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282|9 can't find the specified application and topic because it can't open the DDE channel.@Make sure that the other application is running, the topic in the source application is open, and the names of the application and topic are spelled correctly in the DDE conversation definition.@@1@@1
285The other application can't perform the DDE function or retrieval you attempted.@The other application doesn't recognize the data or commands you supplied, or it doesn't recognize the item argument, based on the defined topic of the conversation.@Check the application's documentation to see what data or commands it recognizes.@1@@1
286"The other application in the DDE conversation isn't responding in the time specified by the OLE/DDE Timeout setting.@* The other application may be waiting for a response from the user. Switch to that application and close the dialog box, or take an action appropriate to the message it is displaying.
* The OLE/DDE Timeout setting may be too low for the computer's speed. Increase the value by using the Advanced tab of the Options command on the Tools menu.
* The other application may be too busy to respond to DDE messages. Execute the DoEvents function before performing this DDE conversation.@@1@@1"
288The other application in the DDE conversation is busy and can't perform a DDE operation.@Wait until the other application is free, or execute the DoEvents statement, and then start the DDE operation again.@@1@@1
289"The other application indicated that it was supplying data in a DDE conversation but didn't provide the data.@* The other application may be busy.
* You may be requesting too much data at one time.
* Another user may have locked access to the other application.@@1@@1"
291The other application in the DDE conversation quit unexpectedly.@Restart the other application before reinitiating the DDE conversation.@@1@@1
292"The DDE conversation was interrupted.@* You may have passed an incorrect channel number to a DDE function or statement.
* The other application may be closed or it unexpectedly changed the DDE conversation.
* |9 may have issued a DDETerminate or DDETerminateAll statement.@Terminate this conversation, and then try to establish a new conversation with the other application.@1@@1"
295"|9 was unable to keep up with the number of DDE conversations attempted; the DDE request was lost.@* There were too many DDE conversations.
* There were too many linked OLE server applications open.
* There was too much code executing in the event procedures because of incoming DDE data.@Reduce the amount of code being run as a result of DDE changes, or execute the DoEvents statement.@1@@1"
298"The DDE exchange failed.@Your version of |9 needs to be reinstalled. You may not have the correct version of the dynamic-link library Ddeml.@Run Setup to reinstall |9. If you want to preserve your security or custom settings, back up the |9 workgroup information file.
For more information on backing up files, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'backing up files'.@1@@3"
2001You canceled the previous operation.@@@1@5738@1
2002You tried to perform an operation involving a function or feature that was not installed in this version of |9.@@@1@@1
2004There isn't enough memory to perform this operation. Close unneeded programs and try the operation again.
2005"There isn't enough free memory to start |9.@Close unneeded programs and try again.
For information on freeing memory, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, troubleshooting'.@@1@@3"
2006The object name '|' you entered doesn't follow |9 object-naming rules.@For more information about naming objects, click Help.@@2@611734@1
2007"You already have an open database object named '|.'@Use a different name for each database object of the same type.
If you want this object to replace the original object, close the original object, and then save this object using the same name.
For more information on renaming a database object, click Help.@@2@209043@1"
2008You can't delete the database object '|' while it's open.@Close the database object, and then delete it.@@1@@1
2009You can't rename the database object '|' while it's open.@Close the database object, and then rename it.@@1@@1
2010You can't delete the database object '|' while it's open.@Close the database object, and then delete it.@@1@@1
2011The password you entered is incorrect.
2014You have given this |1 the same name as an existing |2 in your database.@You can't give a table and a query the same name.@Give this object a name that isn't already used by another table or query.@1@@1
2015"There are no registered wizards of this type.@Rerun Microsoft Access or Microsoft Office Setup to reinstall the wizards. If you want to preserve your security or custom settings, back up the |9 workgroup information file.
For more information on backing up files, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'backing up files'.@@1@@1"
2016You can't modify the attributes of System Tables.
2017Microsoft helps protect this Visual Basic for Applications Project with a password. You must supply the password in the Visual Basic Editor before you can perform this operation.@@@1@@1
2018The data access page name '|' you entered is misspelled or refers to a data access page that isn't open or doesn't exist.@@@1@@1
2019The number you used to refer to the data access page is invalid.@Use the Count property to count the open data access pages and make sure that the page number is not greater than the number of open data access pages minus one.@@1@2019460@1
2020The data access page theme name '|' you entered is misspelled or refers to a theme name that doesn't exist.@@@1@@1
2021One or more operators in the filter expression is invalid.@For a valid list of operators refer to the help file@@1@@1
2022You entered an expression that requires a data access page to be the active window.@@@1@5601@1
2023The file name you specified for the data access page already exists.@@@1@5601@1
2024The report snapshot was not created because you don't have enough free disk space for temporary work files.@To fix this, free up disk space (for example, empty the Recycle Bin or delete unnecessary files).@@1@@1
2025The file is not in the correct format for a Microsoft Access project.@@@1@@1
2026Your computer is missing at least one of the Microsoft Access 97 object libraries.  Your converted database will not work until you open this database using Access 97 and then fix any missing references. @Press OK to continue saving this database in the Access 97 format with missing references, or press Cancel if you no longer wish to save this database.@@4@@2
2027This operation is not supported for Microsoft Access 1.X databases.@@@1@@1
2028|9 was unable to close the database object.
2029Microsoft Office applications cannot suspend while you have documents open from a network location.  Exit the applications or close the open documents and try again.
2030The Microsoft Access project '|' will be opened read-only because one of the following occurred:@The file is locked for editing by another user, or the file (or the folder in which it is located,) is marked as read-only, or you specified that you wanted to open this file read-only.@@1@@1
2031You can't convert or enable an MDE file.@@@1@@1
2032Some errors happened during the conversion. No converted database was generated.@@@1@@1
2033Name conflicts with existing module, project, or object library.@@@1@@1
2034Cannot Compile Project.@@@1@@1
2035Cannot Load Project of wrong version.@@@1@@1
2036Microsoft Access does not support using ADP Projects when running in Runtime Mode.@@@1@@1
2037|9 could not perform name AutoCorrect during this operation.  The 'Log name AutoCorrect' option is set, but the Data and Misc. Objects is not checked out.@@@1@@3
2038The file '|' cannot be opened because it has been locked by another user.
2039You cannot convert a workgroup file from Microsoft Access2000 to Access 97. You must create new security settings in Access 97.
2040|9 can't run.@@@1@@3
2041|9 couldn't find file '|'.  This file is required for startup.
2042A system error occurred, or there isn't enough free memory to start |9. Close unneeded programs and try again.
2043|9 can't find the database file '|.'@Make sure you entered the correct path and file name.@@1@@1
2044You can't exit |9 now.@If you're running a Visual Basic module that is using OLE or DDE, you may need to interrupt the module.@@1@@1
2045The command line you used to start |9 contains an option that |9 doesn't recognize.@Exit and restart |9 using valid command-line options.@@1@@1
2046"The command or action '|' isn't available now.@* You may be in a read-only database or an unconverted database from an earlier version of |9.
* The type of object the action applies to isn't currently selected or isn't in the active view.@Use only those commands and macro actions that are currently available for this database.@1@@1"
2048"There isn't enough free memory to open the file '|.'@Close unneeded programs and try again.
For more information on freeing memory, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, troubleshooting'.@@1@@1"
2049The Tahoma font is not present.  To restore it, please run Detect and Repair from the Help menu.
2050Enter an OLE/DDE Timeout setting from 0 through 300 seconds.

