolbar.
197294"This external data range uses features from a future version of Excel that are not supported in Excel 11 Beta. Changing the query or refreshing the data will cause information used by these features to be lost. Do you want to continue?

• To continue the operation and discard the data, click Yes.
• To cancel the operation and keep the data, click No."
197295"This workbook contains one or more external data ranges whose column sorting, filtering, and layout changes are no longer being retained.

To start retaining these changes, click OK, and then click Refresh Data on the External Data toolbar."
197296If you modify the query, columns that you deleted from the Excel external data range will reappear as new columns, unless you also eliminate those columns from the query.
197297"No data is currently displayed in this external data range. As a result, you can't hide the row numbers.

Either refresh the external data range or change the query so that it returns data, then try the operation again."
197298If you continue the refresh, hyperlinks in the external data range will no longer work. Do you want to continue?
197299"The external data range contains one or more columns that were added in Excel. When you publish this data to the Web with interactivity, these columns won't be included.

If you want to include these columns on the Web page, click Cancel, and then publish the range as noninteractive data."
197300Microsoft Excel could not open or read this query file.  Either the file has been damaged or the file format is not valid.
197301"Excel cannot open this query file because it includes features that are only available in a later version of the product.

To use this file, open the file in the program it was originally created in. If the program allows, save the file in an Excel 11 Beta format."
197302Authorization Failure
197303SQL Syntax Error
197304Insufficient Connection Information
197305General ODBC Error
197306Microsoft Excel cannot complete this operation because the ODBC Driver Manager is not installed.  To install the ODBC Driver Manager, run Setup and install the database driver for the type of database(s) you want to access.
197307"An operation that uses the database driver could not be completed.

If the driver is a Microsoft driver, make sure the driver file isn't damaged, and if it is, reinstall the driver by reinstalling Microsoft Query. For other drivers, contact your database administrator or driver vendor."
197308"The database driver does not support this type of query.

For information about the types of queries the driver supports, see Help for the driver, or contact your database administrator or driver vendor."
197309"Initialization of the data source failed.

Check the database server or contact your database administrator. Make sure the external database is available, and then try the operation again. If you see this message again, create a new data source to connect to the database."
197310"The query did not run, or the database table could not be opened.

Check the database server or contact your database administrator. Make sure the external database is available and hasn't been moved or reorganized, then try the operation again."
197311The database driver does not include necessary capabilities and cannot be used with Excel. Contact your database administrator or driver vendor.
197312"Excel was unable to get necessary information about this cube. The cube might have been reorganized or changed on the server.

Contact the OLAP cube administrator and, if necessary, set up a new data source to connect to the cube."
197313"Data could not be retrieved from the database.

Check the database server or contact your database administrator. Make sure the external database is available, and then try the operation again."
197314"Excel was unable to load a necessary component. This component might have been damaged or deleted.

Reinstall the client software or data source driver software for your database."
197315"Excel could not locate the client-server settings component for your OLAP provider.  The OLAP provider may not suport this feature, or the feature may have been damaged.

Click OK, and then verify that the OLAP provider supports the client-server settings feature.  If so, reinstall the OLAP provider software, and if the problem repeats, reinstall Excel."
197316Invalid data value for parameter.
197317Empty value for parameter.
197318Bad parameter type. Microsoft Excel is expecting a different kind of value than what was provided.
197319Could not obtain parameter from reference (Bad name or workbook not open).
197320| Proceed to prompt for value?
197321Microsoft Excel could not bind a parameter value to the parameter. The query execution will be aborted.
197322Selection can be a single cell only.
197323Selection can be a single row or single column only.
197324"To refresh an external data range automatically when the parameter value changes, you must select a single cell to supply the parameter.

Click OK, and then select a single cell in the Get The Value From The Following Cell box."
197325"To refresh an external data range automatically when the parameter value changes, you must select the parameter cell from the same workbook as the external data range.

Click OK, and then select a cell in the same workbook in the Get The Value From The Following Cell box."
197326Incomplete datasource.
197327Refresh disabled.
197328Not an ODBC datasource.
197329This option is unavailable for this type of external database.
197330Not currently refreshing.
197331Not a DAO Recordset datasource.
197332The destination range is not on the same worksheet that the Query table is being created on.
197333Your program tried to set the UseLocalConnection property to True before you set a LocalConnection.
197334Not an ODBC data source or Web query
197335Invalid Web Query
197336Not a Web Query
197337A Web query can use only the first 255 characters of the Web page address. This may cause your Web query to return different data from what you expect. Do you want to continue?
197338The file you selected is not recognized as a text file. Excel can open it as a text file, but the results might not contain any useful data. Do you want to continue?
197339"Excel cannot find the text file to refresh this external data range.

Check to make sure the text file has not been moved or renamed, then try the refresh again."
197340"The text file contains more data than will fit on a single worksheet.

To continue and import as much of the data as will fit, click OK. You can then import the rest of the data by repeating the import operation on another worksheet and using the Text Import Wizard to exclude data already imported."

197341"No more system timer resources are available.

Close one or more programs to free up resources, then try the operation again."
197342"This report is based on an OLAP data source. You can't modify the query because you don't use a query to connect to this database.

• To continue creating or changing the report using the OLAP data source, click OK, and then click Next in the PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard.
• To use a different data source, click OK, click Cancel in the wizard, and then run the wizard again to create a new report."
197343Microsoft Query cannot modify this query. The query was created using an OLE DB data source driver that Query cannot support. Modify the query in the program it was originally created in.
197344Value must be greater than zero.
197345Value must be greater than or equal to zero.
197346Value must be between zero and 0.5.
197347Polynomial order must be an integer from 2 through 6.
197348Moving Average must have a period that is less than the number of points in the source data series.
197349Some trendlines cannot be calculated from data containing negative or zero values.
197350The name | is unknown.  Specify a valid name.
197352General mail failure.  Quit Microsoft Excel, restart the mail system, and try again.
197353Your mail system does not support certain services needed for document routing.
197354Too many mail sessions.  Quit other mail sessions and try again.
197355Too many recipients specified.  Route the document several times to smaller groups of recipients.
197356Message too long for your mail system.  Shorten the message and try again.
197357Cannot send status tracking message.
197358Too many recipients specified.  Send the document several times to smaller groups of recipients.
197359Unknown recipient name found in the recipient list.  Use a valid name and try again.
197360Ambiguous recipient name found in the recipient list.  Use a valid name and try again.
197361You must exit Windows and load SHARE.EXE in order to run Microsoft Excel.
197362"• The Precision As Displayed formatting
197363"• 1904 date system - Date values are converted to the 1900 date system
197364Excel cannot publish a range from a macro sheet.
197365Number is not valid.
197366Text is not valid.
197367Logical value is not valid.
197368"The reference you typed is not valid, or you did not provide a reference where one was required.

