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29000"There isn't enough memory to create an input area.@Close unneeded programs. Then try to create the input area again.
For more information on freeing memory, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, troubleshooting'.@@1@@1"
29001"|9 failed to save module '|.'@Your computer may be low on disk space.
For information on freeing memory or disk space, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, troubleshooting' or 'disk space, freeing'.@@1@@3"
29002|9 failed to create the Visual Basic module '|.'@If your database is on a network drive, check your network connection, and then try again.@@1@@1
29003|9 failed to convert or enable your code modules.@Your computer may be low on disk space or memory.@@1@@1
29004The new procedure name you provided is invalid.@@@2@611738@1
29005The procedure '|' already exists.@Choose another procedure name.@@1@@1
29006"|9 failed to create a Debug window toolbar.@The system may be out of resource memory.@Close unneeded programs and try again.
For more information on freeing memory, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, troubleshooting'.@1@@1"
29007During the paste or import operation, |9 failed to convert the '|' module from an earlier version of a |9 database.@Your computer may be low on disk space or memory.@@1@@1
29008|9 couldn't create storage space for a Visual Basic module.@If your database is on a network drive, check your network connection, and then try again.@@1@@3
29009"|9 couldn't open the storage space for a Visual Basic module.@Your computer may be low on disk space.
For information on freeing memory or disk space, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, troubleshooting' or 'disk space, freeing'.@@1@@3"
29010The function name is too long.@|9 will truncate the function name to 255 characters.@@1@411738@1
29011"|9 failed to save the database.@Your computer may be low on disk space.
For information on freeing memory or disk space, search the Microsoft Windows Help index for 'memory, troubleshooting' or 'disk space, freeing'.@@1@@3"
29013"This action will reset the current code in break mode.@Do you want to stop the running code?@* To halt the execution of the program so the Module window can be closed, select Yes.
* To leave the code in the current state, select No.@20@@1"
29014You can't add a reference to a |9 workgroup.@@@2@613780@1
29015You can't remove this reference.@|9 needs this reference in order to work properly.@@1@@1
29016You can't add a reference to the open database.@@@1@@1
29017The database | was created in an earlier version of |9.@Convert this database to the current version of |9 by using the Convert Database command on the Tools menu (Database Utilities submenu).@@1@@1
29018You can't use a standard module for this operation.@@@1@@1
29019"The module name '|' is invalid.@* The module name may start with the prefix Form_ or Report_.
* The module can't be named Forms, Reports, Modules, Application, Screen, Assistant, CommandBars, References, or DoCmd.
* The module name may have too many characters.@@2@611734@1"
29020Another user has modified this database.@To see the current version, close the database and open it again.@@1@@1
29021This operation isn't available while there is a module in break mode.@Reset the executing code and try the operation again.@@1@@1
29022"There were compilation errors during the conversion or enabling of this database.@The database has not been saved in a compiled state. The performance of this database will be impaired because |9 will need to recompile the database for each session.
For information on improving performance, click Help.@@2@611705@1"
29023There are calls to 16-bit dynamic-link libraries (.dll) in modules in this database.@These won't work under Microsoft Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows NT.@Change your code to call equivalent 32-bit dynamic-link libraries (.dll).@2@611961@1
29024"The current user account doesn't have permission to convert or enable this database.@To convert or enable a database, ensure the following:
* You must join the workgroup that defines the user accounts used to access the database.
* Your user account must have Open/Run and Open Exclusive permissions for the database object.
* Your user account must have Modify Design or Administer permissions for all tables in the database, or it must be the owner of all tables in the database.
* Your user account must have Read Design permission for all objects in the database.
* Request that other users close the database.@@2@77316@"
29025There are calls to 16-bit dynamic-link libraries (.dll) in modules in this database.@These won't work under Microsoft Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows NT.@Translate these calls to equivalent 32-bit dynamic-link libraries.@2@611961@
29026"The database that you are trying to open or convert is currently in use, or you do not have permission to open it exclusively.@When you convert a database, or the first time you open an earlier version database, another user can't have the database open.@Try one of the following:
* Request that other users close the database.
* Using the version of |9 in which the database is written, have your workgroup administrator grant you the permission to open the database exclusively.
Multiple users can share the database after you convert it, or after you open it for the first time.@1@109027@1"
29027"|9 was unable to save the project.@Another user is saving the project now.
Do you want to retry?@@23@@1"
29028The Save operation failed.@@@1@@1
29029"You are trying to open a read-only database.@The first time you open an earlier version database, you must be able to write changes to the database.
* The database file's read-only attribute may be set; clear this attribute.
* You may have chosen the Open Read Only command in the Open dialog box. Don't choose this command the first time you open the database.
* Your license to use this application may have expired.@@1@@1"
29030|9 can't establish a reference to the specified database.@The referenced database can't be found, or it's locked exclusively by another user so it can't be opened.@Restore the referenced database from a backup copy or ask the user that has the database locked to open the database in nonexclusive mode.@1@@1
29031|9 can't create or open the requested database now.@The database may be locked exclusively by another user.@@1@@1
29032The '|' module  is open; |9 can't set the permissions on an open module.@@@1@@1
29033|9 can't add references to a replicated database; changes will be ignored.@@@1@@1
29034|9 is unable to import the module from the source replica.@Synchronize the source database.@@1@@1
29040|9 is currently unable to rename the form, report, or module to '|'.@Close the database, reopen it, and then try the rename operation again.@@1@@1
29041One or more forms or reports contains an ActiveX control that could not be loaded.@These controls will not function properly until you register them, open the forms or reports in Design view, and save the forms or reports.@@1@@1
29042One or more forms or reports contains an ActiveX control that could not be loaded.@These controls will not function properly until you register them, open the forms or reports in Design view, and save the forms or reports.@@1@@1
29043"|9 has converted the code in '|' to your current version of Visual Basic.@To improve the performance of this database, do the following:
1. Open any module in this database in Design view.
2. On the Debug menu, click Compile And Save All Modules.@@1@@1"
29044DAO version 3.0 is not compatible with this version of Microsoft Access.@Create a reference to DAO version 3.5. For information on setting references, click Help.@@2@613780@1
29045You can't import, export, create, modify, or rename any forms, reports, pages or modules in an MDE database.@@@1@@1
29046You can't create a module for a form or report if it is read-only, or if the database is read-only.@@@1@@1
29047|9 was unable to open the Visual Basic project for this database.@Another user is saving the project now. Do you want to retry?@@23@@1
29048MDE databases can't reference MDB databases.@MDE databases can only reference other MDE databases or type libraries.@@1@@1
29049You can't refer to a form or report module from Form view or Report preview if the form's or report's HasModule property is set to No.@Switch to Design view or set the HasModule property to Yes in order to refer to the module.@@1@@1
29050|9 couldn't compile this database because one or more references couldn't be resolved.@The database has not been saved in a compiled state. The performance of this database will be slower because |9 will need to recompile the database for each session.@For information on improving performance, click Help.