2051The object name '|1' can't be longer than |2 characters according to |9 object-naming rules.@@@1@@1
2052There isn't enough free memory to update the display. Close unneeded programs and try again.
2053The command name can't be blank.@Please choose a name.@@1@@1
2054|9 is unable to load the Visual Basic for Applications dynamic-link library (DLL) Vbe6.@Rerun the |9 Setup program.@@1@@3
2055The expression '|' you entered is invalid.@@@1@311732@1
2056|9 can't supply context-sensitive Help.@@@1@@1
2057There isn't enough stack memory left to perform the operation.@The operation is too complicated. Try simplifying the operation.@@1@@3
2058"The file '|' is incompatible. |9 needs to be reinstalled.@Run Setup to reinstall |9. If you want to preserve your security or custom settings, back up the |9 workgroup information file.
For more information on backing up files, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'backing up files'.@@1@@3"
2059Microsoft Access cannot find the object '|'.@Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name correctly.@@1@@1
2060You can't create a field list based on the action query '|.'@Action queries don't have fields. A form or report must be based on a table, or on a select or crosstab query.@Change the RecordSource property for the form or report, or open the action query and change it to a select query.@1@209232@1
2061Enter a zero or greater-than-zero number for this option.@@@1@@1
2062The command name must be shorter than 255 Characters.@Please choose a name.@@1@@1
2063|9 can't create, open, or write to the index file '|'; the information (.inf) file it uses to keep track of dBASE indexes.@The index file may be damaged, or you may not have read/write permission for the network drive you're trying to link to.@You can link to the dBASE file without specifying any dBASE indexes, but the existing indexes will not be used with the linked table.@1@@1
2064The menu bar value '|' is invalid.@You supplied an argument to the DoMenuItem method that refers to a menu bar that is invalid.@Use an intrinsic constant or numeric value that refers to a valid menu bar value, such as acFormbar.@1@611895@1
2065The name for the menu, command, or subcommand you entered is invalid.@You supplied an argument to the DoMenuItem method that refers to a menu name, command, or subcommand that is invalid.@Use an intrinsic constant or numeric value that refers to a valid menu, command, or subcommand value, such as acRecordsMenu.@1@611895@1
2066A video adapter resolution of at least 640 x 480 pixels is required to run |9.
2067"A menu bar macro can only be run if the menu bar macro name is the setting used by particular properties or options.@You tried to run a menu bar macro containing the AddMenu action.
Set one of the following properties or options to the name of the menu bar macro:
* The MenuBar property of a form or report.
* The ShortcutMenuBar property of a form, report, or control.
* The Menu Bar or Shortcut Menu Bar option in the Startup dialog box.
This error also occurs if |9 attempts to run a menu bar macro containing an AddMenu action that follows an action that makes some other object the active object. For example, the OpenForm action.@@2@603704@1"
2068The selected item is customized and doesn't have context-sensitive Help.@For more information on creating custom Help for a form, report, or control, click Help.@@2@110930@1
2069"The key or key combination |1 in |2 has invalid syntax or is not allowed.@Use the SendKeys syntax to specify the key or key combinations.
For the allowed key or key combinations, click Help.@@2@610144@1"
2070You already assigned the key or key combination |1 in |2 to another macro.@Only the first key or key combination will be used.@@2@610144@1
2071The Docking property can't be set to '|1' at this time.@If you want to set the Docking property to '|2', move the toolbar from its current position and try again.@@1@@1
2072Successfully imported '|'.
2073Successfully exported '|'.
2074This operation is not supported within transactions.@@@1@@1
2075This operation requires an open database.@@@1@@1
2076Successfully linked '|'.
2077This Recordset is not updatable
2078"Help isn't available due to lack of memory or improper installation of Microsoft Windows or |9.@For more information on troubleshooting a low memory problem, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, troubleshooting'.@If you need to reinstall |9, you may want to preserve your security or custom settings. To do so, back up the |9 workgroup information file.
For more information on backing up files, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'backing up files'.@1@@3"
2079Form is read-only, because the Unique Table property is not set.
2080The toolbar or menu | already exists.@Do you want to replace the existing toolbar or menu?@@19@@2
2081The Create From Macro command only works when a macro is selected in the Database window.@@@1@@1
2082Only fields from the Unique Table can be edited.
2083The database '|' is read-only.@You can't save changes made to data or object definitions in this database.@@1@@1
2084Field '|' is based on an expression and can't be edited
2085The ODBC Refresh Interval setting must be from 1 through 32,766 seconds.@@@1@@1
2086Recordset requires a form to be updatable.
2087"|9 can't display the Add-ins submenu.@The Add-ins submenu expression '|' you entered exceeds the 256-character limit.@Shorten the macroname or functionname expression in the Menu Add-ins key of the Windows Registry setting, and then restart |9.
For more information on customizing |9 settings in the Windows Registry, click Help.@2@109015@3"
2088"|9 can't display the Add-ins submenu | because a setting you entered in the Windows Registry is missing a macro name or function name expression.@@Supply the missing expression in the Menu Add-ins key of the Windows Registry, and then restart |9.
For more information on customizing |9 settings in the Windows Registry, click Help.@2@109015@3"
2089|9 can't display the same menu more than once in a menu bar.@@@1@603704@1
2090An action within the current global menu's macro group can't change the global menu bar.@|9 can't display the global menu bar because the macro called when you first set the global menu includes another action that tries to reset the global menu.@Check your menu bar macros, and make sure that you set the global menu bar only once.@1@@1
2091'|' is an invalid name.@@@1@@1
2092"The value you specified for the setting argument in the SetOption method isn't the correct type of Variant for this option.@You specified a string when |9 expected a number.@Check the Options dialog box (Tools menu) to see what type of data is required to set this particular option. For example, the setting for the Default Database Folder option must be a string. To see what type of Variant you passed to the SetOption method, use the VarType function.
For more information, search the Help index for 'Variant data type' and 'VarType function'.@1@@1"
2093The numeric value for the setting argument in the SetOption method doesn't correspond to any list box or option group settings in the Options dialog box.@Valid settings are 0 (the first item in the list) through | (the last item in the list).@@1@606210@1
2094"|9 can't find the toolbar '|.'@You tried to run a macro that includes a ShowToolbar action or a Visual Basic procedure that includes a ShowToolbar method.
* The toolbar name may be misspelled.
* This action may refer to a custom toolbar that was deleted from or renamed in the current database.
* This action may refer to a custom toolbar that exists in a different database.@@1@606458@1"
2095|9 can't switch to |.@The Microsoft application you tried to open can't be found or hasn't been installed on your computer.@@1@@3
2096"|9 can't open the Microsoft Office application because it can't find the dynamic-link library Mstool32.@Run Setup to reinstall |9. If you want to preserve your security or custom settings, back up the |9 workgroup information file.
For more information on backing up files, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'backing up files'.@@1@@3"
2097The table you tried to create an import/export specification for was created in an earlier version of |9.@Convert this database to the current version of |9 by using the Convert Database command (Tools menu, Database Utilities submenu).@@1@@1
2098The operation could not be completed because the Smart Tag '|' is not recognized by your system
2100The control or subform control is too large for this location.@The number you entered for the Left, Top, Height, or Width property is too large or is a negative number.@Reduce the size of the control or subform control, or enter a positive number.

