Dear customer,
Beta version of System Safety Monitor was released.
What's new:
* Basic network firewall;-
基本的网络防火墙功能 * Layered Service Provider (LSP) module;
* command-line parameters support for applications rules;
* third state of the "keep process in memory" option: "?" mark -
prompt user to restart application;
* checksum recalculation in case of configuration file import;
* added images tab in the process properties window (process
monitor) providing the means to verify signed modules' signatures;
* several languages updates;
* Application Activity window now always gets focus (most of
DirectX game issues resolved);
* improved SSM self protection against cracking attempts (SSM
components integrity checking);
* other minor GUI improvements;
Fixed bugs:
* some driver minor issues;
* unmanaged logging of driver loading event;
* command-line parameters not saved for the option "Keep process in
* option "keep process in memory" state not saved;
* multiple minor GUI bugs;
This beta version is available at our site:
Please note: it is a beta version.
Thank you for your interest in System Safety Monitor.
Best regards,
Support team.