To enter a reference using the mouse, click in the edit box, and then click the cell in the sheet you want to refer to, or drag through the range you want to select. "
197369Error value is not valid.
197370Type is not valid.
197371Array value is not valid.
197372An error occurred initializing the VBA libraries (|)
197373One of your object libraries (|) is missing or damaged.  Please run Setup to install it.
197374"• Formulas that contain external references
197375"• Array formulas
197376"• Protection for hidden formulas - Formulas become visible
197377|1 method of |0 class failed
197378Unable to set the |1 property of the |0 class
197379Unable to get the |1 property of the |0 class
197380Cannot run Visual Basic macro because of a syntax error.
197381Invalid number of arguments.
197382A lexicon (|) is missing or damaged.
197383Could not register the Office object library.  Please run Setup.
197384The file '|' already exists.  Do you want to replace the file, or add data to the existing file?
197385"The following features do not work on interactive Web pages:

197386The Timer driver is not installed on this system.  Microsoft Excel cannot run without the Timer driver. 
197387Do you want to delete macro |?
197388This will close the workbook without saving. Some macro modules will be lost. Do you want to move the selected sheets anyway?
197389"You cannot save to this file format when the VBA project is protected.

You may unprotect the VBA project by choosing the Properties command on the Visual Basic Editor's Tools menu, and entering the password for the active project."
197390No data was selected to parse.
197391The Trace Precedents command requires that the active cell contain a formula which includes valid references.
197392The Trace Dependents command found no formulas that refer to the active cell.
197393The Trace Error command requires that the active cell contain an error value.
197394The Remove All Arrows command found no tracer arrows to remove.
197395The Error Tracer has encountered a branch point. Double-click the branch you want to follow and choose Trace Error again.
197396The Error Tracer encountered existing arrows or a circular reference. Delete all tracer arrows or resolve the circular reference, and then choose Trace Error again.
197397Your changes could not be saved to '|1', but were saved to a temporary document named '|0'. Close the existing document, then open the temporary document and save it under a new name.
197398This workbook has been password protected with an encryption scheme not available in this region. This workbook cannot be opened.
197399Since this workbook is protected for sharing, you cannot decrease the number of days to keep the change history. You can enter a larger number of days if you want to extend the period during which the change history is retained.
197400This command is not available in a shared workbook.
197401"This action will remove the workbook from shared use. The change history will be erased, and other users who are editing this workbook will not be able to save their changes, even if you share this workbook again.

Remove the workbook from shared use?

• To make the workbook exclusive, click Yes.
• To cancel and return to shared mode, click No."
197402Save not completed. File rename failed. Retry?
197403"If the user you selected is currently editing the workbook, this action will prevent the user from saving the workbook, and the user's unsaved work will be lost.

•To cancel the operation, click Cancel.
•To continue, click OK."
197404Changes made by another user cannot be merged. Use the File Save As command to save the workbook with a different name.
197405Unexpected file lock by |.  Please try again, and then if necessary, use the Share Workbook command (Tools menu) to turn off sharing.
197406The workbook has been updated with changes saved by other users.
197407History sheet cannot be renamed.
197408History is a reserved name.
197409This workbook contains macros recorded or written in Visual Basic. Macros cannot be viewed or edited in shared workbooks.
197410This book was made exclusive by |.
197411Outline symbols cannot be displayed because there is no outline on the active worksheet. Open the file in Exclusive mode to create an outline.
197412This action will now save the workbook. Do you want to continue?
197413To share this workbook, it must contain at least one visible worksheet.
197414This file is no longer shared.
197415This file has been locked by | for reading.  Try again later.
197416This file has been locked by | for saving.  Try again later.
197417This file is locked.  Try the command again later.
197418"You are no longer connected to this file.  Another user may have removed you from it, or saved over it.

To preserve your unsaved work, click OK, and save the shared workbook with a different name. You can then open the original shared workbook again, and merge in your changes from the copy of the workbook that you saved.

For information about merging workbooks, click Help."
197419The file | cannot be found.
197420The sharing attribute of embedded files cannot be changed.
197421A shared template cannot be inserted.
197422Passwords cannot be changed in shared books.
197423New or copied formulas cannot be saved while the file is being shared. Show this message in the future?
197424The change could not be undone. Please make the correction manually.
197425You cannot remove yourself from the list. Close the file instead.
197426Cannot copy or move array entered formulas or tables in a shared workbook.
197427File is locked. In order to save changes to the file, you can either close the file before making any changes and then re-open it, use Save As (File menu) to save the file using another filename, or turn off Shared Workbooks and then save the file.
197428"If you change this option, Microsoft Excel will erase the history of changes to this workbook. Users will no longer be able to view information about changes or merge copies of the workbook. Do you want to proceed?

• To change the option and erase the change history, click OK.
• To leave the option setting unchanged, click Cancel."
197429There are no more changes to accept or reject.
197430Changes have been erased
197431No new changes present to merge from |0.
197432"|0 cannot be merged into the current workbook. Workbooks to be merged must be copies made from the same shared workbook, and must all maintain the change history for a sufficient amount of time.

For more information about why the workbook couldn't be merged click Help."
197433That workbook cannot be merged because it contains changes that have not been merged followed by later changes that have already been merged into the current workbook.
197434Are you sure you want to reject the remaining | changes without reviewing them?
197435Unexpected file lock by |.  You can override this file lock, or continue without doing so.  If you continue without overriding this lock, you will not be able to save to this file, but you can use File Save As to save your work to a different file.  Do you want to override this lock?
197436The range | is not in the active workbook. Excel can publish ranges only from the active workbook.
197437This field has no items.
197438An AutoCorrect entry for '|' already exists.  Do you want to redefine it?
197439a Minimum
197440a Maximum
197441a Formula
197442a Source
197443a Start Date
197444an End Date
197445a Start Time
197446an End Time
197447a Value
197448a Date
197449a Time
197450a Length

197451the Minimum
197452the Maximum
197453the Formula
197454the Source
197455the Start Date
197456the End Date
197457the Start Time
197458the End Time
197459the Value
197460the Date
197461the Time
197462the Length
197463The Minimum
197464The Maximum
197465The Formula
197466The Source
197467The Start Date
197468The End Date
197469The Start Time
197470The End Time
197471The Value
197472The Date
197473The Time
197474The Length
197475You must enter either |0 or |1.
197476You must enter both |0 and |1.
197477|0 must be greater than or equal to |1.

197479"The value you entered is not valid.

A user has restricted values that can be entered into this cell."
197480Your worksheet contains more than 255 invalid cells. Only the first 255 cells will be marked.
197481You may not use unions, intersections, or array constants for | criteria.
197482A named range you specified cannot be found.
197483"You cannot use a direct reference to a worksheet range in a | formula.

Change the reference to a single cell, or use the reference with a worksheet function, such as =SUM(A1:E5)."
197484You may not use references to other worksheets or workbooks for | criteria.
197485The list source must be a delimited list, or a reference to single row or column.
197486Negative values cannot be used for | conditions.
197487Decimal values cannot be used for | conditions.
197488| must be a numeric value, numeric expression, or refer to a cell containing a numeric value.
197489| currently evaluates to an error. Do you wish to continue?
197490The date you entered for | is invalid.
197491The time you entered for | is invalid.
197492You must enter |.
197493You must enter |.
197494"The selection contains more than one type of validation.