2101The setting you entered isn't valid for this property.@To see the valid settings for this property, search the Help index for the name of the property.@@1@@1
2102The form name '|' is misspelled or refers to a form that doesn't exist.@If the invalid form name is in a macro, an Action Failed dialog box will display the macro name and the macro's arguments after you click OK. Open the Macro window, and enter the correct form name.@@1@@1
2103The report name '|' you entered in either the property sheet or macro is misspelled or refers to a report that doesn't exist.@If the invalid report name is in a macro, an Action Failed dialog box will display the macro name and the macro's arguments after you click OK. Open the Macro window, and enter the correct report name.@@1@@1
2104"You entered the control name '|,' which is already in use.@You already have a control on the form with this name, or an existing control has its name mapped to this name for Visual Basic.
Visual Basic maps spaces in control names to underscores. For example, My Control and My_Control are treated as duplicate names.@@1@611734@1"
2105You can't go to the specified record.@You may be at the end of a recordset.@@1@@1
2106| errors occurred when you loaded the form or report.@You loaded a form or report that has controls or properties that |9 doesn't recognize and will ignore.@@1@@1
2107The value you entered doesn't meet the validation rule defined for the field or control.@To see the validation rule, click Design view, click the appropriate field, and then, if the property sheet isn't open, click the Properties button on the toolbar. Then click the Data tab.@To solve this problem, enter a value that meets the validation rule, or press ESC to undo your changes.@1@211730@1
2108You must save the field before you execute the GoToControl action, the GoToControl method, or the SetFocus method.@You tried to move the focus to another control using the SetFocus method,  GoToControl action, or the GoToControl method.@Set the macro or method to the AfterUpdate property instead of the BeforeUpdate property so it saves the field before changing the focus.@1@606314@1
2109There is no field named '|' in the current record.@@@1@@1
2110"|9 can't move the focus to the control |.@* The control may be a type that can't receive the focus, such as a label.
* The control's Visible property may be set to No.
* The control's Enabled property may be set to No.@@1@603016@1"
2111"The changes you made can't be saved.@The save operation may have failed due to the temporary locking of the records by another user.
* Click OK to try again. You may need to click OK several times (or wait until the other user closes the table).
* Click Cancel if repeated attempts to save your changes fail.@@3@@1"
2112The item on the Clipboard can't be pasted into this control.@@@1@@1
2113The value you entered isn't valid for this field.@For example, you may have entered text in a numeric field or a number that is larger than the FieldSize setting permits.@@1@@1
2114|9 doesn't support the format of the file '|,' or file is too large. Try converting the file to BMP or GIF format.@@@1@@1
2115"The macro or function set to the BeforeUpdate or ValidationRule property for this field is preventing |9 from saving the data in the field.@* If this is a macro, open the macro in the Macro window and remove the action that forces a save (for example, GoToControl).
* If the macro includes a SetValue action, set the macro to the AfterUpdate property of the control instead.
* If this is a function, redefine the function in the Module window.@@1@@1"
2116The value in the field or record violates the validation rule for the record or field.@For example, you may have changed a validation rule without verifying whether the existing data matches the new validation rule.@Click Undo on the Edit menu to restore the previous value, or enter a new value that meets the validation rule for the field.@2@209121@1
2117|9 has canceled the Paste operation.@The text on the Clipboard is too long to paste into the form. For example, you may have pasted too much text into a label or entered too much text in the ColumnWidths property.@Paste smaller sections. For labels, you must paste fewer than 2,048 characters.@1@@1
2118"You must save the current field before you run the Requery action.@* If you are running a macro from the Database window, save the field first, and then run the macro.
* If the macro name is the setting of the BeforeUpdate property in a Visual Basic function, set the AfterUpdate property to the name of the macro instead.@@1@603033@1"
2119The Requery action can't be used on the control '|.'@Certain controls, such as labels and rectangles, can't receive the focus; therefore, you can't apply a Requery action to them.@@1@603033@1
2120To create a form, report or data access page using this wizard, you must first select the table or query on which the form, report or data access page will be based.@@@1@@1
2121"|9 can't open the form '|.'@It contains data that |9 doesn't recognize.
Re-create the form or, if you maintain backup copies of your database, retrieve a copy of the form.@@1@@1"
2122You can't view a form as a continuous form if it contains a subform, an ActiveX control, or a bound chart.@Set the DefaultView property of the form to Single Form, Datasheet, PivotTable, or PivotChart.@@1@@1
2123The control name you entered doesn't follow |9 object-naming rules.@@@2@611734@1
2124The form name you entered doesn't follow |9 object-naming rules.@@@2@611734@1
2125The setting for the FontSize property must be from 1 through 127.@@@1@612551@1
2126The setting for the ColumnCount property must be from 1 through 255.@@@1@600936@1
2127The setting for the BoundColumn property can't be greater than the setting for the ColumnCount property.@@@1@600839@1
2128|9 encountered errors while importing |1.@For more detailed error information, see the file '|2'.@@1@@1
2129The setting for the DefaultEditing property must be Allow Edits, Read Only, Data Entry, or Can't Add Records.@Enter 1, 2, 3, or 4 for the DefaultEditing property.@@1@@1
2130The settings for the GridX and GridY properties must be from 1 through 64.@@@1@@1
2131An expression can't be longer than 2,048 characters.@@@1@@1
2132The setting for the DecimalPlaces property must be from 0 through 15, or 255 for Auto (default).@@@1@@1
2133You can't place a form (or report) within itself.@Select or enter a different form or report to serve as the subform or subreport.@@1@@1
2134The setting for the Width property must be from 0 through 22 inches (55.87 cm).@@@1@@1
2135This property is read-only and can't be set.@@@1@@1
2136To set this property, open the form or report in Design view.@For more information on this property, search the Help index for the name of the property.@@1@@1
2137"You can't use Find or Replace now.@The fields are not searchable due to one of the following:
* The fields are controls (such as buttons or OLE objects).
* The fields have no data.
* There are no fields to search.@@1@@1"
2138You can't search the field for the specified value.@Resolve the error given in the previous error message before you attempt to search again.@@1@@1
2139You can't replace the current value of the field with the replacement text.@Resolve any errors before making further replacements.@@1@@1
2140|9 can't save the change you made to the record in the Replace operation for the reason given in the previous error message.@Click Undo Current Record on the Edit menu, or enter a new value in the field.@@1@@1
2141|9 can't find the text you specified in the Find What box.@@@1@@1
2142The FindRecord action requires a Find What argument.@You tried to run a macro set to one of the current field's properties, but you left the Find What argument blank.@When you click OK, an Action Failed dialog box will display the macro name and the macro's arguments. In the Macro window, enter text or an expression for the Find What argument, and try the Search operation again.@1@603015@1
2143You didn't specify search criteria with a FindRecord action.@In the Macro window, insert a FindRecord action before the FindNext action.@@1@603015@1
2144The setting for the ListRows property must be from 1 through 255.@@@1@604055@1
2145The ColumnWidths property setting must be a value from 0 through 22 inches (55.87 cm) for each column in a list box or a combo box.@If there is more than one column, separate the numbers with either a semicolon or the list separator character. List separator characters are defined in the Regional Settings section of Windows Control Panel.@@1@600847@1
2146|9 can't save the last change for the reason given in the previous error message.@For example, you may have entered a duplicate value in a field with an index that prohibits duplicate values.@Click Undo on the Edit menu, or enter a new value in the field.@1@@1
2147You must be in Design view to create or delete controls.@@@1@5054@1
2148The number you used to refer to the form or report section is invalid.@Make sure that the number is less than the number of sections in the form or report.@@1@@1
2149The constant you entered for the control type is invalid.@For a list of valid constants you can use to create a control, click Help.@@2@610905@1
2150This type of control can't contain other controls.@@@1@@1
2151The parent control can't contain the type of control you selected.@For example, you used the CreateControl function to designate an option group as the parent of a text box.@@1@@1
2152You can set group levels for reports only, not for forms.@@@1@@1
2153You can't specify more than 10 group levels.@@@1@@1
2154You can't call this function when the Sorting and Grouping box is open.@@@1@@1
2155|9 has encountered an error in compiling the Visual Basic code.@You don't have permission to edit code; inform someone who does have permission about this error.@@1@@1
2156|9 has encountered an error in compiling the Visual Basic code.@Do you want to view the error in its context?@@19@@2
2157The sum of the top margin, the bottom margin, the height of the page header, and the height of the page footer is greater than the length of the page you are printing on.@@@1@@1
2158You can use the Print method and the report graphics methods (Circle, Line, PSet, and Scale) only in an event procedure or a macro set to the OnPrint, the OnFormat, or the OnPage event property.@@@1@210129@1
2159"There isn't enough memory to initialize the Print method or one of the report graphics methods (Circle, Line, PSet, Scale).@Close unneeded programs and try again to print or preview the report.