29051"The current user account doesn't have permission to make an MDE file from this database.@To make an MDE file, do the following:
* Join the workgroup that defines the user accounts used to access the database.
* Make sure the user account has Open/Run and Open Exclusive permissions for the database object.
* Make sure the user account has Modify Design or Administer permissions for the MSysModules2 table in the database.
* Request that other users close the database.@@1@@1"
29052The Visual Basic for Applications project in the database '|' can't be converted to the current Visual Basic format.@If the database is an MDE, you will need to rebuild the MDE from the source MDB. If you don't have the source MDB, you will need to obtain a new version of the MDE that is compatible with the current version of Visual Basic.@@1@@1
29053|9 can't create any more controls on this form or report.@If you have deleted controls from this form or report in the past, you may be able to rename the form or report and then add more controls to it.@@1@@1
29054|9 can't add, rename, or delete the control(s) you requested.@@@1@@1
29055The form or report '|' has too many controls.@Reduce the number of controls on the form or report before using it in this version of |9.@@1@@1
29056Someone else is using '|' and the Visual Basic for Applications project does not match your version of Visual Basic.@You need to open the database exclusively in order to upgrade the Visual Basic for Applications project in this database.@@1@@1
29057The database '|' is read-only and the Visual Basic for Applications project does not match your version of Visual Basic.@You need to open the database read-write in order to upgrade the Visual Basic for Applications project in this database.@@1@@1
29058You can't create a module for a form or report while an instance of the form or report is in browse mode.@@@1@@1
29059|9 was unable do display the module.@@@1@@1
29060File not found.@@@1@@1
29061"There were compilation errors during the conversion or enabling of this database.@This might be due to old DAO syntax that is no longer supported.
For an example on how to fixup the code, click Help. @@2@611705@1"
29062The module name '|' is misspelled or refers to a module that doesn't exist.@If the invalid module name is in a macro, an Action Failed dialog box will display the macro name and the macro's arguments after you click OK. Open the Macro window, and enter the correct module name.@@1@@1
29063The Visual Basic for Applications project in the database is corrupt.
29064You do not have exclusive access to the database at this time.  If you proceed to make changes, you may not be able to save them later.
29065|9 can't save design changes or save to a new database object because another user has the file open. To save your design changes or to save to a new object, you must have exclusive access to the file.
29066You do not have exclusive access to the database.  Your design changes cannot be saved at this time.  Do you want to close without saving your changes?
29067You do not have exclusive access to the database.  You cannot convert this database at this time.
29068|9 cannot complete this operation. You must stop the code and try again.
29069"|9 cannot save the digital signature at this time.@* You may be in a database under Source Code Control.
* You may be in a database which is read only.@@1@@1"
29070Your |9 database or project contains a missing or broken reference to the file '|1'|2@* To ensure that your database or project works properly, you must fix this reference. @@1@5043@1
29071Missing or broken VBE reference to the file '|1'.
29072|9 has detected corruption in this file. To try to repair the corruption, first make a backup copy of the file. Then, on the Tools menu, point to Database Utilities and click Compact and Repair Database. If you are currently trying to repair this corruption then you will need to recreate this file or restore it from a previous backup.@@@2@5117@1
29073You do not have exclusive access to the database.  You cannot continue with the Source Code Control command.
29074|9 failed to create the Visual Basic module.@If your database is on a network drive, check your network connection, and then try again.@@1@@1
30000|9 could not find the SQL Server specified.  Verify that the server name is correct.
30001|9 could not find the database on the server.  Verify that the database name is correct.
30002|9 could not log on to the server.  Verify that the log on information is correct.
30004The Default Max Records setting must be between 0 and 2147483647.
30005Missing SQL command
30006Access was not able to perform this operation because the project is not connected to a SQL Server database.
30007Can't sort on one or more fields specified in 'Order By' property or sorting/grouping dialog.
30008The server you are trying to access is case sensitive.  Objects of the same name but of different case are not supported.  Using these objects may result in a loss of data.
30009Another user or application has deleted this record or changed the value of its primary key.
30010Cannot apply Filter on one or more fields specified in the Filter property.
30011Cannot get column information for the database object being browsed.
30012A Server Filter cannot be applied to a stored procedure Record Source. Filter not applied.
30013You can't update the record because another user or application deleted it or changed the value of its primary key.
30014The data was added to the database but the data won't be displayed in the form because it doesn't satisfy the criteria in the underlying record source.
30015The specified record source contains duplicate names for some output fields.  Use aliases in your SELECT statement to give each field a unique name.
30016The field '|' is read only.
30017This database is not enabled for publication.
30018Cannot create objects of type '|' against current SQL backend.  Please check your permissions and server setup.
30019Microsoft Access cannot copy a table with a name that is longer than 64 characters.
30020Cannot find column '|'.
30021Cannot use domain functions on stored procedures.
30022The Access project could not be opened.  You may not have adequate permissions, or the project may be read-only.
30023Cannot use domain functions on scalar functions.
30024Your password will not be encrypted before it is saved to the file.@Users who view the source contents of the file will be able to see the account user name and password.|7&Save Password|7Cancel@@36@5127@
30025Invalid SQL Statement. Check the server filter on the form record source
30026Access is unable to connect to '|1' database on the '|2' server.  Make sure that the database still exists and that the server is running.
30027The value you entered is not consistent with the data type or length of the column.
30028The database name for the attached database file is blank.  Enter a name for your database.
30029This version of Microsoft Access doesn't support design changes with the version of Microsoft SQL Server your Access project is connected to. See the Microsoft Office Update Web site for the latest information and downloads (on the Help menu, click Office on the Web). Your design changes will not be saved.

31000You must specify criteria for all conditional formats.@@@1@@1
31001A conditional format expression can't be longer than 946 characters.@@@1@@1
31002|9 can't modify the control's conditional formats right now.@Your program tried to modify the conditional format of a control while the conditional format was being evaluated.@@1@@1
31003The setting for this property is too long.@You can enter up to either 255 or 2,048 characters for this property, depending on the data type.@@1@@1
31004"The value of an (AutoNumber) field cannot be retrived prior to being saved.

Please save the record that contains the (AutoNumber) field prior to performing this action.@@@1@@1"
31500|9 can't send this format in a mail message.@To send this format in a mail message, click Export on the File menu, or use the OutputTo method to create the files and attach them to a mail message.

31501The selected transform file '|' cannot be found. Please select a different transform.
31502|9 can't find the Microsoft Office international dynamic-link library (DLL).@Reinstall Microsoft Office.@@1@@3
31503The specified transform did not successfully convert the data.  Select a different transform.
31504The data was transformed in a format that cannot not be imported.
31505"Are you sure you want to remove '|' from the list of available transforms?

