
  请看 电脑安全情况体检报告

  检测日期: 2009-11-7 15:50
  Windows: Microsoft Windows XP ServicePack: Service Pack 2 Update: 2600.xpsp_sp2_qfe.090804-1435
  Internet Explorer: 7.0.5840.16384
  本软件由完美卸载生成 网址:http://www.killsoft.cn

  0 - 运行进程 - c:\windows\system32\smss.exe - Microsoft 数字验证通过!

  1 - 运行进程 - c:\windows\system32\winlogon.exe - Microsoft 数字验证通过!

  2 - 运行进程 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe - Microsoft 数字验证通过!

  3 - 运行进程 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\lsass.exe - Microsoft 数字验证通过!

  4 - 运行进程 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe - Microsoft 数字验证通过!

  5 - 运行进程 - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\RavMonD.exe - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  6 - 运行进程 - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\RavMonD.exe - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  7 - 运行进程 - C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe - Microsoft 数字验证通过!

  8 - 运行进程 - D:\360\360safe\deepscan\zhudongfangyu.exe - 360安全卫士 Copyright (C) 2006-2009 360安全中心

  9 - 运行进程 - C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE - Microsoft 数字验证通过!

  10 - 运行进程 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvsvc32.exe - Microsoft 数字验证通过!

  11 - 运行进程 - C:\Program Files\360Safebox\safeboxTray.exe - 360保险箱 版权所有 (C) 2006-2009 360安全中心

  12 - 运行进程 - D:\360\360safe\safemon\360tray.exe -  版权所有 (C) 2008 360.cn

  13 - 运行进程 - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\RsTray.exe - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  14 - 运行进程 - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\RsTray.exe - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  15 - 运行进程 - F:\easyMule2\easyMule.exe - 未知

  16 - 运行进程 - F:\新建文件夹\emule.exe - eMule Copyright ? 2002-2008 Merkur - Read license.txt for more infos.

  17 - 运行进程 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe - Microsoft 数字验证通过!

  18 - 运行进程 - E:\完美卸摘\新建文件夹\完美卸载V2009\MainCon.exe - 完美卸载 版权所有 (C) 2009 完美卸载

  19 - 运行进程 - E:\完美卸摘\新建文件夹\完美卸载V2009\Maincon2.exe - 完美卸载 主控台 版权所有 (C) 完美卸载

  20 - 运行进程 - E:\完美卸摘\新建文件夹\完美卸载V2009\AutoDetect.exe - AutoDetect 应用程序 版权所有 (C) 2009

  21 - 运行进程 - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\RsAgent.exe - Rising AntiVirus 2009 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  22 - 运行进程 - C:\WINDOWS\msagent\AgentSvr.exe - Microsoft 数字验证通过!

  23 - 运行进程 - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\SuperKiller.exe - 360系统急救箱 Copyright (C) 2006-2009 360安全中心

  24 - 运行进程 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe - Microsoft 数字验证通过!

  25 - 运行进程 - E:\完美卸摘\新建文件夹\完美卸载V2009\Syssec.exe - 完美卸载V2007-ChinaHijackThis 版权所有 (C) 2006

  26 - --------------------------- - --------------------------- - ---------------------------

  27 - 已加载DLL - C:\WINDOWS\system32\SOGOUPY.IME - 搜狗拼音输入法 ? 2009 Sogou.com Inc. All rights reserved.

  28 - 已加载DLL - C:\Program Files\SogouInput\\Resource.dll - 搜狗拼音输入法 ? 2009 Sogou.com Inc. All rights reserved.

