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Windows XP SP3非官方预览版

Windows XP SP3非官方预览版

Windows XP SP3非官方预览版(转帖)
一个软件下载以及专门讨论安全补丁和软件升级的网站Hotfix(http://www.thehotfix.net/)提供了一种非官方的Windows XP SP3的预览版,约200M.

Hotfix网站的创建者和管理员Ethan Allen表示,这个Windows XP SP3预览版是他根据从微软内部人员那里得到的一些升级软件汇编而成的。这些升级软件预计将用于Windows XP SP3中。

据这个网站的SP3论坛称,这些升级软件包括改善了Windows登录功能以及修复了当前Windows XP计算机连接到各种网络的问题。


Allen的网站还刊登了微软工程师与测试版软件的测试者讨论IE 7是否会包括在SP3的对话。微软IE开发团队的一位计划经理Anurag Jain表示,SP3不会采用IE 7,但是会支持IE7.SP3将采用IE 6浏览器软件。

微软Windows Vista产品经理Michael Burk表示,微软到目前为止还没有证实Windows XP SP3的计划。目前,Windows服务团队正在评估用户对Windows XP SP2的反馈意见,仍在评估发布下一个Windows XP服务包的时机.
最后编辑2005-10-10 09:00:35

微软回应:不要安装“Windows XP SP3非官方预览版”
微软在上周已经表示:Vista之后就是XP SP3。但是非官方的Windows XP SP3“Preview Pack”很快就出现在了网络上。该安装包由TheHotfix.net网站的成员创建,新闻来源表示该SP3包,包括了许多目前没有公开的补丁修复程序。


“该安装包只是对我们已经公布的一些热点补丁和升级进行了简单的收集整理,并不能将Windows XP系统升级到SP3。其中还包含了一些私有的补丁文件,这些可能会给用户造成一些未经确认的特殊的麻烦,这些补丁没有经过公开的严格的测试,因此我们要求你们去和我们的PSS(产品技术支持服务)联系,以便我们进行跟踪服务,并且提供进一步的援助,及时的告知新版本的补丁信息。

安装这些第三方的补丁到PC当中,将会导致机器变得更加的不稳定。而且如果安装了不正确的补丁修复程序,同样也会让你不能获得微软或OEM商的支持。坦白的说这个“包”还是尽量的避免安装,应该继续使用Windows Update和下载站点获得最新的而且是正确的补丁和升级文件。”

From: "Mike Brannigan [MSFT]" mikeb...@online.microsoft.com
Subject: Re: Windows XP SP3 Preview download

You would be well advised to stay clear of this FAKE SP3 package.
It is NOT suitable for testing as it is NOT SP3.

If is just a collection of hotfixes and other updates we have released. It will not update your Windows XP system to SP3
It also contains a number of private " hotfixes that are usually only issued to users with a specific identifiable problem. The hotfixes are not as rigorously tested at public released ones this is why we ask you to call PSS to get them so we can track you and provide further assistance such as new versions of the fixes etc as they become available. Just installing all the "privates" on your PC may make you machine LESS stable and will also put you out of support from Microsoft or an OEM as you are installing incorrectly issued private hotfixes.

Frankly this "package" should be avoid and you should continue to use
Windows Update and the download site to get the most up-to-date and correctly issued Microsoft fixes and patches.

Anyone who installs this thinking they are getting SP3 (even as a preview)
is being grossly mislead and is posing a significant potentially non
recoverable risk to their PC and data.


Mike Brannigan [Microsoft]

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no


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