This will not actually delete the transform file."
31506The selected transform file cannot be found. Select a different transform or remove the transform. Then try to export again.
31507Invalid field data type.
31508Cannot load the Office Web Components@Access had a problem loading the Office Web Components Version 9.0.  Try going through set-up to re-install them@@1@@3
31509Cannot load the Office Web Components@Access had a problem loading the Office Web Components Version 10.0.  Try going through set-up to re-install them@@1@@3
31510|9 can't load the dynamic-link library |. @You need to resolve the failure and start Access again.@@1@@3
31511"You have chosen to alter the mode in which SQL syntax will be interpreted in this database. This will mean: @* Existing queries may return different results or not run at all.
* The range of data-types and reserved words will change.
* Different wildcards will be used. @It is recommended that you make a backup copy of this database before continuing. If you agree to continue, Access will close this database, compact it, and re-open in the new mode. Select OK to continue.@5@324324@1"
31512|9 can't open the mail session.@You may not have configured an e-mail client on this computer.  Ensure that your e-mail software has been installed and configured properly.@@1@@1
31513All open objects must be closed prior to converting to a different version.@Do you want |9 to close the objects?@@19@@2
31514|9 can't convert this database to a different version because one or more objects are open.@Close all objects and try again.@@1@@3
31515"Your database is using SQL Server Compatible Syntax (ANSI 92) for which Access 2000 has limited support.  This will mean:@* Access 2000 users may not be able to see some queries.
* Existing queries may return different results or not run at all.
* The range of data-types and reserved words will change.
* Different wildcards will be used. @It is recommended that you change the SQL Server Compatible Syntax (ANSI 92) setting before converting this database to the Access 2000 file format.  Select Cancel to abort the conversion process and change the SQL Server Compatible Syntax (ANSI 92) setting.@5@324324@1"
31516|9 can't convert this database to the requested version because it has been 'enabled' to work with newer versions of |9 than it was originally created with.@You can convert this database to a newer format, and then retry this operation with the newly converted database.@@1@@1
31517|9 can't convert this database to the requested version because it is from an older version of |9.@You can convert this database to a newer format, and then retry this operation with the newly converted database.@@1@@1
31518The following controls contain expressions that can't be represented in a |9 project PivotTable or PivotChart view:  |.@Do you still want to switch to PivotTable or PivotChart view?@@19@@2
31519You cannot import this file.@You cannot import a text file unless it has one of these extensions: |.@@1@@1
31520You cannot import this file.@You cannot import a text file that has one of these extensions: |.@@1@@1
31521Cannot establish connection to the server.@|@@1@@1
31522Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine must be on the machine running |9.@@@1@@1
31523|9 was unable to open the file '|'. The file may not be an Access file, the path or filename specified may be incorrect, or the file can not be opened exclusively. To repair the file manually, on the Tools menu, point to Database Utilities, and then click Compact and Repair Database.@@@1@@1
31524|9 can't transfer the user-defined function '|'. User-defined functions can only be transferred between Microsoft SQL Servers that are version 8.0 or higher.@@@1@@1
31525The selected object can't be pasted because the version of either the source or the destination server is less than 7.0.@|9 can only copy and paste this object if both Microsoft SQL Servers are version 7.0 or higher.@@1@@1
31526You cannot create a |9 ADE or MDE file from a database saved in |9 2000 format.@Convert the database to the current version of |9.  Then create the ADE or MDE file.@@1@@1
31527Path not found: |.@@@1@@1
31528Table '|' is in use. Please close the table and retry import.@@@1@@1
31529View '|' is in use. Please close the view and retry import.@@@1@@1
31530Procedure '|' is in use. Please close the procedure and retry import.@@@1@@1
31531|9 cannot create table(s) using the information contained in the document(s) you are trying to import.@@@1@@1
31532|9 was unable to export the data.@@@1@@1
31533Invalid filename.@@@1@@1
31534"Your database is using SQL Server Compatible Syntax (ANSI 92) for which Access 97 has limited support.  This will mean:@* Existing queries may return different results or not run at all.
* The range of data-types and reserved words will change.
* Different wildcards will be used. @It is recommended that you change the SQL Server Compatible Syntax (ANSI 92) setting before converting this database to the Access 97 file format.  Select Cancel to abort the conversion process and change the SQL Server Compatible Syntax (ANSI 92) setting.@5@324324@1"
31535Invalid parameters for ExportXML.@Press Help for more information.@@2@5170@1
31536The XML schema properties do not match the existing table structures.@Overwrite existing structures?@@19@@1
31537There is already an object named '|' in the database.@@@1@@1
31538|9 cannot create this file. To create the file, you must give the file a unique name, provide a valid connection string and user ID, and you must have the necessary connection and file creation permissions.@@@1@@1
31539There was an error loading the XSL transformation file '|1'. Please make sure that the file is a properly formatted XSL file and is the correct file to use for the data supplied.  |2
31540There was an error loading the XML data file '|1'. Please make sure that the file is a properly formatted XML file. |2
31541|9 cannot open this file.@This file is located outside your intranet or on an untrusted site.  |9 will not open the file due to potential security problems. @To open the file, copy it to your machine or an accessible network location.@2@@1
31542The startup action associated with this file may not be safe.  Do you want to execute the startup action as you open the file?@@@22@@1
31543The startup action associated with this file may not be safe.  If you choose not to execute the startup action, |9 will not open the file.  Do you want to execute the startup action and open the file?@@@22@@1
31544|9 cannot open this file.@The author of this file has set it to open only when a startup action is executed, and |9 is currently set to disable startup actions.@To address this problem, contact the author of the file or your system administrator.@2@@1
31545|9 cannot open this file.@The Internet Security Zone Manager is missing or not correctly installed and therefore the safety of this file cannot be verified.@To address this problem, reinstall Microsoft Internet Explorer or the appropriate Office System Pack.@2@@1
31546This database is a Microsoft Access 7.0/8.0/9.0 Design Master.@If you click OK, the database you selected will be renamed to |1 and then converted to |2. Everyone using a replica of this database will have to upgrade to Microsoft Access 2002 after the next synchronization.@@4@@2
31547|9 cannot export this object to XML when it is open in Print Preview. Close the object and try again.@@@1@@1
31548|9 cannot export a table to XML when it is open in Design. Close the object and try again.@@@1@@1
31549Finished importing document '|'.
31550Not all of your data was successfully imported.  Error descriptions with associated row numbers of bad records can be found in the |9 table '|'.

31551Only XML files can be exported to an Internet address (http://, ftp://). Enter a path that points to a location on your computer or on the network.@@@1@@1
31552The document(s) you are importing contain XML Schema (XSD) information created outside |9. XML Schema information created outside |9 is not supported. If you continue, |9 will only import the data, and ignore the XML Schema.@Would you like to continue?@@19@@1
31553The Smart Tag property value cannot exceed 1024 characters.@@@1@@1
31554You are attempting to apply more smart tags then the system can handle.@Please uncheck some of the selected tags.@@1@@1
31555"The specified transform did not successfully convert the data.

