http://www.ntinternals.org/index.phpIs RISING Antivirus 2008/2009/2010 still vulnerable?
Last Saturday I've published two advisories related to RISING Antivirus software. While checking latest version of this software I only checked software provided on
http://www.rising-global.com/ where can be downloaded RISING Antivirus 2009 in version Today I was noticed that there is available RISING Antivirus 2010 which certainly should contain fixed device drivers. I've checked this version ( - it can be downloaded here -
http://rsdownload.rising.com.cn/for_down/ravdver/risol.exe) and I confirm that this version is also vulnerable. As proof I'm providing sample exploit -
RsNTGdi_Exp.zip. I'm also composing a new advisory since I found another vulnerability in RISING Antivirus 2010.
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