  29 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\combase.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  30 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\cnt09.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  31 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\moncomm.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  32 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\MonBase.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  33 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\Rslog.dll - Rising Antivirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  34 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\mondrv.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  35 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\defmon.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  36 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\moncom08.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2008-2009 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  37 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\MonRule.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  38 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\FileMon.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  39 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\MailMon.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  40 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\HookWeb.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  41 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\rsindent.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  42 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\Syslay.dll - Rising Base Function Copyright(C) 2008-2009 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  43 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\taskplug.dll - taskplug.dll Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  44 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\scansrvp.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  45 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\cnt08.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2008-2009 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  46 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\proccomm.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  47 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\RSAPPMGR.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  48 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\CfgDll.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  49 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\comx3.dll - Rising Base Function Copyright(C) 2008-2009 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  50 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\Hooksys.dll - Rising security Software 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  51 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\ProcCom.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2008 Copyright(C) 2008 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  52 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\RsCommX2.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2008 Copyright(C) 2008 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  53 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\HookCont.dll - Rising Security Software 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  54 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\BACore.dll - Rising MBA Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  55 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\recomp.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  56 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\refs.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  57 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\viruslib.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  58 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\relibldr.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  59 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\rsnetsvr.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  60 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\bawhite.dll -  bawhite Dynamic Link Library Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  61 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\RSStore.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  62 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\Scanner.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  63 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\ScanAdd.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  64 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\rstask.dll - Rising Antivirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  65 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\rsstub.dll -  rsstub Dynamic Link Library Copyright(C) 2008-2009 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  66 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\ScanSrv.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  67 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\scanpe.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  68 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\pearc.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  69 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\ur000.dat - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  70 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\urutils.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  71 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\revm.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  72 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\ffr.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2009 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  73 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\nvfile.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  74 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\scanexec.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  75 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\unexe.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  76 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\scanex.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  77 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\extmail.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2008 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  78 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\scansct.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  79 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\scantj.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  80 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\methodex.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  81 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\heurex.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  82 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\pecompd.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  83 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\ScanRavT.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  84 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\ScanBT.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  85 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\ScanStub.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  86 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\combase.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  87 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\cnt09.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  88 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\MonBase.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  89 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\MonComm.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  90 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\rfwlog.dll - Rising Antivirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  91 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\rfwrule.dll - Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  92 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\rfwsrv.dll - Rising Personal FireWall 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  93 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\Syslay.dll - Rising Base Function Copyright(C) 2008-2009 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  94 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\mPorts.dll - Rising Personal Firewall 2008 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  95 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\rfwdrvc.dll -  rfwdrvc Dynamic Link Library Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  96 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\Rfwdrv.dll - Rising security Software 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  97 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\RfwArp.dll - Rising security Software 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  98 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\rsnetsvr.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

  99 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\urlrule.dll - rising Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

100 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\comx3.dll - Rising Base Function Copyright(C) 2008-2009 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

101 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\recomp.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

102 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\refs.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

103 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\viruslib.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

104 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\relibldr.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

105 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\rfwproxy.dll -  tcpproxy Dynamic Link Library Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

106 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\rsindent.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

107 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\taskplug.dll - taskplug.dll Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

108 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\RSAPPMGR.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

109 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\CfgDll.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

110 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\proccomm.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

111 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\NComm2.dll - Rising AntiVirus Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

112 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\rstask.dll - Rising Antivirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

113 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\rsstub.dll -  rsstub Dynamic Link Library Copyright(C) 2008-2009 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

114 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\urllib.dll - Rising Personal FireWall 2009 Copyright(C) 2008-2009 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

115 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\deepscan\CloudCom2.dll - 360安全卫士 Copyright (C) 2006-2009 360安全中心

116 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\SoftMgr\360SoftMgrS.dll - 360软件管家 Copyright ? 2009

117 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\deepscan\heavygate.dll - 360安全卫士 Copyright (C) 2006-2009 360安全中心

118 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\deepscan\qutmload.dll -  版权所有(C) 2006-2008 360.CN

119 - 已加载DLL - C:\WINDOWS\system32\xiaoyuer.dll - 未知

120 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\safemon\safemon.dll -  版权所有(C) 2006-2008 360.CN