Erase current settings and continue?"
197495The selection contains some cells without Data Validation settings. Do you want to extend Data Validation to these cells?
197496"For accurate data validation auditing, your worksheet needs to be recalculated.

Recalculate before auditing?"
197497Some view settings could not be applied.
197498View named '|' is not defined.
197499View '|' already exists. Do you wish to delete it and continue?
197500Do you wish to delete the view '|'?
197501You cannot use that name when you create a view in a shared workbook. Microsoft Excel reserves views named with your username followed by "- personal view".
197502A required minimum or maximum value is missing.
197503You must specify criteria for all conditional formats.
197504This chart is protected. You cannot change its formatting and text, move and size chart elements, or add new elements.
197505This chart is protected. You cannot add to or change the data in the chart.
197506This workbook contains a type of macro (Microsoft Excel version 4.0 macro) that cannot be disabled. There may be viruses in these macros. If you are sure this workbook is from a trusted source, click Yes. Open the workbook?
197507"This workbook contains Excel 4.0 macros. Workbooks containing these macros cannot be signed.

Remove the Excel 4.0 macro sheets, and then try the signing operation again."
197508Range in Scripts.Add cannot specify a sheet different from Scripts.Parent.
197509Excel can not sign VBA macros when saving to this file format.  Do you want to remove the digital signature and continue saving this workbook?
197510This workbook is currently referenced by another workbook and cannot be closed.
197511"Microsoft Excel requires file OLEAUT32.DLL to run. The version of OLEAUT32.DLL that is on your computer is older than the one required by this version of Microsoft Excel.

Please run Setup again, and select the Reinstall option to install the correct version of the file."
197512Shared Workbooks do not support the format of your data.  Remove any Hyperlinks or Merged Cells to complete the operation.
197513Excel has detected an inconsistent book structure. There is already a sheet named '|'.
197514Font size must be between 1 and 409 points.
197515Cannot open chart created in Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh version 1.X.
197516Cannot open normal document created in Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh version 1.X.
197517An error occurred while trying to go to this subscriber's publisher.
197518Remote data not accessible. Start application '|'?
197519Existing remote links will be terminated.
197520No printers are installed. To install a printer, point to Settings on the Windows Start menu, click Printers, and then double-click Add Printer. Follow the instructions in the wizard.
197521Excel can publish ranges only from the active workbook.
197522The header or footer cannot be longer than 255 characters. Delete some text, or make the formatting less complex.
197523Excel cannot access the source data for the chart. The source data may be missing or may not match the values used in the chart.
197524Excel cannot publish the chart because the source data is on multiple sheets.
197525The workbook containing the chart's source data is closed and therefore cannot be accessed for Web publishing.
197526Excel cannot publish the chart interactively because a range in the source data is not a single, contiguous (rectangular) range.
197527There is not enough memory available to publish |.
197528Excel cannot publish |0 because |1 is not a valid DivID.
197529Too many files to mail.
197530Cannot load the mail service.  Check your mail installation.
197531Mail system failure.  Check your mail installation.
197532The picture is too large and will be truncated.
197533Excel cannot publish to the specified file because it is not in the expected format (a Web Page that includes a <BODY> tag). Or, the file may be corrupted.
197534The extract range has a missing or illegal field name.
197535A grouped field contains more items (over 1000) than can be saved in Microsoft Excel version 5.0 worksheet format.
197536"At least one item must be selected for display in this field.

Click OK, then select the check boxes for one or more items in the list."
197537File is not a valid wave file.
197538Recording buffer is full.
197539Cannot load wave file.
197540Cannot open waveform output device.
197541Cannot open waveform input device.
197542No help available.
197543"The sheet you are copying has cells that contain more than 255 characters. When you copy the entire sheet, only the first 255 characters in each cell are copied.

To copy all of the characters, copy the cells to a new sheet instead of copying the entire sheet."
197544No more new fonts may be applied in this workbook.
197545No more new fonts may be applied.  Please close some other documents and try again.
197546Some text formatting may have changed in this file because the maximum number of fonts was exceeded.  It may help to close other documents and try again.
197547Specify the range of cells you want to publish by selecting the range of cells on the worksheet or by typing the cell reference (including the sheet name). Example: Sheet1!A1:G15
197548Excel cannot publish a range from sheet | because the range became invalid. Choose "Range of cells" and specify the cells you want to publish.
197549|0 is on the hidden sheet |1. Excel cannot publish items from hidden sheets.
197550The |0 |1 no longer exists in the workbook.
197551The |0 no longer exists on sheet |1.
197552The |0 |1 no longer exists on sheet |2.
197553| This item will be deleted from the list of previously published items in this workbook.
197554"This workbook contains both links and query parameter references to other data sources.

• If you update the links, Excel attempts to retrieve the latest data.
• If you don't update, Excel uses the previous information.

Note that the query will not refresh unless you first open the other workbook before refreshing the query."
197555"This Web query produces different results in this version of Excel and in Excel 97.  Because the data may have been moved to a different position on the worksheet, formulas that previously referred to the data may no longer be correct.

Check the cell references in your formulas."
197556%ApplicationName% can't load the required converter.
197557%ApplicationName% can't display Help.
197558%ApplicationName% can't run this add-in.
197559Please quit Excel before shutting down.  In Excel, click Exit on the File menu.
197560You are attempting to apply an unsupported chart type to a PivotChart report.  PivotChart reports cannot use an XY (Scatter), Bubble, or Stock chart types.
197561"Do you want to save the changes to '|'?

Microsoft Excel recalculates formulas when opening files last saved by an earlier version of Excel."
197562Excel cannot update one or more links in this workbook.  To update the links, open all the link source files (Edit menu, Links command).  To be sure all calculations are updated, press F9.
197563You cannot select an item in this field by typing the item name. To select an item for display, click OK, press ESC, and then click the dropdown arrow in the cell.
197564This Web query may not save correctly as a separate file because it contains Asian, accented, or right-to-left characters.  To save your work, save the workbook containing the Web query instead.
197565Current printer is unavailable. Select another printer.
197566"This file was created in an earlier version of Excel. It contains one or more PivotTable reports based on a database that has fixed-length character fields.  Refreshing such reports may cause the fixed-length fields to lose formatting, display hidden items, or display different items if the fields are page fields.

If settings are lost, you can restore them manually and save them in the current Excel format."
197567This workbook cannot be opened under High Security Level because it contains a type of macro (Microsoft Excel 4.0 macro) that cannot be disabled or signed. To open this workbook, click Macro on the Tools menu, then click Security. In the Security dialog box, click Medium.
197568This workbook contains one or more links that cannot be updated. This workbook was also last saved with multiple sheets selected, and links cannot be fixed in this state. To fix the links, select a single sheet and then click Links on the Edit menu.
197569This command is unavailable because the license to use this application has expired.