Would you like to save a copy of the Data to Export at '|' for troubleshooting?"
31556To view object dependencies or change the Track name AutoCorrect info option, |9 must close all objects and update dependency information.@This could take several minutes. Do you want to continue?@@21@@2
31557|9 cannot update dependecy information because one or more objects are open.@Close all objects and try again.@@1@@3
31558The Track name AutoCorrect info option generates name maps for the objects in the database. This may take several minutes.@Do you want to leave this option turned on?@@3@@1
31559Microsoft Access could not connect to the site you specified.  Verify the address of the site or contact your site administrator.
31560The site you specified does not support linking to a Microsoft Access database. The site must be running SharePoint Team Services "v2.0" Beta 1 from Microsoft
31561The site you specified does not support importing data to a Microsoft Access database. The site must be running Windows SharePoint Services from Microsoft.
31562The site you specified does not contain any list.  Verify the address of the site, or contact your site administrator.
31563|9 could not enable name AutoCorrect for one or more objects because Access could not open and save the objects. An open or save operation could have failed due to one or more of the following reasons - the object is already open, you don't have permissions to open the object in Design view, the database is read-only, or the source of a linked table could not be found.@@@2@553713743@1
31564To generate object dependencies, the Track name AutoCorrect info option must be turned on.@Enable name AutoCorrect and continue?@@5@553713744@1
31565Dependency information needs to be updated before you can view object dependencies.  This could take several minutes.@Do you want to continue?@@5@553713744@1
31566The object dependencies feature is not enabled for this database because dependency info needs to be updated.@@@5@553713744@1
31567The object that you have selected in the Object Dependencies pane no longer exists in the database.@@@1@@1
31568You do not have the necessary permissions to generate dependency information for the selected object.@@@2@553713744@1
31569To view dependency information, you must select a table, query, form, or report.@@@1@553713742@1
31570Dependency information cannot be generated because name maps are either missing or outdated. Turn on the Track name AutoCorrect info option, make sure you have sufficient permissions to open an object in Design view, and make sure the database is not read-only.@@@2@553713744@1
31571Dependency information cannot be generated because name maps are outdated, and the database is read-only.@@@2@553713744@1
31572|9 cannot generate dependency information if objects are open. Save and close all objects.@@@2@553713744@1
31573|9 cannot generate dependency information for objects in a project.@@@1@@1
31574Microsoft Access cannot export unbound forms or reports as XML documents.
31575All open objects must be closed prior to backing up your database or project.@Do you want |9 to close the objects?@@19@@2
31576|9 cannot backup this database or project because one or more objects are open.@Close all objects and try again.@@1@@3
31577Microsoft Access could not connect to the site you specified. Verify the address of the site or contact your site administrator.
31578The table could not be exported because you do not have sufficient permissions. Please contact your site administrator.
31579A list with the specified name already exists. Type a different name and try again.
31580The list name cannot contain any of the following character: \/:*?"<>|. Type a different name and try again.
31581|9 cannot generate dependency information for objects in a replica database.@@@1@@1
31582Finished importing from '|'.
31583Finished linking to '|'.
31584Finished exporting table '|1' to '|2'.
31585The site you specified does not support importing data from a Microsoft Access database. The site must be running Windows SharePoint Services from Microsoft.
31586|9 cannot generate dependency information because the Track name AutoCorrect info option is turned off. This option cannot be turned on because the database is either read-only or you do not have sufficient  permissions.@@@1@@1
31587Error exporting picture file '|1' to specified path '|2'.
31588Specified transform failed to successfully transform your data.  |
31589A list named '|' already exists.  You must either use a different name or go to the site and delete the list.
31590|9 is unable to export '|' to SharePoint due to limitations on the number of times each data type can appear in a SharePoint list.@See help to find out exactly what the restrictions are and for details on how to create a query that will define the SharePoint list that you would like to create.@@2@553714028@1
31591Cannot find the specified schema file '|'. Remove or update the file reference and try to import again.

196609"The cell or chart you are trying to change is protected and therefore read-only.

To modify a protected cell or chart, first remove protection using the Unprotect Sheet command (Tools menu, Protection submenu). You may be prompted for a password."
196610Not enough system resources to display completely.
196611Database range is not defined.
196612Criteria range is not defined.
196613Extract range is not defined.
196614Database or list range is not valid.
196615Criteria range is not valid.
196616Extract range is not valid.
196617"This selection is not valid.
There are several possible reasons:

• Copy and paste areas cannot overlap unless they're the same size and shape.
• If you're using the Create command on the Name submenu of the Insert menu, the row or column containing the proposed names won't be included in the definitions of the names.
• If the names you're creating are listed in a row or column, you must select more than one row or column.
• If you clicked the Table command on the Data menu, you must select a single rectangle that is more than one row high and more than one column wide."
196618| is too long.
196619Formula is too long.
196620The text string you entered is too long. Reduce the number of characters used or cancel the entry.
196621Number format is too long.
196622"The formula you typed contains an error. Try one of the following:

• Make sure you've included all parentheses and required arguments.
• To get assistance with using a function, click Function (Insert menu).
• If you include a reference to another sheet or workbook, verify that the reference is correct.
• If you are not trying to enter a formula, avoid using an equal sign (=) or minus sign (-), or precede it with a single quotation mark ( ' ).
• For more information about common formula problems, click Help."
196623Name in formula is unclear.
196624"The formula you typed contains an error.

• For information about fixing common formula problems, click Help.
• To get assistance in entering a function, click OK, then click Function on the Insert menu.
• If you are not trying to enter a formula, avoid using an equal sign (=) or minus sign (-), or precede it with a single quotation mark (')."
196625That function is not valid.
196626Your formula is missing a parenthesis--)  or  (. Check the formula, and then add the parenthesis in the appropriate place.
196627"You've entered | arguments for this function.

To get help with entering arguments for the function, click OK to close this message. Then, on the formula bar, click the equal sign button (located to the left of the equal sign in your formula)."
196628"Your formula is incomplete. You must include an operand following each operator. For example, =A1+A2+ is missing an operand following the second plus sign. Try one of the following:

• Add the missing operand to the formula, or delete the extra operator.
• If you are not trying to enter a formula, avoid using an equal sign (=) or minus sign (-), or precede it with a single quotation mark (')."
196629That name is not valid.
196630The text you entered is not a valid reference or defined name.
196631"Microsoft Excel cannot use the number format you typed.

Try using one of the built-in number formats. On the Format menu, click Cells, and then click the Number tab. Select the category you want, and then choose other options.

For more information about custom number formats, click Help."
196632Selection is too large.
196633Cannot paste that macro formula onto a worksheet.
196634"Microsoft Excel cannot calculate a formula. Cell references in the formula refer to the formula's result, creating a circular reference. Try one of the following:

• If you accidentally created the circular reference, click OK. This will display the Circular Reference toolbar and help for using it to correct your formula.
• For more information about circular references and how to work with them, click Help.
• To continue leaving the formula as it is, click Cancel."
196635"Microsoft Excel cannot calculate a formula. Cell references in the formula refer to the formula's result, creating a circular reference. Try one of the following:

• If you accidentally created the circular reference, click OK.
•To display the Circular Reference toolbar, point to Toolbars on the View menu, and then click Circular Reference."
196636Microsoft Excel cannot calculate a formula. There is a circular reference in an open workbook, but the references that cause it cannot be listed for you. Try editing the last formula you entered or removing it with the Undo command (Edit menu).
196637"You've selected a single cell for the print area.

• If this is correct, click OK.
• If you selected a single cell by mistake, click Cancel, select the cells you want to include, and then click Set Print Area again."
196638A workbook reference cannot be used here.
196639Only a bubble chart series may have a bubble size reference.
196640A bubble chart series must have a bubble size reference.
196641Series order must be an integer between 0 and 255.
196642The series must contain at least one value in order to create a chart.
196643Formula must refer to a single cell or result in a text string.
196644"A formula in this worksheet contains one or more invalid references.

Verify that your formulas contain a valid path, workbook, range name, and cell reference."
196645The reference is not valid. References for titles, values, or sizes must be a single cell, row, or column.
196646Reference is not valid.  Reference for error bars must be a row or column.
196647Reference is not valid.  Reference must be a simple external reference to a worksheet.
196648Reference is not valid.  Reference must be to an open worksheet.
196649That command cannot be used on multiple selections.
196650"The command you chose cannot be performed with multiple selections.