121 - 已加载DLL - C:\Program Files\Thunder Network\Thunder\ComDlls\xunleiBHO_Now.dll - 迅雷5 版权所有 (C) 2009 深圳市迅雷网络技术有限公司

122 - 已加载DLL - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Thunder Network\Thunder_29B88214-8E9A-4C70-A5A0-671FE531C3FC_\Components\ResWorker\DsBho_00.dll - 迅雷5 版权所有 (C) 2009 深圳市迅雷网络技术有限公司

123 - 已加载DLL - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Thunder Network\Thunder_29B88214-8E9A-4C70-A5A0-671FE531C3FC_\Components\ResWorker\DataProcessor_00.dll - 迅雷5 版权所有 (C) 2009 深圳市迅雷网络技术有限公司

124 - 已加载DLL - D:\暴风影印\Codecs\mmfinfo.dll - 未知

125 - 已加载DLL - D:\暴风影印\Codecs\mkunicode.dll - 未知

126 - 已加载DLL - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Acrobat\ActiveX\PDFShell.CHS - Adobe PDF Shell Extension Copyright 2000-2007 Adobe Systems, Inc.

127 - 已加载DLL - D:\AUTORUN杀\清理垃圾\我用过的最牛的垃圾清理C盘多700MB\WYWZ\Erasext.dll - 〖WYWZ〗计算机使用痕迹擦除软件 版权所有 (C) 2005

128 - 已加载DLL - D:\AUTORUN杀\清理垃圾\我用过的最牛的垃圾清理C盘多700MB\WYWZ\ERASER.dll - 〖WYWZ〗计算机使用痕迹擦除软件 版权所有 (C) 2005

129 - 已加载DLL - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Acrobat\ActiveX\PDFShell.dll - Adobe PDF Shell Extension Copyright 1984-2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated and its licensors. All rights reserved.

130 - 已加载DLL - C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvshell.dll - (null) (null)

131 - 已加载DLL - C:\WINDOWS\system32\RavExt.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

132 - 已加载DLL - C:\WINDOWS\xiaoyuer.dll - SimpleExt Module Copyright 2003

133 - 已加载DLL - C:\WINDOWS\system32\WmShell.dll - KillSoft RightMenu Copyright 2005

134 - 已加载DLL - C:\Program Files\360Safebox\360wservice.dll - 360安全卫士 Copyright (C) 2006-2008 360安全中心

135 - 已加载DLL - C:\Program Files\360Safebox\safeboxapi.dll - 360保险箱 版权所有 (C) 2006-2008 360安全中心

136 - 已加载DLL - C:\Program Files\360Safebox\liveupdate.dll - 360安全卫士 版权所有 (C) 2006-2008 360安全中心

137 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\pdown.dll - PDown 版权所有 (C) 2006-2008 奇虎网

138 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\safemon\360compro.dll - 360compro 版权所有 (C) 2006-2008 360.cn

139 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\safemon\360webpro.dll -  版权所有(C) 2006-2008 360.CN

140 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\safemon\360traylive.dll -  版权所有 (C) 2008 360.cn

141 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\safemon\360procmon.dll -  版权所有(C) 2006-2008 360.CN

142 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\deepscan\bfsdll.dll - bfsdll 版权所有(C) 2006-2008 360安全中心

143 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\safemon\SelfProtectAPI2.dll -  版权所有(C) 2006-2008 360.CN

144 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\safemon\urlproc.dll - urlproc Module 版权所有(C) 2006-2008 360.CN

145 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\safemon\SafeKrnl.dll -  Copyright (C) 2006-2008 奇虎网

146 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\AntiAdwa.dll - 360安全卫士检测模块 Copyright(C) 2006-2008 360Safe.com

147 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\SafeLive.dll - Safelive Module Copyright 2008

148 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\deepscan\360wservice.dll - 360安全卫士 Copyright (C) 2006-2008 360安全中心