For more information on freeing memory, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, troubleshooting'.

2160"|9 couldn't create the graphic or text.@An error occurred while initializing the Print method or one of the report graphics methods (Circle, Line, PSet, Scale).@Close unneeded programs and try again to print or preview the report.
For information on freeing memory, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, troubleshooting'.@1@@1"
2161The text or expression you entered doesn't match the type of data you are searching for.@Redefine the text or expression, or search in a different field.@@1@@1
2162"A macro set to one of the current field's properties failed because of an error in a FindRecord action argument.@In the Macro window, change the Search As Formatted argument to Yes. If you want the argument setting to remain No, do all of the following:
* Select No for the Match Case argument.
* Select Yes for the Only Current Field argument.
* Make sure you are searching in a bound control.@@2@603015@1"
2163The page number you used as an argument for the GoToPage action or method doesn't exist in this form.@@@1@603017@1
2164You can't disable a control while it has the focus.@@@1@5250@1
2165You can't hide a control that has the focus.@@@1@@1
2166You can't lock a control while it has unsaved changes.@@@1@@1
2167This property is read-only and can't be modified.@@@1@@1
2169"You can't save this record at this time.@|9 may have encountered an error while trying to save a record.
If you close this object now, the data changes you made will be lost.
Do you want to close the database object anyway?@@20@@2"
2170"There isn't enough memory to retrieve data for the list box.@Close unneeded programs. Then close and reopen the active form, and click the list box again.
For more information on freeing memory, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, troubleshooting'.@@1@@1"
2171You can't have more than seven nested subforms in a main form.@Remove the eigth nested subform.@@1@@1
2172You can't use a pass-through query or a non-fixed-column crosstab query as a record source for a subform or subreport.@Before you bind the subform or subreport to a crosstab query, set the query's ColumnHeadings property.@@2@209979@1
2173"The control '|' the macro is attempting to search can't be searched.@Try one of the following:
* Add a GoToControl action before the FindRecord action.
* For the FindRecord action, change the Only Current Field action argument from Yes to No.
* Change the focus to a searchable control.@@2@603015@1"
2174You can't switch to a different view at this time.@Code was executing when you tried to switch views.@If you are debugging code, you must end the debugging operation before switching views.@1@@1
2175"There isn't enough free memory to continue the Search operation.@Close unneeded programs. Then try the Search operation again.
For more information on freeing memory, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, troubleshooting'.@@1@@3"
2176The setting for this property is too long.@You can enter up to either 255 or 2,048 characters for this property, depending on the data type.@@1@@1
2177You can't insert a report into a form.@A report can be inserted only into a report.@@1@@1
2178You can't add another section now.@The maximum total height for all sections in a report, including the section headers, is 200 inches (508 cm).@Remove or reduce the height of at least one section, and then add the new section.@1@@1
2181"You can't sort on a calculated field in a form.@You can sort on a calculated field only in a query.@Create a calculated field in a query, sort the field, and then base the form on the query.
Because the query must execute before the form opens, the form will open more slowly.@1@@1"
2182You can't sort on this field.@@@1@@1
2183|9 can't create an object of the type requested.@You are trying either to create a form from a report that has been saved as text, or to create a report from a saved form.@@1@@1
2184The value you used for the TabIndex property isn't valid. The correct values are from 0 through |.@@@2@606348@1
2185"You can't reference a property or method for a control unless the control has the focus.@Try one of the following:
* Move the focus to the control before you reference the property. In Visual Basic code, use the SetFocus method. In a macro, use the GoToControl action.
* Reference or set the property from a macro or event procedure that runs when the GotFocus event for the control occurs.@@2@606215@1"
2186This property isn't available in Design view.@Switch to Form view to access this property, or remove the reference to the property.@@1@@1
2187This property is available only in Design view.@@@1@@1
2188The object you attempted to load from text has an invalid value for the property '|1' on a |2.@@@1@@1
2189Your code contains a syntax error, or a |9 function you need isn't available.@If the syntax is correct, check the Control Wizards subkey or the Libraries key in the |9 section of the Windows Registry to verify that the entries you need are listed and available.@If the entries are correct, you need to correct the |9 Utility Add-in or the file acWzlib or this wizard has been disabled. To reenable this wizard, click About Microsoft Access on the Help menu, and then click the Disabled Items button to view a list of addins which you can enable. Rerun |9 or Microsoft Office Setup to reinstall |9. Before you reinstall, delete the Windows Registry keys for the |9 Utility Add-in and acWzlib.@1@@1
2190This property has been replaced by a new property; use the new property instead.@@@1@@1
2191You can't set the | property in print preview or after printing has started.@Try setting this property in the OnOpen event.@@1@@1
2192The bitmap you specified is not in a device-independent bitmap (.dib) format.@You tried to set the PictureData property of a form, report, button, or image control.@@1@@1
2193The left margin, right margin, or both margins are wider than the paper size specified in the Print Setup dialog box.@@@1@@1
2194You can't set the PictureData property in Datasheet view.@To see the valid settings for this property, search the Help index for 'PictureData property'.@@1@@1
2195The section name you entered doesn't follow |9 object-naming rules.@@@2@611734@1
2196"|9 can't retrieve the value of this property.@The property isn't available from the view in which you're running the macro or Visual Basic code, or |9 encountered an error while retrieving the value of the property.
To see the valid settings for this property, search the Help index for the name of the property.@@1@@1"
2197You can't set a subform control's SourceObject property to a zero-length string if you're displaying the main form in Form view.@You can set this property to a zero-length string from Design view, Datasheet view, or Print Preview.@@1@@1
2200The number you entered is invalid.@@@1@@1
2201There was a problem retrieving printer information for the |1 on |2. The object may have been sent to a printer that is unavailable.@@@@@
2202You must install a printer before you print.@To install a printer, point to Settings on the Windows Start menu, click Printers, and then double-click Add Printer. Follow the instructions in the wizard.@@1@@1
2203"The dynamic-link library Commdlg failed: error code '0x|'.@The printer driver for the selected printer may be incorrectly installed.
