mediag - 2016-4-28 21:08:00
. False positive Please let us know where can we send other detected files bigger size?
-User system information: Mozilla / 5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 44.0.2403.125 Safari / 537.36附件:
mediaget.zip 附件:
mediaget.zip 附件:
mediaget.zip 附件:
mediaget.zip 附件:
mediaget.zip 附件:
mediaget.zip 附件:
瑞星工程师20 - 2016-4-29 9:14:00
Please tell us the Compression password.
You can save your bigger files on a shared network location,and tell us the shared links.And please tell us the version of Rising Antivrus Software.
mediag - 2016-4-29 18:28:00
the password is: "infected" or "virus"
Please find other bigger file here:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/b9dictkfymwa1no/MediaGet_id3635529ids1s.exe?dl=0Sorry, we check our file via virustotal, I believe it uses the latest version or Rising.
瑞星工程师20 - 2016-5-3 13:22:00
The password is false,you can send a file without a password.
And we can not open the line:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/b9dictkfymwa1no/MediaGet_id3635529ids1s.exe?dl=0.You can send the bigger files to a netdisk,for example baidu netdisk。
mediag - 2016-5-4 16:46:00
瑞星工程师20 - 2016-5-4 17:06:00
Thank you for your files. We will tell you if any answers.
瑞星工程师20 - 2016-5-5 9:06:00
The problem has been resolved. Please remove Rising Antivrus Software to the latest version.
The version number is:V17
mediag - 2016-5-6 16:46:00
Files detected again with detect name: Malware.Undefined!8.C-6CdlD9yuwJR (Cloud)
Please remove detection.
瑞星工程师20 - 2016-5-6 16:59:00
The problem has been resolved.The version number is:V17 If files detected again,please tell us the version number of your RISING.And upload the screenshot of detection.
mediag - 2016-5-10 22:11:00
The file is detected again.
We've uploaded it here:
http://wikisend.com/download/141236/MediaGet_id3773734ids1s.exeWe can not attach a screenshot because we use online scanner virustotal to check it with multiple AV engines.
瑞星工程师16 - 2016-5-11 11:01:00
File has been received.We will tell you if any answers.
mediag - 2016-5-17 16:52:00
瑞星工程师20 - 2016-5-17 17:21:00
Thank you for your files. We will tell you if any answers.
瑞星工程师20 - 2016-5-17 17:30:00
The false positive has been removed.
Sorry for inconviencing you. Thank you for letting us know.
mediag - 2016-5-19 17:06:00
瑞星工程师20 - 2016-5-20 9:45:00
The problem has been resolved. Please remove Rising Antivrus Software to the latest version.
The version number is:V17
mediag - 2016-5-23 16:48:00
瑞星工程师20 - 2016-5-23 17:30:00
Thank you for your files. We will tell you if any answers.
瑞星工程师20 - 2016-5-24 9:36:00
The false positive has been removed.
mediag - 2016-5-25 16:56:00
瑞星工程师20 - 2016-5-26 9:05:00
The false positive has been removed.
mediag - 2016-5-26 17:03:00
瑞星工程师20 - 2016-5-26 17:29:00
Thank you for your files. We will tell you if any answers.
瑞星工程师20 - 2016-5-27 13:35:00
The false positive has been removed.
mediag - 2016-6-1 16:49:00
麦青儿 - 2016-6-1 22:09:00
V17't report that file.
Please check.
mediag - 2016-6-6 16:35:00
瑞星工程师20 - 2016-6-6 17:04:00
The problem has been resolved. Please remove Rising Antivrus Software to the latest version.
The version number is:V17
mediag - 2016-6-9 16:33:00
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