Select a single range and click the command again."
196651"There are hidden rows or columns in your selection.
Do you want to delete the hidden cells in your selection?"
196652Cannot use a name that refers to nonadjacent cells.
196653Cannot use that command on overlapping selections.
196654That command cannot be used with selections that contain entire rows or columns, and also other cells. Try selecting only entire rows, entire columns, or just groups of cells.
196655"Microsoft Excel cannot access the file '|'. There are several possible reasons:

• The file name or path does not exist.
• The file is being used by another program.
• The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open workbook."
196656Cannot access directory '|'.
196657'|' cannot be accessed. The file may be read-only, or you may be trying to access a read-only location. Or, the server the document is stored on may not be responding.
196658"Microsoft Excel cannot open or save any more documents because there is not enough available memory or disk space.

• To make more memory available, close workbooks or programs you no longer need.

• To free disk space, delete files you no longer need from the disk you are saving to."
196659The range you entered is not valid. Be sure to include both the sheet name and the range reference. Example: Sheet1!A1:G15.
196660Cannot open Microsoft Graph chart gallery files.
196661The disk is full.
196662Unable to read file.
196663"The file could not be accessed. Try one of the following:

• Make sure the specified folder exists.
• Make sure the folder that contains the file is not read-only.
• Make sure the file name does not contain any of the following characters:  <  >  ?  [  ]  :  | or  *
• Make sure the file/path name doesn't contain more than 218 characters."
196664Cannot access read-only document '|'.
196665| file format is not valid.
196666A file named '|' already exists in this location. Do you want to replace it?
196667Replace existing user-defined format?
196668You cannot save this workbook with the same name as another open workbook or add-in. Choose a different name, or close the other workbook or add-in before saving.
196669| is already open. Reopening will cause any changes you made to be discarded. Do you want to reopen |?
196670Document is not completely saved.

196671Delete file '|'?
196672Delete this user-defined format?
196673Maximum number of data series per chart is 255.
196674The maximum number of data points you can use in a data series for a 2-D chart is 32,000. If you want to use more than 32,000 data points, you must create two or more series.
196675The maximum number of data points you can use in a data series for a 3-D chart is 4,000. If you want to use more than 4,000 data points, you must create two or more series.
196676Maximum number of dates on a 3D time-scale axis is 4000.
196677"Negative or zero values cannot be plotted correctly on log charts. Only positive values can be interpreted on a logarithmic scale. To correct the problem, do one of the following:

• Enter only positive values (greater than zero) in the cells used to create the chart.
• In the chart, click the axis you want to change. On the Format menu, click Selected Axis. Click the Scale tab, and then clear the Logarithmic Scale check box."
196678No RETURN() or HALT() function found on macro sheet.
196679Reference must be to a macro sheet.
196680Invalid register id, or function not registered yet.
196681"Your file could not be printed due to an error on |. There are several possible reasons:

• There may not be enough memory available. Try closing files and programs you aren't using.
• If you use a network for printing, there may be a problem with the network connection or the printer driver.
• There may be loose cables or a bad connection between your computer and printer.

For more information about troubleshooting printing problems, click Help."
196682"Microsoft Excel cannot move the page break because doing so would reduce the scale to below the minimum 10 percent.

• To print more data on the page, set the scale on the Page tab of the Page Setup dialog box (File menu).
• To remove a manual page break, select the row above a horizontal page break or the column to the right of a vertical page break, and then click Remove Page Break (Insert menu). If your data is too large to fit on the page at the current scale, an automatic page break (marked with a dashed line) will be inserted instead."
196683Could not start Microsoft Script Editor
196684No point number is specified.
196685No series number is specified.
196686The tick mark intervals for your chart must be greater than zero.
196687This custom chart type does not exist. To create a new custom chart type with this name, format the chart the way you want. On the Chart menu, click Chart Type, and then click the Custom Types tab. Click Add to add this chart to your list of custom chart formats.
196688No custom chart name specified.
196689Custom chart name must not exceed 31 characters.
196690The description you typed is too long. The maximum number of characters you can use is 250.
196691The chart name you specified cannot be used. You can use any character in a chart name except a colon (:), backslash (\), vertical bar (|), less-than sign (<), greater-than sign (>), question mark (?), left or right square bracket ([  ]), or asterisk (*).
196692The name 'Default' is reserved. To use the active chart as the default, click Set As Default Chart and specify a different name.
196693Error in deleting custom chart.
196694Error in adding custom chart.
196695Error accessing User-defined custom chart file.
196696Microsoft Excel cannot use CHART.XLT. On the Chart menu, click Chart Type, and then click the Custom Types tab. Click Add to add this chart to your list of custom chart formats.
196697"You can add the chart template as a user-defined autoformat and use it later by choosing Autoformat from the Format menu.
• To add this template as an autoformat, choose OK.
• To continue saving the file as a workbook template, choose Cancel."
196698Cannot print chart in draft quality.
196699No more custom number formats can be added.
196700'|' is read-only. To save a copy, click OK, then give the workbook a new name in the Save As dialog box.
196701'|' is currently in use. Open as read-only?
196702Cannot access '|'. The file may be in use.
196703The sort reference is not valid. Make sure that it's within the data you want to sort, and the first Sort By box isn't the same or blank.
196704This list is outlined. Only the summary data will be sorted.
196705Cannot modify or delete arrays in shared workbooks.
196706You cannot change part of an array.
196707Cannot change part of a table.
196708Cannot change part of a subscriber.
196709"You cannot change, move a part of, or insert cells in a PivotTable report. If you want to insert cells on the worksheet, drag the entire report out of the way. To move or add data to a report, do one of the following:

• Use the PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard to add fields to the report.
• Hide or group items in a row or column field.
• Modify the source data."
196710A PivotTable report cannot overlap another PivotTable report.
196711"Your new report will use less memory if you base it on your existing report |, which was created from the same source data. Do you want your new report to be based on the same data as your existing report?

• If you click Yes, you will save memory and your workbook file will be smaller.
• If you click No, the two reports will be separate."
196712Microsoft Excel turned off the background query option so that the macro you recorded can run correctly. For more information, see Microsoft Excel Help.
196713"Not enough memory is available to save the data along with the PivotTable report.

•To continue saving the report without the data, click OK. When you open the saved file, you will have to refresh the report before you can use it.
•To stop the save, click Cancel. You may be able to save the data with the PivotTable report by saving in another format, such as Microsoft Excel Workbook format."
196714Cannot change part of a merged cell.
196715You can't use this command on a list or range that contains merged cells.
196716Cannot insert or delete a column in an area in which the AutoFilter command is turned on.
196717Cannot delete built-in format.
196718Cannot save to that name.  Another document is linked to a document with that name.
196719Value must be a number.
196720The numbers you specified can't be used because the interval for the minor unit tick marks must be less than or equal to the interval for the major unit tick marks.
196721The numbers you specified for the axis values can't be used, because the maximum axis value must be greater than the minimum axis value.
196722Unit of log scale must be at least 10.
196723'|' is not a valid name.
196724Replace existing definition of '|'?
196725Your entry cannot be used. An integer or decimal number may be required.
196726Integer is not valid.
196727Scroll value must be between 0 and 30000.
196728The scroll value maximum cannot be less than the scroll value minimum.
196729That name already exists.
196730Microsoft Excel cannot find any references to replace.
196731Microsoft Excel cannot find the data you're searching for.
196732Cannot find matching data to delete.
196733Microsoft Excel cannot find any data to replace. Check if your search formatting and criteria are defined correctly. If you are sure that matching data exists in this workbook, it may be on a protected sheet. Excel cannot replace data on a protected worksheet.
196734Shortcut key must be a letter.
196735Column width must be between 0 and 255 characters.
196736Row height must be between 0 and 409.
196737Cannot open the Clipboard.
196738Cannot empty the Clipboard.
196739Unable to record.
196740"To prevent possible loss of data, Microsoft Excel cannot shift nonblank cells off the worksheet.