For information on selecting another printer or reinstalling this printer from Microsoft Windows, search the Windows Help index for 'printer setup'.@@1@@1"
2204The default printer driver isn't set up correctly.@For information on setting a default printer, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'default printer, setting'.@@1@@1
2205The default printer driver isn't set up correctly.@For information on setting a default printer, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'default printer, setting'.@@1@@1
2206The page number you entered is invalid.@For example, it may be a negative number or an invalid range, such as 6 to 3.@@1@@1
2207|9 can't print macros.@You tried to use the PrintOut action or method, but the active object is a macro.@If you want to print an object other than a macro, use the SelectObject action or method to select the desired object before you run the PrintOut action.@1@603041@1
2210|9 can't print or preview the page because the page size you selected is larger than 22.75 inches.@@@1@@1


2211    |9 can't print or preview the Debug window.@@@1@@1
2212    "|9 couldn't print your object.@Make sure that the specified printer is available.
For information on setting a default printer, search the Windows Help index for 'default printer, setting'.@@1@@1"
2213    There was a problem retrieving printer information for this object. The object may have been sent to a printer that is unavailable.@@@1@@1
2214    There was a problem retrieving information from the printer. New printer has not been set.@@@1@@1
2215    |9 cannot print this PivotTable because its |1 exceed(s) 22.75 inches.@Reduce the |1 by making changes to the formatting or included data of the PivotTable view, and then try to print again.@@1@@1
2220    |9 can't open the file '|'.@@@1@@1
2221    The text is too long to be edited.@@@1@@1
2222    This control is read-only and can't be modified.@@@1@@1
2223    The file name '|' is too long.@Enter a file name that's 256 characters or less.@@1@@1
2225    |9 couldn't open the Clipboard.@The Clipboard isn't responding, probably because another application is using it. Close all other applications and try the operation again.@@1@@1
2226    "The Clipboard isn't responding, so |9 can't paste the Clipboard's contents.@* Another application may be using the Clipboard.
* There may not be enough free memory for the paste operation.
Close all other applications, and then copy and paste again.@@1@@1"
2227    The data on the Clipboard is damaged, so |9 can't paste it.@There may be an error in the Clipboard, or there may not be enough free memory. Try the operation again.@@1@@1
2229    |9 can't start the OLE server.@You tried to use a form, report, or datasheet that contains an OLE object, but the OLE server (the application used to create the object) may not be registered properly. Reinstall the OLE server to register it correctly.@@1@@1
2234    |9 can't paste the OLE object.@@@1@@1
2237    The text you entered isn't an item in the list.@Select an item from the list, or enter text that matches one of the listed items.@@1@@1
2239    "The database '|' needs to be repaired or isn't a |9 database file.@You may have quit |9 unexpectedly with the database open.@To repair the database, click the Repair Database command on the Tools menu (Database Utilities submenu).
If the database can't be repaired, the .mdb file is unusable. Restore the database from a backup copy or create a new database.@1@@1"
2243    The data in the Clipboard isn't recognizable; |9 can't paste the OLE object.@@@1@@1
2244    "The file name you specified in the Picture property for a command button or toggle button can't be read.@* The file you specified may be corrupted. Restore the file from a backup copy or re-create the file.
* The disk where the file is located may be unreadable.@@1@@1"
2245    The file you specified doesn't contain valid icon data.@Specify a valid icon file.@@1@600829@1
2246    |9 can't run the query; the parameter values are too large.@The total length of all the values entered for the parameters cannot exceed 1,024 characters.@@1@@1
2260    "An error occurred while sending data to the OLE server (the application used to create the object).@* You may have tried to send too much data. If you're creating a chart and the chart is based on a query, modify the query so that it selects less data. If the chart is based on a table, consider basing it on a query instead so that you can limit the data.
* You may be using an OLE server that doesn't accept the Clipboard format.
* You may not be able to start the OLE server because it's not properly registered. Reinstall it to register it.
* Your computer may be low on memory. Close other application windows to free up memory.@@1@208951@1"
2262    This value must be a number.@@@1@@1
2263    The number is too large.@@@1@@1
2264    |9 didn't recognize the unit of measurement.@Type a valid unit, such as inches (in) or centimeters (cm).@@1@@1
2265    You must specify a unit of measurement, such as inches (in) or centimeters (cm).@@@1@@1
2266    '|' may not be a valid setting for the RowSourceType property, or there was a compile error in the function.@For information on valid settings for the RowSourceType property, click Help.@@2@603853@1
2267    There is not enough disk space to create a temporary buffer file for printing.@Free up some disk space to make room for the temporary buffer file.@@1@@1
2269    Some library databases couldn't be loaded because too many were specified.@To change library database references, click References on the Tools menu.@@1@209017@1
2272    The setting for the Update Retry Interval must be from 0 through 1,000 milliseconds.@@@1@@1
2273    The setting for Update Retries must be from 0 through 10.@@@1@@1
2274    The database '|' is already open as a library database.@@@1@@1
2275    The string returned by the builder was too long.@The result will be truncated.@@1@@1
2276    The custom builder you're using caused an error by changing the focus to a different window while you were using it.@Enter a value without using the custom builder.@@1@@1
2277    There was a font initialization error.@@@1@@1
2278    "|9 can't save your changes to this bound OLE object.@Either you don't have permission to write to the record in which the object is stored, or the record is locked by another user.
Copy the object to the Clipboard (select the object and click Copy on the Edit menu), and click Undo Current Record on the Edit menu. Then open the application you used to create the object, paste the object from the Clipboard, and save it.@@1@410222@1"
2279    The value you entered isn't appropriate for the input mask '|' specified for this field.@@@2@509118@1
2280    You have added more output formats to the Windows Registry than |9 can initialize.@Some output formats will not be available. Remove those formats that you never or least often use.@@1@@1
2281    The formats that enable you to output data as a Microsoft Excel, rich-text format, MS-DOS text, or HTML file are missing or incorrectly registered in the Windows Registry.@Run Setup to reinstall |9 or, if you're familiar with the settings in the Registry, try to correct them yourself. For more information about the Registry, click Help.@@2@109015@1
2282    The format in which you are attempting to output the current object is not available.@Either you are attempting to output the current object to a format that is not valid for its object type, or the formats that enable you to output data as a Microsoft Excel, rich-text format, MS-DOS text, or HTML file are missing from the Windows Registry. Run Setup to reinstall |9 or, if you're familiar with the settings in the Registry, try to correct them yourself. For more information on the Registry, click Help.@@2@109015@1
2283    The format specification for '|' is invalid.@You can't save output data to a file in this format until you correct the setting for the format in the Windows Registry. Run Setup to reinstall |9 or, if you're familiar with the settings in the Registry, try to correct them yourself. For more information on the Registry, click Help.@@2@109015@1
2284    "|9 can't write to the file.@* The network may not be working. Wait until the network is working, and then try again.
* You may be out of memory. Close one or more |9 windows, close other applications, and then try again.@@1@@1"
2285    "|9 can't create the output file.@* You may be out of disk space on the destination drive.
* The network may not be working. Wait until the network is working, and then try again.
* You may be out of memory. Close one or more |9 windows, close other applications, and then try again.@@1@@1"
2286    "|9 can't close the file.@* The network may not be working. Wait until the network is working, and then try again.
* You may be out of memory. Close one or more |9 windows, close other applications, and then try again.@@1@@1"
2287    |9 can't open the mail session.@Check your mail application to make sure that it's working properly.@@1@@1
2288    |9 can't load the '|' format.@The setting for this format in the Windows Registry is incorrect. You can't save the output data to a file in this format until you correct the setting in the Registry.@Run Setup to reinstall |9 or, if you're familiar with the settings in the Registry, try to correct them yourself. For more information on the Registry, click Help.@2@109015@1
2289    |9 can't output the module in the requested format.@@@1@@1
2290    There were too many message recipients; the message was not sent.@@@1@@1
2291    There are too many message attachments; the message was not sent.@@@1@@1
2292    The message text is too long, so it was not sent.@@@1@@1
2293    |9 can't send this e-mail message.@Before attempting to send an e-mail message from |9, resolve the problem identified in the previous message, or configure your computer to send and receive e-mail messages.@@1@@1
2294    "|9 can't attach the object; the message was not sent.@* The network may not be working. Wait until the network is working, and then try again.