149 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\efiproc.dll - 360Safe efiproc Copyright  2009

150 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\LiveUpd360.dll - 360升级加速模块 版权所有 (C) 2006-2008 奇虎网

151 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\360net.dll - 奇虎网 HttpDown 版权所有 (C) 2008 360Safe.com

152 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\360net2.dll - 360下载 版权所有 (C) 2006-2009 奇虎网

153 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\360verify.dll - 360安全卫士签名验证模块 Copyright (C) 2006-2008 360.cn

154 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\comserv.dll - comservice Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

155 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\rslang.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

156 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\rsxml.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2009 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

157 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\MonState.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

158 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\ScanEvnt.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

159 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\rsguilib.dll - Rsguilib2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

160 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\rsconf.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2008-2009 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

161 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\rspalvd.dll - Rising Antivirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

162 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\ravbintl.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

163 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\mruleui.dll - Rising Antivirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

164 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\MonTray.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

165 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\RavITray.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

166 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\rsmginfo.dll - Rising AntiVirus Software Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

167 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\scanleak.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

168 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\ravppops.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

169 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\PngDll.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2009 Copyright(C) 2008 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

170 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\ScanPrxy.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

171 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\comserv.dll - comservice Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

172 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\rslang.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

173 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\rsxml.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2009 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

174 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\MonState.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

175 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\rsconf.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2008-2009 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

176 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\rspalvd.dll - Rising Antivirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

177 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\rsguilib.dll - Rsguilib2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

178 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\ravbintl.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

179 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\rsmginfo.dll - Rising AntiVirus Software Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

180 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\rfwtray.dll - rfwtray Dynamic Link Library Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

181 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\ravppops.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2010 Copyright(C) 2009-2010 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

182 - 已加载DLL - D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\PngDll.dll - Rising AntiVirus 2009 Copyright(C) 2008 Beijing Rising Information Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

183 - 已加载DLL - C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\Flash10c.ocx - Shockwave Flash Adobe? Flash? Player. Copyright ? 1996-2009 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Protected by U.S. Patent 6,879,327; Patents Pending in the United States and other countries. Adobe and Flash are either trademarks or registered trademarks in the United States and/or other countries.

184 - 已加载DLL - F:\新建文件夹\lang\zh_CN.dll - eMule Copyright ?2002-2006 Merkur - read license.txt for more infos

185 - 已加载DLL - F:\新建文件夹\antiLeech.dll -  antiLeech Dynamic Link Library (DLL) Copyright ? 2006 emule Xtreme

186 - 已加载DLL - E:\完美卸摘\新建文件夹\完美卸载V2009\SkinPlusPlus.dll - 完美卸载图形模块 完美卸载图形模块 Skin++提供

187 - 已加载DLL - E:\完美卸摘\新建文件夹\完美卸载V2009\CheckTrust.dll - 完美卸载数字验证模块 Copyright(C) 完美卸载. All rights reserved.

188 - 已加载DLL - E:\完美卸摘\新建文件夹\完美卸载V2009\ScanEngine.dll - ScanEngine 完美病毒引擎文件 版权所有 (C) 2007

189 - 已加载DLL - E:\完美卸摘\新建文件夹\完美卸载V2009\ActiveDll.dll - 完美通用模块 版权所有 (C) 2009

190 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\Fix\BugRePort.dll - BugRePort Copyright (C) 2006-2009 360安全中心

191 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\Fix\SysRepairLog.dll - 360 SysRepairLog Copyright (C) 2006-2009 360安全中心

192 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\Fix\FrontScan.dll - FrontScan Dynamic Link Library Copyright (C) 2006-2009 360安全中心

193 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\Fix\BFsAndReg.dll - BFsAndReg Copyright (C) 2006-2009 360安全中心

194 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\Fix\BREGDLL.dll -  版权所有(C) 2006-2008 360安全中心

