Ad-aware - Remove spyware and other malicious programs from your PC.
Bazook Spyware Scanner - Scan for any adware or spyware on your computer.
CWShredder - Program to remove the CoolWebSearch Hijacker and it's variations.
HijackThis - Highly useful program for finding and removing computer hijacks.
Spybot S&D - Search and Destroy spyware/adaware that might be on your hard drive.
SpywareBlaster - Install this program to prevent common spyware from being installed (does not remove them).
SpywareGuard - Protect your PC from browser hijacks. Provides Real-Time Protection from spyware and such.
StartDreck - Use this program to see a list of running processes, NT Services, and other system information.
StartPage Guard - Detect and prevent any unauthorized changes to your internet browsers Start and Search pages.
XCleaner - Spyware/Adware remover - also could delete files securely, edit registry, disable programs, etc.