262144Moving Average must have a period that is greater than 1 and less than 256.
262145"Microsoft Excel found an error in the formula you entered. Do you want to accept the correction proposed below?


• To accept the correction, click Yes.
• To close this message and correct the formula yourself, click No."
262146The calculated field could not be deleted because insufficient memory is available. Simplify the PivotTable report, or close other programs to free up memory, and try the operation again.
262147"Only one picture can be inserted in each section of the |.

•To replace existing picture, press Replace.
•To keep existing picture, press Keep."
262148The text you entered is not a valid reference or defined name.  Or you do not have rights to access this reference.
262149Excel was previously unable to load your toolbar customizations.  Would you like to reset your toolbars to their default state?
262150The file you selected does not contain a new Automation Server, or you do not have sufficient privileges to register the Automation Server.
262151You must restart the spelling checker for the dictionary change to take effect.
262152An unexpected error has occurred.  AutoRecover has been disabled for this session of Excel.
262153Lost data in one or more cells.
262154Renamed invalid sheet name.
262155PivotTable report '|0' on '|1' was discarded due to integrity problems.
262156A PivotTable report on '|0' was discarded due to integrity problems.
262157Repairs were made to PivotTable report '|0' on '|1'.
262158Repairs were made to a PivotTable report on '|0'.
262159Global PivotTable report information was repaired due to integrity problems.
262160Query Table '|0' on '|1' was discarded due to integrity problems.
262161A Query Table on '|0' was discarded due to integrity problems.
262162Repairs were made to Query Table '|0' on '|1'.
262163Repairs were made to a Query Table on '|0'.
262164Global Query Table information was repaired due to integrity problems.
262165Excel is unable to load the cached records for one or more PivotTable reports.  You will need to refresh those reports before they can be used again.
262166Lost data link from one or more chart series.
262167Lost data from one or more charts.
262168Lost Data Validation information in one or more sheets.
262169This workbook contains hyperlinks from one sheet to a particular location on another sheet.  These kinds of hyperlinks may not work correctly in certain browsers.  Do you want to change the hyperlinks to just point to the sheet, and not to a particular location on the sheet?
262170Would you like to cancel opening all files from your Alternate Startup File Location? (|)
262171Would you like to cancel opening all files at your XLStart location? (|)
262172Lost document summary information.
262173Excel cannot group by numeric or date intervals in fields with blank or missing data. Grouping information for some fields may be lost.
262174"One or more PivotTable reports based on external sources have been marked for update on load.

External data sources are used to import into Excel, but harmful connections can be used to access confidential information or write information back to a database.

If you trust the source of this file, press OK."
262175"Your changes could not be saved to '|0' because of a sharing violation.
Excel has created a temporary file with your changes preserved, called '|1'.
You can save the temporary file as a new name or lose your changes and all future changes."
262176ERROR: Cannot access
262177ERROR: There is protected data in
262178ERROR: There is a hidden sheet in
262179ERROR: Previously published data has been deleted from
262180ERROR: There is not enough memory to publish
262181ERROR: The file is not in proper format
262182ERROR: Cause is unknown for
262183WARNING: External references converted to values in
262184WARNING: Array formulas converted to values in
262185WARNING: Hidden formulas no longer protected in
262186WARNING: Precision as displayed option not supported in
262187WARNING: 1904 date system converted to 1900 date system in
262188The document is corrupt and cannot be opened. To try and repair it, use the Open and Repair command in the Open dialog (File menu) and select Extract Data when prompted.
262189You have interrupted the Find All command. Do you want to continue searching?
262190Do you want to replace the contents of the destination cells in |?
262191This data provider does not support totals that exclude hidden items.
262193Do&n't Update
262194Breaking links permanently converts formulas and external references to their existing values. Because this cannot be undone, you may want to save a version of this file with a new name. Are you sure you want to break links?
262195"This workbook contains links to other data sources.

- To update all linked information, click Yes.
- To keep the existing information, click No."
262196"This workbook contains both links and query parameter references to other data sources.

- To update all linked information, click Yes.
- To keep the existing information, click No.

Note that the query will not refresh unless you first open the other workbook before refreshing the query."
262197If you want to track reviewers' changes in this workbook, you need to make this workbook shared.  Do you want to save a shared version of this workbook?
262198The 'Save as Type' you chose doesn't support reviewing. Please choose a different 'Save as Type'.
262199Do you want to clear the change history and remove this workbook from shared use?
262200This document is not currently in a review cycle.
262201The current document hasn't been sent for review.
262202Excel cannot access '|'.  The document may be read-only or encrypted.
262203Lost Visual Basic project.
262204Removed one or more invalid formulas.
262205Removed invalid formats.
262206&Save temporary file
262207&Lose all changes
262208The document was saved successfully, but Excel cannot re-open it because of a sharing violation.  Please close the document and try to open it again.
262209"This data provider does not support totals that exclude hidden items.
Totals will be reset to include hidden items when the PivotTable report is updated."
262210"This workbook must be saved as a Microsoft Excel Workbook before it can be digitally signed.
Do you want to save the workbook?"
262211"This workbook must be saved as a Microsoft Excel Workbook before it can be digitally signed.  Saving will remove all existing signatures.
Do you want to save the workbook?"
262212The error check is complete for the entire sheet.
262213Removed one or more invalid names.
262214Excel encountered an error and had to remove some formatting to avoid corrupting the workbook.  Please re-check your formatting carefully.
262215FTP locations cannot be default file locations. Please enter a path that points to another location.
262216Saving will remove all digital signatures in the workbook.  Do you want to continue?
262217The file '|0' may have been changed by another user since you last saved it. In that case, what do you want to do?
262218Microsoft Excel cannot save this workbook because the control named | does not support saving. To save the workbook, delete this control, and then try the save again.
262219Microsoft Excel cannot display the results because there is not enough memory.
262220"Excel can perform checks while opening the workbook and attempt to repair any corruption it detects, or extract just the data (formulas and values) from the workbook.

• Click Repair if you want to recover as much of your work as possible.
• Click Extract Data if Excel was previously unable to repair the workbook."

262221One or more invalid conditional formats were removed from the workbook
262222This OLAP data source has no property fields available for this dimension.
262223"Data file: '|0' not found.