Try to locate the last nonblank cell by pressing CTRL+END, and delete or clear all in cells between the last cell and the end of your data.  Then select cell A1 and save your workbook to reset the last cell used.

Or, you can move the data to a new location and try again."
196741Cannot shift objects off sheet.
196742Fixed objects will move.
196743Cannot link to the file.
196744The change to the DDE or OLE link has failed.
196745Number must be greater than or equal to zero.
196746Microsoft Excel cannot paste the data.
196747Cannot insert object.
196748"There is a problem with the printer driver. You might be low on memory or your printer driver may need to be reinstalled.

Try closing documents and programs you don't need, or reinstall the printer driver."
196749File error: data may have been lost.
196750File error. Some number formats may have been lost.

196751"Microsoft Excel cannot display some of the graphics in this file because the | graphics filter is not installed.

• To display the graphics correctly, exit Microsoft Excel, do not save changes to the file, run Setup again, and select the appropriate filter.
•  If you do not install the appropriate filter, Microsoft Excel inserts a placeholder for each graphic it cannot display. The placeholders overwrite existing graphics if you save the file."
196752Macintosh PICT
196753"A document with the name '|' is already open. You cannot open two documents with the same name, even if the documents are in different folders.
To open the second document, either close the document that's currently open, or rename one of the documents."
196754"This workbook contains links to other data sources.

• If you update the links, Excel attempts to retrieve the latest data.
• If you don't update, Excel uses the previous information."
196755"The information cannot be pasted because the | area and the paste area are not the same size and shape. Try one of the following:

• Click a single cell, and then paste.
• Select a rectangle that's the same size and shape, and then paste."
196756Cannot paste a table onto a macro sheet.
196757Some custom formats will not fit on the destination sheet.
196758"'|' could not be found. Check the spelling of the file name, and verify that the file location is correct.

If you are trying to open the file from your list of most recently used files on the File menu, make sure that the file has not been renamed, moved, or deleted."
196759Cannot access '|'.
196760Cannot save '|' because the volume is locked.
196761Matching records will be permanently deleted.
196762The password you supplied is not correct. Verify that the CAPS LOCK key is off and be sure to use the correct capitalization.
196763"A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name '|', which already exists on the destination worksheet. Do you want to use this version of the name?
• To use the name as defined in the destination sheet, click Yes.
• To rename the range referred to in the formula or worksheet, click No, and enter a new name in the Name Conflict dialog box."
196764Name cannot resemble a reference.
196765Name cannot be the same as a built-in name.
196766Name already exists on destination sheet.
196767Data on the Clipboard is not the same size and shape as the selected area. Do you want to paste the data anyway?
196768No link to paste.
196769Unable to paste link.
196770Microsoft Excel cannot find a match.
196771Cell with looping function should not contain anything else.
196772Do you want to save the changes you made to '|'?
196773Reference must be to a single cell.
196774Only macro names are valid.
196775Microsoft Excel can convert only one column at a time. The range can be many rows tall but no more than one column wide. Try again by selecting cells in one column only.
196776Error in parse line.
196777Cannot find data source.
196778Reference is not valid.
196779Input cell reference is not valid.
196780Destination reference is not valid.
196781Consolidation reference is not valid.
196782Invalid sheet for consolidation.
196783Data will permanently lose accuracy.
196784"If you turn off the Accept Labels In Formulas option, Microsoft Excel replaces any labels you used in formulas with cell references. Your formulas will continue to work correctly.

You cannot undo this change. Do you want to continue?"
196785Custom data_form is not properly defined.
196786Cannot justify cells containing numbers or formulas.
196787Text will extend below selected range.
196788Error in dialog box at |.
196789"You are pasting a new data series, which will affect the existing information along the category axis in your chart. You can either replace the existing data categories or add new categories to the existing categories in your chart. What do you want to do?

• To permanently replace the existing categories with categories based on the new data series, click OK.
• To add new categories based on the data series but still keep the existing categories in the chart, click Cancel."
196790There are more new points than series in the chart. Do you want to add the new points to the existing series?
196791Displayed record will be permanently deleted.
196792Cannot extend list or database.
196793No cells were found.
196794You must enter a valid reference you want to go to, or type a valid name for the selection.
196795Microsoft Excel cannot convert some of the cells. The total number of errors found is |.
196796Cannot read record |.
196797"A formula in a cell | could not be converted because it contains a function that is not available in the file format to which you are saving. If you continue the save, the formula and result will be saved, but the function itself will be converted to an error value.

Do you want to see additional errors as they occur so you can fix them later?

• To see each error as it occurs, click Yes.
• To get only a count of the number of errors when Microsoft Excel is finished saving, click No.
• To cancel the save, click Cancel."
196798Cannot convert 3-D reference: |.
196799To create a chart, click in the Data range box. Then, on the worksheet, select the cells that contain the data and labels you want in the chart.
196800To create a chart, click Add to add a data series. Then, type the series information or enter cell references in the Name and Values boxes.
196801To create this stock chart, arrange the data on your sheet in this order: high price, low price, closing price. Use dates or stock names as labels.
196802To create this stock chart, arrange the data on your sheet in this order: volume traded, high price, low price, closing price. Use dates or stock names as labels.
196803To create this stock chart, arrange the data on your sheet in this order: opening price, high price, low price, closing price. Use dates or stock names as labels.
196804To create this stock chart, arrange the data on your sheet in this order: volume traded, opening price, high price, low price, closing price. Use dates or stock names as labels.
196805To combine chart types in a chart, click a data series, click Chart Type on the Chart menu, and then click the chart type you want. Do this for each data series you want to change.
196806"You cannot combine 2-D and 3-D chart types. Do you want to change the data series from the 3-D chart so that you can combine the two charts into a 2-D chart?

• To change the data series so they can be combined to make a 2-D chart, click Yes.
• To cancel combining the charts, click No."
196807"You cannot combine 2-D and 3-D chart types. Do you want to change the data series from the 2-D chart so that you can combine the two charts into a 3-D chart?

