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抗日战争时期,日本军国主义侵略我国,在东北研制、繁殖、各种渠道撒播鼠疫杆菌,用中国人做试验等令人发指,“国家地理杂志”在图片中作了介绍!。解放后,我国国内人间鼠疫已基本消灭,但自然疫源地依然存在,霸权主义者把鼠疫杆菌列为生物战剂之一,故防治鼠疫对我军国防和建设事业仍有非常重要意义。 下面请你观看11幅图片及说明词!
Photo Gallery: Plague
Hell on Earth, the nightmare depicted by Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel in his mid-16th-century "The Triumph of Death" reflects the social upheaval and terror that followed plague, which devastated medieval Europe. Thought by most to be a scourge of the past, the bacteria of the plague still appears from time to time and has even been researched as a biological weapon by some countries.
意译:鼠疫灾祸图片。人间地狱,噩梦描述经由佛兰德的画家布鲁格尔在他的16世纪中期的“胜利之死”反映了社会的xxx和恐怖跟随鼠疫,曾经破坏中世纪的欧洲。 大多数人认为是一种灾祸过去,鼠疫的细菌似乎仍然不时和甚至被作为研究生物学的武器在一些国家。


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Photo Gallery: Plague
Plague is a known worldwide killer of men, women, and children. It takes three forms: pneumonic, bubonic, and septicemic. Plague causes a painful, relatively quick death that often involves vomiting, bleeding, and gangrene of the skin. Fortunately, today's antibiotics can kill the Yersinia pestis bacteria and save its victim upon early detection.
意译:鼠疫灾祸图片。鼠疫是一种闻名世界的杀手对男人,妇女和儿童。它有三种形式:肺炎型,腹股沟腺炎型(腺鼠疫),以及败血症型。 鼠疫引起的痛苦,相对迅速的死亡,经常牵涉到呕吐,出血,和皮肤的坏疽。 幸运的是,今天的抗生素能杀死鼠疫杆菌并挽救其受害者在早期发现。

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Photo Gallery: Plague
This building near Harbin, China, was host to Japanese germ warfare experiments during World War II. The boxes were for breeding rats, the vehicles for fleas infected with plague. Upon release these rat agents carried the Black Death—as well as cholera and anthrax—to infect enemy Chinese. Plague is still studied by governments and terrorist organizations for possible germ warfare applications.
意译:鼠疫灾祸图片。这个建筑物靠近哈尔滨,中国,在第二次世界大战期间日本进行的细菌战进行实验的地方。 许多箱子被用来繁殖老鼠,交通工具给被感染跳蚤去传播鼠疫。 在释放这些老鼠身上携带病菌引发黑死病(腺鼠疫),以及霍乱,炭疽病--去传染敌人中国人。 鼠疫仍然是研究由政府和恐怖分子组织可能细菌战的应用。

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Photo Gallery: Plague
A flea clings to rat fur in this colored scanning electron micrograph. As carriers of plague, fleas have claimed more victims than all the wars ever fought.

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Photo Gallery: Plague
In 1914, during an outbreak of bubonic plague in New Orleans, scientists dissect rats suspected of having the disease. Research plus rat-proofing and rat-catching measures helped contain the outbreak—bubonic plague's last major stand in the United States—to a few dozen victims and only ten deaths. Carried by fleas from rodents to humans, bubonic plague cannot pass from human to human.

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Photo Gallery: Plague
A doctor swathed in protective gear checks a patient in Manchuria during the 1910-11 outbreak of pneumatic plague, the last before the discovery of sulpha drugs in 1933. Pneumatic plague is the rarest and deadliest form of plague.

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Photo Gallery: Plague
A rodent's burrow may have been the source of infection for Carl Weinmeister of Santa Fe, New Mexico. In 1983 he survived plague caught from a flea that one of his pets picked up from an infected rodent.

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Photo Gallery: Plague
Thought by most to be extinct, plague is very much alive today. It lives on in rodents on most continents, but conditions for outbreak usually ripen in poverty-stricken rural areas such as this village in Namibia. Here, Dr. Margaretha Issacson, a senior plague control advisor, inspects the hut of plague victim Martha Hainibodi, 61, who has returned to her village after treatment. Antibiotics are used to treat plague, but some fear that if the bacteria develop resistance, another pandemic could occur.
意译:鼠疫灾祸图片。大多数人认为灭绝,但是今天鼠疫仍是非常活跃。它生活在啮齿动物在大多数的大陆,但爆发条件通常发生在贫穷的农村地区如这个村在纳米比亚,这里,博士.Margaretha Issacson,高级鼠疫控制顾问,调查鼠疫受害者玛莎Hainibodi小屋,61岁,经过治疗后回到了她的村庄。抗生素过去常常用来治疗鼠疫,但有些担心,如果细菌产生抗药性,另一次可能发生大流行。

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Photo Gallery: Plague
Human lungs are the most terrifying tools of the plague. Pneumonic plague, seen affecting both lung fields in this x-ray, is the only form of plague spread from person to person. It is transmitted by coughs and sneezes. The fatality rate of pneumonic plague is a staggering 95 percent. Treatment can be effective during the first 24 hours of infection, but plague is often mistaken as the flu. Victims are lucky to live more than 48 hours.
意译:鼠疫灾祸图片。人类的肺脏是最大的可怕的鼠疫造成丧生。肺鼠疫,看到这两肺叶的影响在这幅X射线图片,肺鼠疫是唯一形式的鼠疫人与人之间传播,它是由咳嗽和打喷嚏。 肺鼠疫的死亡率是达到惊人的95%。治疗可以有效的在感染后第一个24小时,但鼠疫往往被错误的诊断为流行性感冒。受害者是幸运的生活超过48小时。

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Photo Gallery: Plague
A Myanmar (Burma) official checks National Geographic author Peter McMillan for signs of plague. McMillan had just arrived from India, where the disease had broken out in several towns. After a cursory examination, he was released.
意译:鼠疫灾祸图片。缅甸(缅甸)官方检查国家地理杂志的作者彼得•麦克米伦的鼠疫迹象。麦克米兰刚刚从印度到达,那里的疾病爆发在几个城镇。 经过粗略的检查,他被释放。
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