Would you like to connect to |1 instead?"
262224Do you want to connect to '|0'?
262225Do you want to try to connect using new connection information from the following file: '|'?
262226"You have interrupted an AutoRecover save. AutoRecover periodically
saves a backup copy of your file. Do you want to disable AutoRecover?"
262227Renamed one or more invalid names.
262228Continue adding watches?
262229Excel found errors that may cause some recovered data to be put in the wrong cells.  Please check your recovered data carefully.
262230"• Chart sheet types - Sheets will not be saved
262231"• MS Excel 4.0 Macro sheet types - Sheets will not be saved
262232"• MS Excel 5.0 Dialog sheet types - Sheets will not be saved
262233WARNING: Chart, MS Excel 4.0 Macro or Excel 5.0 Dialog sheets in
262234"Programmatic access to Visual Basic Project is not trusted
262235Cannot save document while debugging
262236This XML file cannot be opened because the system file Msxml.dll cannot be found. Please click Detect and Repair on the Help menu or reinstall Microsoft Office, and then try opening the XML file again.
262237"File cannot be opened because:
262238A DDE error has occurred, and a description of the error cannot be displayed because it is too long. If the filename or path is long, try renaming the file or copying it to a different folder.
262239"This OLAP provider does not support custom grouping.  Custom groups were previously defined for this PivotTable report.
Do you wish to retain the custom group definitions for the future?
To retain the custom group definitions, press Yes, to discard the custom group definitions, press No.  If you retain the custom group definitions, they will not be available during this session."
262240The OLAP provider does not support custom grouping.
262241The XML file you opened contained more rows or columns of data than Microsoft Excel supports. Extra rows or columns of data were ignored.
262242The file '|' already exists.  Do you want to replace the existing file?
262243'|' is not a shared workbook.  Reviewers' changes can't be merged into it.  You'll need to manually incorporate reviewers' changes.
262244The field you are dropping into the column area exceeds 255 items.  Only the first 255 items will be displayed as columns.  To include all of the field's data in your PivotTable report, drop it into a different area, such as the data area.
262245No errors were detected in '|'.  No repairs were necessary.
262246Lost ActiveX controls.
262247A sheet in the workbook you are trying to save is password protected.  Password protected sheets cannot be saved in an XML Spreadsheet.  To save this file as an XML Spreadsheet, you must first remove the password.
262248Excel has detected that you have recovered files. These files will be opened the next time you start Excel in normal mode.
262249"The stylesheet that you tried to use contains the following error preventing Excel from loading this file:
Line |0: |1, |2"
262250"You are trying to delete | that contains a locked cell. Locked cells cannot be deleted while the worksheet is protected.

To delete a locked cell, first remove protection using the Unprotect Sheet command (Tools menu, Protection submenu). You may be prompted for a password."
262251Excel has detected that '|' is a SYLK file, but cannot load it. Either the file has errors or it is not a SYLK file format. Click OK to try to open the file in a different format.
262252"This workbook contains one or more links that cannot be updated.

• To change the source of links, or attempt to update values again, click Edit Links.
• To open the workbook as is, click Continue."
262253Edit &Links...
262254This action will add | cell watches.  Do you want to continue?
262255Cannot find the aclui.dll, which is an operating system file.
262256This action exceeds the number of page breaks you can manually add to a worksheet. A worksheet can contain up to 1026 horizontal page breaks.
262257This workbook contains hyperlinks on shapes that point inside of the workbook.  These kinds of hyperlinks may not work correctly in certain browsers.  Do you want to remove these hyperlinks?
262258Excel cannot display this PivotTable report. The row area has more than 65,536 items, or the column area has more than 16,384 items.
262259Excel has completed its search and has made | replacements.
262260This word contains invalid characters and cannot be added.
262261You must enter a title for the range.
262262a row
262263a column
262264FTP and ODMA locations cannot be default file locations. Please enter a path that points to another location..
262265This workbook may contain formulas with references that Excel cannot recover. Do you want Excel to convert these formulas to values, or recover as much of the formulas as possible?
262266Cannot share '|' because it contains array formulas that are linked to other workbooks.
262267This XML file cannot be opened because of an error. Check to make sure the file is a valid XML file, and that the XML syntax is correct. You can also try re-creating the file and closing other applications before you attempt to open it again.
262268The workbook you are trying to save is password protected.  Password protected workbooks cannot be saved in an XML Spreadsheet.  To save this file as an XML Spreadsheet, you must first remove the password.
262269The target for a Range.Value(xlRangeValueXMLSpreadsheet) property set cannot be a discontiguous range.
262270The OLAP provider returned an unexpected number of dimensions.
262271"You cannot place a field that has more than 8,000 items in the column area.

If you want to use this field in the report, click OK, and then move the field to the row or page area."
262272This workbook was opened read-only.  For this reason, digital signatures cannot be added or removed.
262273Lost supporting data on one or more objects.
262274A range with the title '|' already exists. Please enter a new title for the range.
262275"Excel found data next to your selection, but you do not have sufficient permissions to change those cells.

Do you wish to continue with the current selection?"
262276The password you entered does not allow access to all of the cells you have selected.  Click OK, and then try another password or edit one cell at a time.
262277The title '|' contains illegal characters. Range titles may only contain letters, numbers, and spaces, and must begin with a letter.
262278"That command cannot be performed on a protected sheet because the source data for this PivotTable report requires a data refresh.

To remove protection from the sheet, click the sheet tab, point to Protection on the Tools menu, and then click Unprotect Sheet. Then try the command again."
262279Proofing tools are not installed. Please re-run Office setup.
262280Separator or menu key must be one character.
262281"Embedding of smart tags is turned off for this workbook. Smart tags that have been recognized will not be saved.

Would you like to turn on embedding of smart tags for this workbook?"
262282This PivotTable list could not be imported correctly by Excel and data may have been lost. If you need to work with this data in Excel, contact the author of the Web page for information about connecting to the original data source.
262283Some of the cells you are trying to change are password protected, but no one password will allow access to all of the cells. Click OK, and then try editing one cell at a time.
262284To save as XML Spreadsheet, you must have at least one worksheet in this workbook. Chart sheets, MS Excel 4.0 Macro sheets, and MS Excel 5.0 Dialog sheets are not supported.
262285To publish the entire workbook as an interactive web page, you must have at least one worksheet in this workbook.  Chart sheets, MS Excel 4.0 Macro sheets, and MS Excel 5.0 sheets are not supported.
262286Are you sure you want to delete '|'?
262287The password is too long.  Please type a shorter one.
262288The command you selected is not available from this shortcut menu.
262289too few
262290too many
262291This workbook has lost its VBA project, ActiveX controls and any other programmability-related features.
262292"Unknown error.
262294"Line |0, Position |1.
262295"You are attempting to put both grouped items and property fields in the same dimension.  This action is not supported.  After clicking OK:

• If you want to display property fields, first ungroup any grouped items in the dimension.

• If you want to display grouped items, first hide any property fields in the dimension."
262296There was a problem with the structure of the OLAP cube.
262297Excel was unable to add named range '|' to your workbook.
262298Excel received data from the source database that could not all be displayed. You may be able to display the data by clicking the Refresh Data button on the PivotTable toolbar.
262299The real-time data server '|' is not responding. Would you like Microsoft Excel to attempt to restart the server?
262300"Excel cannot open this file. The encryption type used is not available, contact the author of the file.
More encryption types are available using the High Encryption Pack."