* You may be out of memory. Close one or more |9 windows, close other applications, and then try again.@@1@@1"
2295    Unknown message recipient(s); the message was not sent.@@@1@@1
2296    The password is invalid; the message wasn't sent.@@@1@@1
2297    |9 can't open the mail session.@You may be out of memory. Close one or more |9 windows, close other applications, and then try again. You may also want to check your mail application to ensure that it's working properly.@@1@@1
2298    "|9 can't start the wizard, builder, or add-in.@* The library database containing the wizard, builder, or add-in may not be installed. Point to Add-ins on the Tools menu, and then click Add-in Manager to see if the library database is installed.
* The wizard, builder, or add-in code may not be compiled and |9 can't compile it. There may be a syntax error in the code.
* The key for the add-in in the Windows Registry file may be incorrect.@@2@109015@1"
2299    |9 can't open the Zoom box.@The |9 Utility add-in is missing or was modified. Rerun Microsoft Access or Microsoft Office Setup to reinstall |9 and the |9 Utility add-in.@@1@212620@1

2300|9 can't output because there are too many controls selected that have different styles, such as color and font.@Select fewer controls, and then try again.@@1@@1
2301There are not enough system resources to output the data.@Close one or more |9 windows and close other applications. Then try to output the data again.@@1@@1
2302"|9 can't save the output data to the file you've selected.@* The file may be open. If so, close it, and then save the output data to the file again.
* If you are using a template, check to make sure the template exists.
* If the file isn't open, check to make sure that you have enough free disk space.
* Make sure that the file exists on the path specified.
* Check to make sure you have permission to write to the specified folder.@@1@@1"
2303"|9 can't output data now.@* The network may not be working. Wait until the network is working, and then try again.
* You may be out of disk space. Free up disk space and try again.@@1@@1"
2304|9 can't save output data to the specified file.@Make sure that you have enough free disk space on your destination drive.@@1@@1
2305There are too many columns to output, based on the limitation specified in the output format or by |9.@@@1@@1
2306There are too many rows to output, based on the limitation specified by the output format or by |9.@@@1@@1
2307You haven't selected any data, or the object you've selected is blank.@@@1@@1
2308The file '|' already exists.@Do you want to replace the existing file?@@20@@2
2309There is an invalid add-in entry for '|.'@There is an error in the Windows Registry for this add-in. Correct the setting and restart |9. For information on the Registry, click Help.@@2@109015@1
2311There isn't enough memory to run the NotInList event procedure.@@@1@@1
2312The shortcut '|' must be re-created.@The file may be missing, damaged, or in an older format that can't be read.@@1@@1
2313|9 can't find the shortcut databases '|1' or '|2.'@Re-create the shortcut with the correct locations of the databases.@@2@209032@1
2314|9 can't find the shortcut database '|.'@Re-create the shortcut with the correct location of the database.@@2@209032@1
2315The input string is too long.@@@1@@1
2316This table or query can't be opened because it has no visible fields.@This can result if the table or query has only system fields, and the Show System Objects option is off.@To turn on the Show System Objects option, click Options on the Tools menu, click the View tab, and select the System Objects check box.@1@@1
2317The database '|' can't be repaired or isn't a |9 database file.@@@1@@1
2319|9 can't import the object '|' while it is open.@@@1@@3
2320|9 can't display the field for which you entered Where in the Total row.@Clear the Show check box for that field. If you want this field to appear in the query's results, add it to the design grid twice.  For the field that will appear in the query's results, don't specify Where in the Total row, and make sure the Show check box is checked.@@1@@1
2321You can't set criteria before you add a field or expression to the Field row.@Either add a field from the field list to the column and enter an expression, or delete the criteria.@@1@@1
2322You can't sort on the asterisk (*).@Because the asterisk represents all fields in the underlying table or query, you can't sort on it.@Add the asterisk to the query design grid, along with the specific fields you want to sort on. Clear the Show check box for the sorting fields, and then specify a sort order.@1@@1
2323You can't specify criteria for the asterisk (*).@Because the asterisk represents all the fields in the underlying table or query, you can't specify criteria for it.@Add the asterisk to the query design grid, along with the field(s) you want to set criteria for, and then enter criteria for the specific fields. In the query design grid, clear the Show check box for the criteria field(s), before you run the query.@1@@1
2324You can't calculate totals on the asterisk (*).@Because the asterisk represents all the fields in the table, you can't calculate totals on it.@Remove the asterisk from the query design grid. Add the fields you want to use to the design grid, and then select the total you want to calculate for specific fields.@1@11202@1
2325The field name you entered exceeds the LinkMasterFields property's 64-character limit.@When you use the Relationships command (Tools menu) to define a relationship between the tables underlying a form and subform, |9 links the form and subform automatically and sets the LinkChildFields and LinkMasterFields properties.@@1@603990@1
2326"You can't specify Group By, Expression, or Where in the Total row for this column.@Specify an aggregate function, such as Sum or Count, for the field or expression you designate as the Value in the crosstab query.
For more information on aggregate functions, click Help.@@2@209980@1"
2327You must enter Group By in the Total row for a field that has Column Heading in the Crosstab row.@The values derived from the field or expression that you designate as the Column Heading are used to group data in the crosstab query.@@1@209980@1
2328You can't run an update query on the asterisk (*).@Because the asterisk represents all the fields in the table, you can't update it.@Remove the asterisk from the query design grid. Add the fields you want to update to the design grid.@1@210001@1
2329To create a crosstab query, you must specify one or more Row Heading(s) options, one Column Heading option, and one Value option.@@@1@209980@1
2330"|9 can't represent the join expression | in Design view.@* One or more fields may have been deleted or renamed.
* The name of one or more fields or tables specified in the join expression may be misspelled.
* The join may use an operator that isn't supported in Design view, such as > or <.@@1@@1"
2331You must enter Group By in the Total row for at least one of the Row Heading options you enter in the Crosstab row.@@@1@209980@1
2332|9 can't match the fields you added using the asterisk (*) in the append query.@Because the asterisk represents all the fields in the underlying table or query, you can't append an asterisk to one field or expression, and you can't append a single field or expression to an asterisk.@Append an asterisk to an asterisk (for example, a table to a table), or append specific fields.@1@209999@1
2333You must enter the name of the table you are creating or appending records to.@You tried to define a make-table or append query without specifying a destination table.@@1@@1
2334"|9 can't print '|' because it is an action query.@Because action queries don't produce a recordset, you can't print a Datasheet view of them.
Note that an exclamation point (!) joined to a query icon in the Database window marks an action query.@To print a Datasheet view of the records that will be selected by the query, display the query in Design view, click the Datasheet button, and then click the Print button.@1@@1"
2335"You must use the same number of fields when you set the LinkChildFields and LinkMasterFields properties.@You entered a different number of fields for one property than you did for the other.
