
首页 » 技术交流区 » 系统软件 » 紧急【求助】到底是什么问题??是软还是硬还是????
1986113 - 2005-8-16 12:06:00
我用的是2004的瑞星(正) 就在一次更新中`结果就打了几个网叶`就。。死机了``重起后,再更新 后 结果他的监控中心(监控中心:网叶监控。内存监控。。。都无法启动了)在外面看监控中心的图标正常 一点击里面就啊门了外面就变黄色了~`软件重装了N次还是老样字~~还有更可恶的是 会蓝屏(有是点击瑞星修复。有时是点安装到一半。。。。)还有我在更新前安装了XP的SP2 的更新补丁(这应该没不对把) 大哥````快快狠炸键盘~~` 下面的是蓝屏时出现的内容::{A probtem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
I ROL NOT LESS or EQUAL If this is the first tine you are see a this stop error screen . restart. Your computer if this screen appears again follow these steps
If problems continue disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software Disable. BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing .If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable .components restart Your computer Press F8 to select Advanced startup Options. and then select .safe mode
Technical ,information:
Stop;0*0000000A(0*03AE4000,0*00000002 ,0*00000001,0*80700AZA)
Beginning dump of physical memory
Physical memory dump complete
Contact your system administrator or technical Suppore ,group ,for further assistance)
我的机配置是 P4 3.0E 盒  华锁865PE  翔升5200 (128M) ST 80 G/7m  内存是KS 256M DDR/400*2(是叫巨星哦)(内存是512)
爵士酷毕 - 2005-8-16 14:37:00
1986113 - 2005-8-16 17:22:00
谢谢~~~~~~ 我去试试
查看完整版本: 紧急【求助】到底是什么问题??是软还是硬还是????