262301To get data from a Web Page into Microsoft Excel, you must open Excel as an independent application and then perform a Web Query.
262302Macros are disabled because the security level is set to High and a digitally signed Trusted Certificate is not attached to the macros. To run the macros, change the security level to a lower setting (not recommended), or request the macros be signed by the author using a certificate issued by a Certificate Authority.
262303The workbook you selected has no data available to import.  See the author of the workbook for more information or select a different workbook.
262304This document cannot be checked in.
262305This document cannot be checked out.
262306The check out cannot be undone..
262307Discarded range protection data.
262308Discarded sheet protection settings.
262309Repaired cell comments.
262310Repaired minor file corruption.
262311This workbook has been password protected with an XOR encryption scheme and cannot be shared in this region. To enable sharing, please change the encryption scheme.
262312Microsoft Excel may not be able to properly open the XML Spreadsheet file you have saved, because at least one sheet contains more than 65,550 formulas that refer to defined names or cells on other sheets.
262313Because this workbook was repaired, it cannot be shared until you save it. Please save the workbook, and then share it.
327680Discarded list data.
327681Discarded sheet list settings.
327682A list cannot overlap another list.
327683The worksheet range for the list data must be on the active worksheet.
327684A list cannot overlap a range that contains a PivotTable report, query results, protected cells or another list.
327685Data will be removed from a Query Table with uncommitted changes.  Uncommitted changes will be lost, do you want to continue save?
327686The Query Table or SharePoint list is too big to fit on the sheet – operation aborted.
327687A PivotTable report cannot overlap a list.
327688Do you want to convert the list to a normal range?
327689One or more columns in the data source have not been imported into Excel.
327690Cannot modify the contents of a list total row.
327691"XML Data Tables are locked for editing while in design mode.

Click on 'Finish' on the structured Document task pane, then you can edit data in an XML Data Table."
327692Cannot complete operation: You are attempting to change a portion of a list row or column in a way that is not allowed.  This may occur when attempting to re-arrange cells within a list that affect other list cells in an unexpected way.
327693Cannot map elements on top of each other
327694Cannot paste due to list cells included in the destination range.
327695Cannot allow operation:  This operation is attempting to shift cells in a list on your worksheet.  You may need to move one or more lists manually before this will succeed.
327696Cannot make changes to a list when multiple sheets are selected.
327697This workbook contains one or more lists.  All lists must be removed from the workbook before it can be shared.
327698Header, insert, and total rows cannot be deleted. You must convert the list to a range in order to delete the specified row.
327699Cannot insert rows below the Insert row of a list.
327700Cannot complete operation: A list cannot overlap with a PivotTable report, query results, list, or merged cells.
327701Cannot complete operation: Operations (such as resize, paste, fill and clear) which include cells both inside and outside of a list range, or overlap multiple lists are not allowed.
327702"Cannot complete the paste or fill operation. This has been caused by one of the following conditions:

• You have copied cells inside and below your list. When you do this, you cannot paste the cells within the same list. Select a cell outside of your list and retry the paste operation.
• You have attempted to fill data from the Total row into the Insert row."
327703The range you have specified is invalid. The headers must remain in the same row and the resulting list must overlap the original list. The list must contain a header row, and at least one row of data. Please specify a valid list.
327704Cannot resize a list down when insert or total rows are showing, and a feature such as a PivotTable report, array formula, or merged cell below the list overlaps the list column boundaries.
327705Cannot resize a list with a boundary adjacent to a hidden row or column.
327706Cannot resize a single-cell XML list.
327707Because the total row is turned on, resizing this list will overwrite the data in |.  Do you want to proceed?
327708When an entire list is selected, autofill operations are only allowed within and to the right of the list.
327709When an entire list is selected, autofill operations are only allowed within and to the left of the list.
327710Field names for lists linked to Windows SharePoint Services cannot be changed in Excel.
327711Cannot complete operation: Select the entire list, including the insert and total row if present, and retry the operation.
327712Can not find an XML list mapped to this schema
327713You cannot map both single elements and repeating collections to the same cell range.
327714The operation cannot be completed because the cell or list column is already mapped.
327715An element is already mapped at this location.  Elements cannot overlap.
327716Cannot shift cells in a filtered range or list
327717This operation is only allowed on worksheets.
327718This operation will discard any pending changes. Changes will not be updated on the SharePoint site. This operation cannot be undone. Do you want to continue?
327719The list name may not contain '[', ']', or ';#'.  These characters will be removed from the name.
327720You cannot make changes to this list until you refresh it with Windows SharePoint Services. Alternatively, you can unlink the list to make your changes.
327721SharePoint lists can only be resized to include or exclude rows of data.  You cannot change the header row or the range of columns when resizing this list.
327722Operation is invalid when the total row is visible.
327723Cannot make changes to the SharePoint list. Discard changes and refresh the page before making further changes to the list. Alternatively, you can unlink the list from Windows SharePoint Services.
327724Cannot connect to Windows SharePoint Services. Before making changes to the list, you must either connect to the SharePoint site or unlink the list.
327725Cannot create this list while the AutoFilter command is turned on.  Creating a list from a range without headers may cause cells to be inserted, which is not allowed above an AutoFiltered range.  Turn the AutoFilter off, or create the list using the 'My list has headers' option.
327726This operation is attempting to change a filtered range on your worksheet and cannot be completed.  To complete this operation, AutoFilters in the sheet need to be removed.
327727One or more formulas are referencing the total row. Turning off the total row may cause these formulas to return unexpected results. Do you wish to continue?
327728This method or property cannot be used because some part of this range includes a list, or there are multiple selected sheets.
327729This list has hidden columns or read-only columns that require data but for which no default value has been specified. Existing rows in this list may therefore be edited, but new rows cannot be inserted.
327730This list is linked to a SharePoint document library.  You may edit existing document rows, but you may not add or insert additional records, or commit changes to folder information.
327731Editing cells in this rich text column may cause the loss of some formatting. Do you want to edit the cells anyway?
327732"The following features from your workbook will not be saved in the Web page.
Do you want to continue saving as a Web Page?"
327733"This workbook contains one or more lists with pending changes to Windows SharePoint Services; this normally happens when you have been editing a list and then save before you synchronize that list with the SharePoint site.
Click Yes if you made these changes or want to load the workbook with the connection to the SharePoint site.
Click No if you did not make these changes or do not want to load the workbook with the connection to the SharePoint site.
Click Cancel if you do not wish to load this workbook."
327734The | column is a read-only column that cannot be modified.
327735Cannot create a list in the last row of the workbook.  Lists need at least two rows, one for the list header, and one for the insert row.
327736Cannot resize lists on a protected worksheet.
327737Query results cannot overlap a list.  Please select another destination.
327738You cannot delete or move a column outside of the list for lists that are linked to Windows SharePoint Services.
327739You cannot copy or move a group of sheets that contain a list.
327740The list contains a string that is too long for Excel to publish. You must shorten strings that contain a large amount of text and formatting before publishing the list.
327741The list contains a string that is too long for Excel to display. If you edit the long value some data may be lost.
327742Cannot map the selected elements to |0, because the XML map is not attached to |1.
327743This element has already been mapped. An element cannot be mapped more than once.
327744Cannot export XML data. The XML maps in this workbook are not exportable.
327745This element has not been mapped. Continue?
327746Data will be lost due to this action. Continue?
327747Permission to the workbook you are referencing is currently restricted.
327748Permission to this workbook is currently restricted.
327749Cannot insert Excel 4.0 macros in a restricted workbook.
327750This workbook contains Excel 4.0 macros. If you would like to restrict permission to this document, you need to remove these macros.