If you use the Relationships command (Tools menu) to define a relationship between the tables underlying the form and subform, |9 will link the form and subform automatically and then set the LinkChildFields and LinkMasterFields properties.@@1@209086@1"
2337You can't specify criteria on the same field for which you entered Value in the Crosstab row.@You tried to display a crosstab query after entering Value in the Crosstab row and criteria in the Criteria row.@If you want this field to supply the cross-tabulated values in the crosstab query, delete the entry in the Criteria row. If you want this to be a criteria field, leave the Crosstab row blank.@1@209980@1
2338|9 truncated the expression you entered.@The expression '|' exceeds the 1,024-character limit for the query design grid.@@1@@1
2339|9 can't create a temporary link.@You reached the limit for the number of links in your database. |9 needs to create a temporary link in order to import your ODBC table.@Remove all unneeded links or tables.@1@@1
2340The expression you entered exceeds the 1,024-character limit for the query design grid.@@@1@@1
2342A RunSQL action requires an argument consisting of an SQL statement.@For example, an action query that appends records starts with INSERT INTO. A data-definition query that creates a table starts with CREATE TABLE.@@1@603698@1
2343The value you entered exceeds the Alias property's 64-character limit.@@@1@606146@1
2344For the TopValues property in the query property sheet, you must enter an integer greater than zero.@@@1@@1
2345For the TopValues property in the query property sheet, you must enter a percentage from 1 through 100.@@@1@@1
2346For the TopValues property in the query property sheet, you must enter a number greater than zero.@@@1@@1
2347|9 can't find the file name you entered for the DestinationDB property in an action query's property sheet.@You may have misspelled the database file name, or the file may have been deleted or renamed.@@1@606183@1
2348You can't leave the Alias property blank.@@@1@606146@1
2349For the TopValues property in the query property sheet, you must enter a number smaller than 2,147,483,647.@@@1@@1
2350"|9 can't save the query.@* The query is a pass-through query and can't be represented as a simple SQL string. Save the query as a named query from the Query Builder. When you close the Query Builder, |9 will fill the RecordSource or RowSource property with the saved query name.
* Make sure the query doesn't have an SQL syntax error.@@1@604309@1"
2351|9 can't represent an implicit VALUES clause in the query design grid.@Edit this in SQL view.@@1@@1
2352You can't modify this query because it has been deleted or renamed by another user.@@@1@@1
2353Bad query parameter  '|'.@@@1@@1
2360A field name is missing.@You have defined a data type or a description for a field without specifying the field name.@Enter a name for the field, or delete the row.@1@@1
2361|9 can't save this table.@There are no fields in this table.@Define at least one field by entering a field name and selecting a data type.@1@@1
2362You already have a field named '|.'@@@1@@1
2363|9 allows only one AutoNumber field per table.@Use the Number data type for similar fields.@@1@@1
2364|9 can't open the table in Datasheet view.@@@1@@1
2366|9 was unable to save the field ordering. All other changes were saved successfully.@Close this database and choose the Repair Database command on the Tools menu (Database Utilities submenu).@@1@@1

2370Removing or changing the index for this field would require removal of the primary key.@If you want to delete the primary key, select that field and click the Primary Key button.@@1@@1
2371|9 can't create a primary key. Your changes weren't saved.@@@1@@1
2372The field name is not valid.@Make sure that the name doesn't contain a period (.), exclamation point (!), bracket ([]), leading space, or non-printable character such as a carriage return.  If you have pasted the name from another application, try pressing ESC and typing the name again.@@2@613793@1
2373The setting for the FieldSize property must be from 0 through 255.@@@1@@1
2374You can't create an index or primary key on more than 10 fields.@@@1@@1
2375You can't paste beyond the end of a table.@You have attempted to paste fields beyond the 255th row in a table in Design view.@@1@@1
2376|9 can't create a primary key.@You have selected too many fields for a multiple-field primary key.@@1@@1
2377Once you enter data in a table, you can't change the data type of any field to AutoNumber, even if you haven't yet added data to that field.@Add a new field to the table, and define its data type as AutoNumber. |9 then enters data in the AutoNumber field automatically, numbering the records consecutively starting with 1.@@1@@1
2378This table is read-only.@Use a different name in the Save As dialog box to save your changes.@@1@@1
2379You can't create a primary key on a field of this data type.@You can't define a primary key on fields with an OLE Object data type.@@1@@1
2380|9 can't create a primary key because no fields have been selected.@You have selected a row with no fields defined.@Place the insertion point somewhere in the row of the field you want to define as the primary key.@1@@1
2381|9 can't create a primary key because the field doesn't have a name.@Name the field, and then define it as a primary key field.@@1@@1
2382You can't switch to Datasheet view and you can't return to Design view.@Another user has opened this table or a query, form, or report that is bound to this table.@@1@@1
2383|9 can't change the data type.@There isn't enough disk space or memory.@@1@@1
2384"You can't change one field from an AutoNumber data type and add another AutoNumber field at the same time.@Do the following:
1.  Delete the AutoNumber field you added, and click Save on the File menu.
2.  Add the new AutoNumber field, and save the table again.@@1@@1"
2385Errors were encountered during the save operation.  |@@@1@@1
2386|9 was unable to create the table.@@@1@@1
2387You can't delete the table '|'; it is participating in one or more relationships.@If you want to delete this table, first delete its relationships in the Relationships window.@@1@@1
2388You can't change the primary key.@This table is the primary table in one or more relationships.@If you want to change or remove the primary key, first delete the relationship in the Relationships window.@1@@1
2389You can't delete the field '|.'@It is part of one or more relationships.@If you want to delete this field, first delete its relationships in the Relationships window.@1@@1
2390You can't change the data type or field size of this field; it is part of one or more relationships.@If you want to change the data type of this field, first delete its relationships in the Relationships window.@@1@@1
2391Field '|1' doesn't exist in destination table '|2.'@|9 was unable to complete the append operation. The destination table must contain the same fields as the table you are pasting from.@@1@@1
2392You can't set the Unique property of a primary key to No.@A primary key, by definition, contains only unique values.@If you want to allow nonunique values in this field, remove the primary key definition by setting the Primary property to No.@1@@1
2393You can't set the IgnoreNulls property of a primary key to Yes.@A primary key, by definition, can't allow null values.@If you want null values in this field, remove the primary key definition by setting the Primary property to No.@1@@1
2394The index name is invalid.@The index name may be too long (over 64 characters) or contain invalid characters.@@1@@1
2395Indexes must have names.@@@1@@1
2396|9 can't create an index or primary key.@One or more field names are missing.@Enter or select at least one field in the Field Name column for each index you name.@1@@1
2397You already have an index named '|.'@@@1@@1
2398The primary key has been changed.@This table is the primary table in one or more relationships. Changes to the primary key won't be saved.@@1@@1
2399The setting for the FieldSize property must be from 1 through 8000.@@@1@@1
2400The row you inserted in the grid exceeds the limit of 255 rows (fields) for a table or 1,000 rows (actions) for a macro.@@@1@@1
2420The expression you entered has an invalid number.@@@2@611732@1
2421The expression you entered has an invalid date value.@@@2@611729@1
2422The expression you entered has an invalid string.@A string can be up to 2048 characters long, including opening and closing quotation marks.@@1@@1
2423The expression you entered has an invalid . (dot) or ! operator or invalid parentheses.@You may have entered an invalid identifier or typed parentheses following the Null constant.@@2@611736@1
2424The expression you entered has a field, control, or property name that |9 can't find.@@@1@@1
2425The expression you entered has a function name that |9 can't find.@@@1@@1
2426"The function you entered can't be used in this expression.@* You may have used a DoEvents, LBound, UBound, Spc, or Tab function in an expression.
* You may have used an aggregate function, such as Count, in a design grid or in a calculated control or field.@@1@@1"
2427You entered an expression that has no value.@The expression may refer to an object that has no value, such as a form, a report, or a label control.@@1@@1
2428"You entered an invalid argument in a domain aggregate function.@* A field in the string expression may not be in the domain.