• To change the data series so they can be combined to make a 3-D chart, click Yes.
• To cancel combining the charts, click No."
196808References in series formulas must be external references to worksheets.
196809Cannot delete last entry in legend.
196810Redefine '|' based on selection?
196811Redefine '|' scenario based on current cell values?
196812Macro with name '|' already exists. Replace existing macro?
196813Cannot create Personal Macro Workbook.
196814Do you want to save the changes you made to the Personal Macro Workbook? If you click Yes, the macros will be available the next time you start Microsoft Excel.
196815Personal Macro Workbook in the startup folder must stay open for recording.
196816You cannot save the Personal Macro Workbook in the startup folder. Save it elsewhere now and move it to the startup folder later.
196817Microsoft Excel cannot save the user-defined chart because the chart gallery file is currently in use or does not exist. Click OK, and then change the gallery file name or location before you save.
196818Microsoft Excel cannot save the user-defined chart gallery.
196819Cannot change this cell while a macro is paused.
196820Too many fields in the data form.

196821Cannot create data form for a database in which all columns are hidden.
196822The destination range is not large enough to accommodate all copied rows. Data below the destination range will be lost. Continue copying anyway?
196823You can only copy filtered data to the active sheet.
196824Microsoft Excel found a row of data immediately above your list or database. If the row contains column labels, you should include it in your selection so that the Filter command will work properly. Do you want to include the row in your selection?
196825This removes the subtotals and sorts again. If you want to sort the subtotaled groups, choose the Cancel button; then collapse the outline and try again.
196826If you want to sort the subtotaled groups collapse the outline and try again.
196827This command subtotals lists in place. To display and remove subtotals in a PivotTable report, use the Field Settings command.
196828Too many different cell formats.
196829Data may exist in the sheet(s) selected for deletion. To permanently delete the data, press Delete.
196830Sheet name is too long.
196831Only worksheets and charts will be saved.
196832Cannot save as a WK3 file if there are no worksheets in the workbook.
196833"There is a large amount of information on the Clipboard. Do you want to be able to paste this information into another program later?

• To save it on the Clipboard so that you can paste it later, click Yes.
• To delete it from the Clipboard and free memory, click No."
196834Cannot quit Microsoft Excel.
196835Save '|' with references to unsaved documents?
196836Help reference is not valid.
196837Cannot delete '|'.
196838Margins do not fit page size.
196839The number must be between |0 and |1. Try again by entering a number in this range.
196840"Microsoft Excel cannot find '|0' on '|1'. There are two possible reasons:

• The name you specified may not be defined.
• The name you specified is defined as something other than a rectangular cell reference.
Check the name and try again."
196841Merge styles that have the same names?
196842Database is hidden.
196843Cannot enter a formula in a data form.
196844Cannot save as that name. Document was opened as read-only.
196845Save changes to selected series?
196846Dialog box contains too many items.
196847Cannot open protected file.
196848Font name is too long.
196849Text extends beyond worksheet.  Some text will be lost.
196850Command not available at cell:
196851Microsoft Excel did not find anything to print.
196852Cannot create backup file.  Save '|' without backup?
196853File format is not valid.
196854Cell must contain a value.
196855Reference must be on the active sheet.
196856Cell must contain a formula.
196857Formula in cell must result in a number.
196858Calculation is incomplete. Recalculate before saving?
196859"Links to '|' were not updated because '|' was not recalculated before it was last saved.

• To update links with current values in '|', click OK.
• To cancel updating the links to '|', click Cancel."
196860'|' contains incomplete calculation.  Continue reporting each error?
196861Operation failed. '|0' is reserved by |1.
196862Operation failed. '|' is write reserved.
196863Confirmation password is not identical.
196864Password contains characters that will not transfer correctly to Microsoft Excel, Macintosh edition. For best results, use a password that contains only characters a-z, numbers 0-9 and special symbols, such as !,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,),+,=.
196865Cannot link to Microsoft Excel version 1.5 file.
196866'|0' is being modified by |1. Open as read-only?
196867'|' should be opened as read-only unless you need to save changes to it. Open as read-only?
196868Cell with block IF function should not contain anything else.
196869"Microsoft Excel cannot create or use the data range reference because it is too complex. Try one or more of the following:

• Use data that can be selected in one contiguous rectangle.
• Use data from the same sheet."
196870You cannot use this command on a protected sheet. To unprotect the sheet, use the Unprotect Sheet command (Tools menu, Protection submenu). You may be prompted for a password.
196871Reference must be to a single cell on the active sheet.
196872The macro '|' cannot be found.
196873Series definition must include a | reference.
196874"|0 may contain features that are not compatible with |1.  Do you want to keep the workbook in this format?

• To keep this format, which leaves out any incompatible features, click Yes.
• To preserve the features, click No. Then save a copy in the latest Excel format.
• To see what might be lost, click Help."
196875This workbook contains features that are not supported by the file format that you selected. To avoid the possible loss of formatting or information, save a copy in the most recent Microsoft Excel Workbook format and then resend it.
196876"Excel could not save all the data and formatting you recently added to |0.

• To return to your workbook without saving click Cancel.
•If you want to continue saving changes without repairing the problem, click OK."
196877Cannot find |0, which has been assigned to run each time |1 is opened. Continuing could cause errors. Cancel opening |1?
196878Cannot find |0, which has been assigned to run each time |1 is closed. Continuing could cause errors. Cancel closing |1?
196879Cannot find |0.
196880Cannot start the source application for this object.
196881"That control can only be used while the worksheet is displayed in a separate window. Do you want to open a window for the worksheet?

• Click Yes to open a separate window in which you can edit the worksheet and use the control. When you are finished, click Save and then click Exit on the File menu to return to the original window.
• To continue working in the current window without using the control, click No."
196882Cannot find the source application for this embedded object.
196883Sheet is protected with password.  File format cannot be used.
196884Sheet is protected with password and formulas are displayed.  File format cannot be used.
196885Value is too large
196886Value is too small
196887Unable to import file
196888Unable to combine file
196889Unable to extract file
196890Cannot import from an open file
196891Cannot extract to an open file
196892Directory does not exist.
196893Matrix must be square.
196894Matrices are incompatible for multiplication.
196895Output range extends beyond edge of worksheet.
196896Cannot split when windows are locked.
196897Reference cannot be to a closed sheet.
196898Lotus 1-2-3 Help demonstrations cannot be recorded.  Stop recording and continue?
196899Cannot post instructions because a worksheet is not active.
196900Cannot post instructions because worksheet objects are currently hidden or protected.

196901Cannot post instructions because worksheet is protected.
196902Not enough data for Graph demonstration.
196903Cannot demo with custom menus.
196904You cannot use Help for Lotus 1-2-3 Users while in group edit mode.
196905Can only paste a subscriber onto a worksheet or macro sheet.
196906Missing NEXT function for loop.
196907Missing loop.
196908Missing IF.
196909Missing an END.IF function.
196910Duplicate menu bar name.
196911Cannot enable built-in commands.
196912Names cannot look like references.
196913References in object formulas must be external references to worksheets.
196914Microsoft Excel cannot perform this action on nonadjacent cells. To complete the task, select one area at a time, and try again.
196915Multiple selection usage is not valid.
196916Cannot change linked data: |
196917Source worksheet is closed.
196918Data point corresponds to a formula on a macro sheet.
196919Cell in source worksheet is locked.
196920Cell in source worksheet contains nonnumeric data.
196921Category range contains nonnumeric data.
196922Stationery document is not saved in Normal format. Opening as a nonstationery file.
196923Series formula is too long.
196924Text in your macro may need to be translated manually.
196925Cannot cut part of a publisher.
196926No objects found.
196927Unable to save external link values.
196928Cannot print chart with the current scale and paper size. Select a larger scale percentage or a smaller paper size.
196929Update embedded objects?
196930Workbook is protected and cannot be changed.
196931This chart plots data from more than one worksheet.  Double-click the series you want to change, and then select the Name and Values tab to change the series' plot data.
196932This chart plots constant data.  Double-click the series you want to change, and then select the Name And Values tab to change the series' plot data.
196933This chart plots data from a closed worksheet. Use the Links command on the Edit menu to open the source workbook.
196934Cannot run '|'. The program or one of its components is damaged or missing.
196935A surface chart must contain at least two series.
196936This button can be used only with Microsoft Windows for Pen Computing.
196937"This file is not in a recognizable format.