327751Permission to this workbook is currently restricted. If you save in this format, any restrictions to this workbook will be removed. Are you sure you want to continue?
327752Permission to save in this format is currently restricted.
327753Permission to link to a picture of a workbook with restricted permission is currently restricted.
327754Cannot print this file. Permission to the file is currently restricted.
327755This cannot be used or changed while a list is using this QueryTable.
327756"XML Import Error:

Some data failed to import."
327757"XML Import Error:

Import failed."
327758"XML Import Error:

The data extends beyond the worksheet's valid range"
327759The range specified is invalid.
327760The operation cannot be completed because the result would overlap an existing XML mapping.
327761The operation cannot be completed because the result would overlap an existing list.
327762Cannot map XML elements in a shared workbook.
327763The operation cannot be completed because the result would overlap an external data range or PivotTable.
327764The selected range contains an XML mapping that will be lost if the range is merged. Continue?
327765XML elements cannot be mapped when multiple sheets are selected.
327766The number of elements exceeds the number of columns available in the worksheet. Some data will be truncated.
327767"The XML data was successfully exported. The data is not valid according to its schema.

Click Details for more information."
327768"The operation cannot be completed because the XML map is corrupt.

To fix this problem, remove the associated XML map from the workbook and then add the XML map back to the workbook."
327769"The following XML schema elements and structures will not be added to your workbook:


Do you want to continue adding this schema to your workbook?"
327770"The XML schema could not be added to your workbook because it contains the following elements and structures:

327771" - any
- anyAttribute
- Substitution groups
- Abstract elements
- Recursive structures"
327772Multi-cell array formulas are not allowed in XML mappings.
327773(TBD) XL XML Pro SKU only!
327774Multi-cell array formulas are not allowed in lists.
327775Cannot connect to the server at this time. Your list cannot be published.
327776This feature cannot modify cells within the header, insert row, total row, read-only columns, or calculated columns in a list.
327777You cannot shift all the rows out of a list.
327778The range that you are attempting to move is referenced in a calculated column.  The data will be moved, but the formula that references the data will not be updated to the new location.
327779If you delete this XML map, you will no longer be able to import or export XML data using this XML map.
327780Cannot share '|' because privacy has been enabled on this workbook. To share this workbook, disable the privacy option on the Security tab of the Options dialog box, which is found on the Tools menu.
327781The privacy options cannot be enabled because this is a shared workbook. To enable privacy, you must first disable workbook sharing in the Share Workbook dialog box, which is found on the Tools menu.
327782There is already a map with that name in the workbook. Please type another name and try again.
327783"The specified name is invalid. Possible reasons are:

• The name exceeds 255 characters
• The name contains one or more of the following characters: \ / : * ? "" < > |
• The name contains one or more trailing spaces
• The name is blank"
327784An unexpected error has occurred. Your list cannot be published.
327785Cannot get the list schema column collection from the SharePoint list.
327786Cannot get the list schema column from the SharePoint list.
327787Cannot get the list schema column property from the SharePoint list.
327788Cannot get the interface to ListSessionExtension.
327789Cannot create SharePoint list.
327790Cannot get the list schema property from the SharePoint list.
327791Cannot save the list schema change to the SharePoint list.
327792Cannot create a new column on the SharePoint list schema.
327793Cannot set this column property to the SharePoint list schema.
327794Cannot add a column to the SharePoint list schema column collection.
327795Cannot get the interface to ListDSOExtension.
327796Cannot get the interface to RowsetChange.
327797Cannot get the interface to RowsetUpdate.
327798Cannot find the next row in the SharePoint list.
327799Cannot set data to SharePoint list.
327800Cannot insert rows in SharePoint list.
327801Cannot update the list to Windows SharePoint Services.
327802Cannot delete rows from the SharePoint list.
327803Cannot get the interface to RowSetConflict.
327804Cannot get original data from the SharePoint site.
327805Cannot get the interface to Server Error.
327806Cannot get pending rows status from list provider.
327807Cannot apply conflict data to the SharePoint list.
327808Cannot resynchronize the hidden version of a pending row to the SharePoint list by the list provider.
327809The specified list name is already in use on this server. You must rename the list before publishing it to the server.
327810The list does not exist. It may have been deleted by another user.
327811Cannot use this list functionality on a protected worksheet.
327812The PivotTable cannot connect to the SharePoint list.
327813"Shared workbooks cannot contain lists. You must either turn off sharing or disable the list functionality for this workbook.
In either case, data entered into workbook will be preserved.

To turn off sharing and open the workbook with the list intact, click OK.
To remove the list functionality and open the shared workbook, click Cancel."
327814If you save this file in Excel 2002 or earlier you will be forced to discard changes and refresh the list when you reload.
327815The workbook has been changed in a previous version of Microsoft Excel.  You will need to Discard Changes and Refresh, in order to continue using any lists connected to Windows SharePoint Services.
327816You cannot change or delete the name that was created to bind this list to the SharePoint site.
327817Cannot update changes while there are data validation errors in this list.
327818You do not have permissions to create the list on this server.
327819Another user has changed the structure of the list.  Your changes can no longer be published to the SharePoint list.
327820Your list contains a lookup column that exceeds 65,534 items, that column will be read only when editing in Excel.
327821Cannot connect to the server at this time. Your list cannot be published.
327822A timeout occurred while communicating with the server. Your list cannot be published.
327823The Server is busy at this time.  Your list cannot be published.
327824A timeout occurred while communicating with the server. Changes to your data cannot be saved.
327825Cannot connect to the server at this time. Changes to your data cannot be saved.
327826Your selection contains one or more query tables.  Do you want to convert the selection to a list and remove all query table connections?
327827A list cannot be created because a query table included in your selection is refreshing its data.  Either cancel the refresh or wait for it to complete, and then try again.
327828The server is busy at this time. Changes to your data cannot be saved.
327829An unexpected error has occurred. Changes to your data cannot be saved.
327830Client components for Windows SharePoint Services are not available.  You will not be able to edit lists connected to a SharePoint site.
327831You do not have adequate permissions to modify this list. Changes to your data cannot be saved.
327832Microsoft Excel did not find anything to fax.
327833The XML data source you chose is not valid.
327834Caution: You are attempting to save a shared workbook that is also protected with a password. Portions of the file, including the change history, will not be encrypted. To help ensure the security of your file, unshare the workbook or delete the change history from the document. Do you want to save the file?
327835The file is corrupt and cannot be opened.
327836'|' is a protected workbook. Protected workbooks cannot be compared side by side.
327837'|' needs to be a worksheet, a dialog sheet, or a macro sheet to compare side by side.
327838Delete all ink annotations in this workbook?
327839This will permanently remove the data source definition from the XML map. Continue?
327840The data that you are attempting to map contains formatting that is incompatible with the format specified in the worksheet.
327841Error checking is complete.  No more validation errors have been found.  To submit your changes to Windows SharePoint Services, use the Synchronize List command.
327842This list contains one or more cells with invalid data for the column it is contained in.  Use Error Checking to find and correct the invalid entries before attempting to commit changes again.
327843"The specified range is invalid due to one or more of the following reasons:

•The range refers to cells in more than one column.
•The range contains mapped cells from more than one XML map.
•The range contains both mapped and unmapped cells.
•The range contains both list and non-list cells.
•The range is not contiguous."
327844The SelectionNamespace is invalid. SelectionNamespace must be a space-delimited string of namespaces having the following form: xmlns:<prefix>='<URI>' (for example, xmlns:x='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel')
327845Data could not be imported. The structure of the data does not match the structure of the XML map.
327846The map could not be exported, so the data was not exported. Use XmlMap.IsExportable to determine whether the map can be exported.
327847Data cannot be imported because no existing XML maps have the same structure, and no destination was specified for creating a new XML map.
327848The specified root-element name does not exist in the provided schema.
327849Invalid file reference. The path to the file is invalid, or one or more of the referenced schemas could not be found.
327850This XPath has already been mapped.  The same XPath cannot be mapped more than once for the same XML map.

327851The XML map name is too long. Make sure the XML map name is no longer than 255 characters.
327852Cannot open the file because the specified file name is too long. Rename the file with less than 256 characters.
327853The specified XML Spreadsheet could not be opened.
327854This version of Excel cannot open the requested file because the workbook is enabled for sharing.
327855"This operation connects to an external data source.

External data sources are used to import data into Excel, but harmful connections can be used to access confidential information or write information back to a database.

If you trust the source of this file press OK."
327856The cell or chart you are trying to change is read-only and cannot be edited in this version of Excel.
327857"Continuing this operation will delete some XML map information from |0. |1 may no longer function as expected.

Click OK to continue with the operation, or Cancel to stop the operation."
327858The XML map corresponding to the active cell is not exportable. Please select another map.
327859This workbook contains embedded objects. Microsoft Excel may not be able to remove personal information from these objects.
327860Cannot import data because the XML map | is corrupt. To fix this problem, remove | from the workbook and then add the map back to the workbook.
327861Saving the file as XML Data will result in the loss of worksheet features such as formatting, pictures, and objects.  If you want to preserve your entire worksheet click Cancel, then save as Microsoft Excel Workbook.
327862The changes you made to this query, such as choosing a different data object or changing columns, have altered the original schema. To use these changes you will have to insert the new query. The original query will remain where it is currently located. To insert the new query, click OK. To discard the new query, click Cancel.
327863Cannot change the XML mapping for the specified object, because it is already bound to an XML map. Use the Clear method to remove the XML mapping from the specified object.
327864This workbook was last saved by an earlier version of Excel.
327865The following data may have been lost:
327866Microsoft Excel cannot find the data you are searching for, but has detected that your search contains formatting symbols. Try changing the search Options to "Look in: Values".
327867"The Repeating parameter is invalid.
The Repeating parameter cannot be False if the selected range lies within a list column or contains more than one cell."
327868The option to remove personal information from this workbook is not available for shared workbooks. That privacy option has therefore been unchecked in this workbook.
327869The operation cannot be completed because the XPath of one or more elements exceeds 32,000 characters.
327870The operation cannot be completed because the root element name of the XML data exceeds 32,000 characters.
327871One of the XML lists could not grow to accommodate all of the data. Possible causes for this are other lists, PivotTables, external data ranges, or merged cells that reside below the XML list.
327872Import error. No data was imported.
327873The XML map information in this worksheet will not be moved or copied to the newly created worksheet. Continue?
327874"The change history for this workbook is corrupt. Without removing the workbook from shared use, Excel may not be able to load the workbook, and you will not be able to save changes or remove the workbook from shared use later. If you remove the workbook from shared use now, the change history will be lost, and any other users editing the workbook will not be able to save their changes.

Do you want to remove the workbook from shared use?"
327875This worksheet contains hidden rows or columns that the recipient can unhide. Do you wish to continue?
327876The formula you typed contains an error.
327877The formula you typed contains an error.
327878You've entered an incorrect number of arguments for this function.
327879Microsoft Excel cannot use the number format you typed.
327880"Microsoft Excel cannot calculate a formula. Cell references in the formula refer to the formula's result, creating a circular reference. Try one of the following:

• If you accidentally created the circular reference, click OK. This will display the Circular Reference toolbar.
• To continue leaving the formula as it is, click Cancel."
327881Your file could not be printed due to an error on |.
327882You cannot change, move a part of, or insert cells in a PivotTable report.
327883You cannot use this command on a protected sheet.
327884"|0 may contain features that are not compatible with |1.  Do you want to keep the workbook in this format?

• To keep this format, which leaves out any incompatible features, click Yes.
• To preserve the features, click No. Then save a copy in the latest Excel format."
327885"Microsoft Excel cannot determine which row in your list or selection contains column labels, which are required for this command.

• If you want the first row of the selection or list used as labels and not as data, click OK.
• If you selected a subset of cells in error, select a single cell, and try the command again.
• To create column labels, click Cancel, and enter a text label at the top of each column of data."
327886Excel cannot open Access .mdb files directly.
327887Excel cannot open FoxPro .dbc files.
327888You must specify a data field. The available fields appear on the right side of the Layout dialog box.
327889"You are no longer connected to this file.  Another user may have removed you from it, or saved over it.

To preserve your unsaved work, click OK."
327890|0 cannot be merged into the current workbook.
327891Microsoft Query could not be started because it isn't installed.
327892"This file is not in a recognizable format.

• If you know the file is from another program which is incompatible with Microsoft Excel, click Cancel, then open this file in its original application. If you want to open the file later in Microsoft Excel, save it in a format that is compatible, such as text format.
• If you still want to see what text is contained in the file, click OK. Then click Finish in the Text Import Wizard."
327893The PivotTable report was saved without the underlying data.
327894Shared Lists from Microsoft Excel 95 must be opened read-only.
327895Microsoft Excel cannot create a PivotTable report from your source data.
327896Some text formatting may have changed in this file because the maximum number of fonts was exceeded.  It may help to close other documents and try again.
327897This selection is not valid.
327898This XML file cannot be opened because the system file Msxml.dll cannot be found.
327899"This command requires at least two rows of source data. You cannot use the command on a selection in only one row.

If you're using an advanced filter, select a range of cells that contains at least two rows of data. Then click the Advanced Filter command again."
327900This VBA property or method is only available in XML power pack edition.
327901"Cannot save XML data because the workbook does not contain any XML mappings.

Click Help for more information."
327902No data was imported because no elements have been mapped. Use Range.XPath.SetValue to map XML elements onto the worksheet.
327903Cannot display XML Source pane. The XML map specified must be from the active workbook.
327904Cannot complete the operation using the specified XML map. The map is not attached to this workbook.
327905The XML map that you have selected does not contain any data. To export, at least one mapped element must contain data.
327906Operation cancelled by user.
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