* A field specified in the criteria expression may not be in the domain.@@2@610931@1"
2429The In operator you entered requires parentheses.@@@1@@1
2430"You did not enter the keyword And in the Between...And operator.@The correct syntax is as follows:
expression [Not] Between value1 And value2@@1@@1"

2431The expression you entered contains invalid syntax.@You may have entered a comma without a preceding value or identifier.@@1@@1
2432"The expression you entered contains invalid syntax, or you need to enclose your text data in quotes.@You may have entered an invalid comma or omitted quotation marks.
For example, if the Default Value property of a text field is ''Huey, Louie, and Dewey,'' it must be enclosed in quotes if you mean it as a literal text string. This avoids the confusion with the expression ''Huey Louie'' And ''Dewey''.@@1@@1"
2433The expression you entered contains invalid syntax.@You may have entered an operator, such as the + operator, in an expression without a corresponding operand.@@1@@1
2434The expression you entered contains invalid syntax.@You may have entered an operand without an operator.@@1@@1
2435The expression you entered has too many closing parentheses.@@@1@@1
2436The expression you entered is missing a closing parenthesis, bracket (]), or vertical bar (|).@@@1@@1
2437The expression you entered has invalid vertical bars (|).@@@1@@1
2438The expression you entered contains invalid syntax.@You omitted an operand or operator, you entered an invalid character or comma, or you entered text without surrounding it in quotation marks.@@2@611732@1
2439The expression you entered has a function containing the wrong number of arguments.@@@1@@1
2440You must enclose IIf function arguments in parentheses.@@@1@1012957@1
2442"The expression you entered has invalid parentheses.@You may have used the parenthesis syntax for an identifier in a query. Use the standard identifier syntax:
2443You can use the Is operator only in an expression with Null or Not Null.@@@1@1008950@1
2445The expression you entered is too complex.@@@2@611732@1
2446"There isn't enough memory available to perform this calculation.@Close unneeded programs, and try again.
For more information on freeing memory, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, troubleshooting'.@@1@@1"
2447There is an invalid use of the . (dot) or ! operator or invalid parentheses.@You may have entered an invalid identifier or typed parentheses following the Null constant.@@2@611736@1
2448"You can't assign a value to this object.@* The object may be a control on a read-only form.
* The object may be on a form that is open in Design view.
* The value may be too large for this field.@@1@209424@1"
2449There is an invalid method in an expression.@For example, you may have tried to use the Print method with an object other than Report or Debug.@@2@2015551@1
2450"|9 can't find the form '|' referred to in a macro expression or Visual Basic code.@* The form you referenced may be closed or may not exist in this database.
* |9 may have encountered a compile error in a Visual Basic module for the form.@@1@211735@1"
2451The report name '|' you entered is misspelled or refers to a report that isn't open or doesn't exist.@@@1@@1
2452The expression you entered has an invalid reference to the Parent property.@For example, you may be using the Parent property with a control on a main form or report rather than with a control on a subform or subreport.@@2@604852@1
2453The control name '|' you entered in your expression is misspelled or refers to a control on a form or report that isn't open or doesn't exist.@@@1@411730@1
2454The object name '|' you entered following the ! operator in the expression is invalid.@For example, you may have tried to enter an identifier with two control names separated by the ! operator.@@2@611736@1
2455You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property |.@The property may not exist or may not apply to the object you specified.@@2@2015567@1
2456The number you used to refer to the form is invalid.@Use the Count property to count the open forms and make sure that the form number is not greater than the number of open forms minus one.@@1@2019460@1
2457The number you used to refer to the report is invalid.@Use the Count property to count the open reports and make sure that the report number is not greater than the number of open reports.@@1@2019460@1
2458The control number you specified is greater than the number of controls.@Use the Count property to count the controls on the form or report and then check that the control number you cite is within the range of existing controls.@@1@2019460@1
2459You can't refer to the Parent property of a form or report when either is open in Design view.@@@1@@1
2460You can't refer to the RecordsetClone property of a form open in Design view.@@@1@607393@1
2461Use a section number, not a string, to refer to a form or report section.@@@1@@1
2462The section number you entered is invalid.@@@1@@1
2463Use a number, not a string, to refer to a group level.@@@2@606361@1
2464There is no sorting or grouping field or expression defined for the group level number you used.@A valid group level number can be from 0 (for the first field or expression you sort or group on) through 9 (for the tenth). Count the group levels in the report starting with zero.@@1@@1
2465|9 can't find the field '|' referred to in your expression.@You may have misspelled the field name, or the field may have been renamed or deleted.@@1@411730@1
2466The expression you entered has an invalid reference to the Dynaset property.@For example, you may have used the Dynaset property with a form that isn't based on a table or query.@@1@@1
2467The expression you entered refers to an object that is closed or doesn't exist.@For example, you may have assigned a form to a Form object variable, closed the form, and then referred to the object variable.@@1@@1
2468"The value you entered for the interval, number, or date argument in the function is invalid.@Check the argument to make sure that you entered it correctly.
For more information on valid argument values, search the Help index for 'DatePart function,' 'DateAdd function,' or 'DateDiff function'.@@1@@1"
2469"The expression |2 you entered in the form control's ValidationRule property contains the error |1.@|9 can't parse the ValidationRule expression you entered.  For example, if you enter the expression =MyFunction() in the ValidationRule property, and the function MyFunction doesn't exist, |9 displays the following message:
Unknown function name in validation rule: 'MyFunction'.@To help you create expressions as arguments in Visual Basic, use the Expression Builder. For more information, search the Help index for 'Expression Builder'.@1@111805@1"
2470There is a(n) '|' in the form control's ValidationRule property.@To help you create expressions as arguments in Visual Basic, use the Expression Builder. For more information, search the Help index for 'Expression Builder'.@@1@111805@1
2471The expression you entered as a query parameter produced this error: '|'@@@2@611805@1
2472The LinkMasterFields property setting has produced this error: '|'@@@2@603990@1
2473"The expression |2 you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: |1.@* The expression may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user-defined function, or [Event Procedure].
* There may have been an error evaluating the function, event, or macro.@@1@@1"
2474"The expression you entered requires the control to be in the active window.@Try one of the following:
* Open or select a form or report containing the control.
* Create a new control in the active window, and try the operation again.@@1@@1"
2475You entered an expression that requires a form to be the active window.@@@1@5601@1
2476You entered an expression that requires a report to be the active window.@@@1@5603@1
2477You entered an invalid objecttype value '|' in an If TypeOf object Is objecttype condition of an If...Then...Else statement.@The objecttype can be any one of the following: BoundObjectFrame, CheckBox, ComboBox, CommandButton, Label, Line, ListBox, UnboundObjectFrame, OptionButton, OptionGroup, PageBreak, Rectangle, Subform, Subreport, TextBox, ToggleButton, ImageControl, or OLEControl.@@1@@1
2478|9 doesn't allow you to use this method in the current view.@Most methods, including the SetFocus and Requery methods, can't be used in form or report Design view.@@2@2015551@1
2479"The event procedure '|' can't be a Function procedure; it must be a Sub procedure.@If you want to run a Function procedure when an event occurs, try one of the following:
* Set the event property to the name of a macro containing a RunCode action that runs the Function procedure.
* Set the event property to =FunctionName().@@1@@1"
2480You referred to a property by a numeric argument that isn't one of the property numbers in the collection.@Check the property numbers in the collection.
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