• If you know the file is from another program which is incompatible with Microsoft Excel, click Cancel, then open this file in its original application. If you want to open the file later in Microsoft Excel, save it in a format that is compatible, such as text format.
• If you suspect the file is damaged, click Help for more information about solving the problem.
• If you still want to see what text is contained in the file, click OK. Then click Finish in the Text Import Wizard."
196938Cannot rename a sheet to the same name as another sheet, a referenced object library or a workbook referenced by Visual Basic.
196939Specify the location and file name where you want to publish the data. Example: http://Myserver/Mydoc.htm
196940"|0 is a |1. Do you want to overwrite it with the latest Excel format?

• To overwrite it, click Yes.
• To save in the current format, click No."
196941"While renaming a sheet or chart, you entered an invalid name. Try one of the following:

• Make sure the name you entered does not exceed 31 characters.
• Make sure the name does not contain any of the following characters:  :  \  /  ?  *  [  or  ]
• Make sure you did not leave the name blank."
196942Cannot enter an array formula into a range of cells which are not all locked or all unlocked.
196943Print titles must be contiguous and complete rows or columns.
196944Macro error at cell:
196945Macro interrupted at cell:
196946Illegal reference argument at:
196947Formula is too complex to be assigned to object.
196948Cannot open a copy while the template '|' is open.
196949File not loaded completely.
196950The version of XLINTL.DLL is incorrect. Continuing can cause severe errors. Quit Microsoft Excel?
196951"This file was created using a later version of Excel. There is a remote possibility that certain workbook properties specific to the later version may be lost if you save the file in this version.

If you want to preserve the original file, click Cancel, then rename the new version using the Save As command (File menu).

Continue saving?"
196952A sheet in the workbook you are trying to save is password protected.  Password protected sheets cannot be saved in a Web Page.  To save this file as a Web Page, you must first remove the password.
196953Macro name is not valid.
196954This font style name does not exist.
196955Select a font name.
196956"Microsoft Excel cannot determine which row in your list or selection contains column labels, which are required for this command.

• If you want the first row of the selection or list used as labels and not as data, click OK.
• If you selected a subset of cells in error, select a single cell, and try the command again.
• To create column labels, click Cancel, and enter a text label at the top of each column of data.
• For information about creating labels that are easy to detect, click Help."
196957Delete entire row?
196958Entire subtotal row will be deleted.
196959Because your source data has automatic subtotals, Microsoft Excel cannot create a PivotTable report from it. For information about how to remove the subtotals, click Help.
196960For your changes to the standard font to take effect, you must quit and then restart Microsoft Excel.
196961This command or function is not available when multiple workbooks are selected.
196962Embedded object data will be lost. Continue?
196963Cannot use object linking and embedding.
196964Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action.
196965"The object is not responding because the source application may be busy.

• To check the source application, click Cancel, switch to the source application, and dismiss any open dialogs. Then try again.
• To continue waiting, click OK."
196966"You are about to activate an OLE object that may contain viruses or may otherwise be harmful to your computer. You may want to verify that this object comes from a trustworthy source before you continue.

Do you want to continue?"
196967Not enough stack space to run macro.
196968Your changes will be lost if you update without saving. Continue to update?
196969"A workbook must contain at least one visible worksheet.

To hide, delete, or move the selected sheet(s), you must first insert a new sheet or unhide a sheet that is already hidden."
196970"The selected file type does not support workbooks that contain multiple sheets.

• To save only the active sheet, click OK.
• To save all sheets, save them individually using a different file name for each, or choose a file type that supports multiple sheets."
196971Do you want to save changes before switching file status?
196972Cannot open Microsoft Excel Add-In for editing.  Please edit the source document instead.
196973There is already a macro assigned to that key. You should assign a different keyboard shortcut.
196974Cannot load an empty Microsoft Excel 4.0 workbook.
196975Microsoft Excel workspaces cannot contain Microsoft Excel 4.0 workbooks.  Click Save As on the File menu, then select Microsoft Excel Workbook in the Save As Type box to save the Microsoft Excel 4.0 workbook in the most recent Excel format.
196976Cannot edit a macro on a hidden workbook. Unhide the workbook using the Unhide command.
196977Only Visual Basic macros can be deleted using this dialog. Delete Microsoft Excel 4.0 macros by editing the macro sheets.
196978Cannot save to that file format. There are references to other sheets in this Workbook. Copy this sheet to a different Workbook first, then try again.
196979Excel cannot open Access .mdb files directly. To import Access data into Excel, use the Get External Data command: In Excel, point to Get External Data on the Data menu, click New Database Query, and then create a query to retrieve the data. For information about creating a query, see Help in Excel.
196980Excel cannot open FoxPro .dbc files. To import FoxPro data into Excel, use the Get External Data command: In Excel, point to Get External Data on the Data menu, click New Database Query, and then create a query to retrieve the data. For information about creating a query, see Help in Excel.
196981Document saved successfully. Cannot reopen the saved document due to low memory. Please close the document.
196982Cannot print file.
196983Excel cannot publish the range | because the range refers to cells that are not in a single, contiguous (rectangular) range.
196984Excel cannot open this Quattro Pro for Windows file.  The Quattro Pro Converter may not be installed or the file type may not be supported.
196985Cannot open Lotus 123 file.
196986Macro cannot be edited inplace.
196987Cannot edit macro on protected sheet or book.
196988The workbook you are trying to save is password protected.  Password protected workbooks cannot be saved in a Web Page.  To save this file as a Web Page, you must first remove the password.
196989This operation will cause some merged cells to unmerge.  Do you wish to continue?
196990The selection contains multiple data values.  Merging into one cell will keep the upper-left most data only.
196991The selection contains multiple data values.  Merging into one cell will keep the upper-right most data only.
196992This operation requires the merged cells to be identically sized.
196993Cannot merge overlapping ranges.
196994Array formulas are not valid in merged cells.
196995"You are about to sort together columns from multiple external data ranges. If you continue, your column sorting, filtering, and layout changes for these ranges won't be retained. Do you want to continue?

• To sort the columns together, click Yes. You can resume retaining these changes by refreshing the ranges.
• To cancel the sort operation, click No."
196996That cell does not contain a valid label.
196997That cell does not contain '|'.  Use it anyway?
196998Row labels must be one column wide.
196999The dates you specified for the axis values can't be used, because the maximum axis value must occur at a later date than the minimum axis value.
197000You customized the axis of your chart by specifying a base unit for the time scale. However, the numbers you specified for the Major Unit and Minor Unit options can't be used with the base unit you specified. Please try again.
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