195 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\Fix\bfsdll.dll - bfsdll 版权所有(C) 2006-2008 360安全中心

196 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\Fix\spkill.dll - 360 spkill Copyright (C) 2006-2009 360安全中心

197 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\Fix\cloudsec.dll - 360安全卫士 Copyright (C) 2006-2009 360安全中心

198 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\ave\ave.dll - 360 ave Copyright (C) 2006-2009 360安全中心

199 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\Fix\sysfilerepS.dll - 360安全中心 Copyright (C) 2006-2009 360安全中心

200 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\Fix\360wservice.dll - 360安全卫士 Copyright (C) 2006-2008 360安全中心

201 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\Fix\AutorunFixer.dll - AutorunFixer.dll Copyright (C) 2006-2009 360安全中心

202 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\Fix\AutoRunKiller.dll - AutoRunKiller Copyright (C) 2006-2009 360安全中心

203 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\Fix\AntiDllHiJack.dll - 360 AntiDllHiJack Copyright (C) 2006-2009 360安全中心

204 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\Fix\360verify.dll - 360安全卫士签名验证模块 Copyright (C) 2006-2008 360.cn

205 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\Fix\NetService.dll - 360 NetService Copyright (C) 2006-2009 360安全中心

206 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\Fix\sqlite3.dll - 未知

207 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\Fix\SeclutionCallBack.dll - 隔离区 奇虎科技 (C) 2009-2010

208 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\Fix\AntiWriteBack.dll - AntiWriteBack Copyright (C) 2006-2009 360安全中心

209 - --------------------------- - --------------------------- - ---------------------------

210 - 开机启动 - 360Safebox - "C:\Program Files\360Safebox\safeboxTray.exe" /r

211 - 开机启动 - 360Safetray - "D:\360\360safe\safemon\360tray.exe" /start

212 - 开机启动 - LiveUpatePower - E:\完美卸摘\新建文件夹\完美卸载V2009\MyUpdate.exe -PowerOn

213 - 开机启动 - NvCplDaemon - RUNDLL32.EXE C:\WINDOWS\system32\NvCpl.dll,NvStartup

214 - 开机启动 - RavTray - "D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\RsTray.exe" -system

215 - 开机启动 - RFWTray - "D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\RsTray.exe" -system

216 - 开机启动 - easyMuleAutoStart - F:\easyMule2\easyMule.exe -AutoStart

217 - 开机启动 - eMuleAutoStart - F:\新建文件夹\emule.exe -AutoStart

218 - 开机启动 - ctfmon.exe - C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe

219 - --------------------------- - --------------------------- - ---------------------------

220 - --------------------------- - --------------------------- - ---------------------------

221 - 服务 - 360AntiArp - c:\windows\system32\drivers\360antiarp.sys

222 - 服务 - 360SelfProtection - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\360selfprotection.sys

223 - 服务 - 360TimeProt - c:\windows\system32\drivers\360timeprot.sys

224 - 服务 - AFD - \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\afd.sys

225 - 服务 - AlcwNetDrv - c:\windows\system32\drivers\alcwnetdrv.sys

226 - 服务 - AlcwWmDrv - c:\windows\system32\drivers\alcwwmdrv.sys

227 - 服务 - Service for WDM 3D Audio Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\alcxsens.sys

228 - 服务 - Service for Realtek AC97 Audio (WDM) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\alcxwdm.sys

229 - 服务 - Rising TDI Base Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\basetdi.sys

230 - 服务 - BFSDRV - c:\windows\system32\drivers\bfsdrv.sys

231 - 服务 - BREGDRV - c:\windows\system32\drivers\bregdrv.sys

232 - 服务 - Contrl Center of Storm Media - D:\暴风影印\stormliv.exe /asservice

233 - 服务 - ComputerZ - c:\program files\ludashi\computerz.sys

234 - 服务 - cpuz130 - c:\docume~1\cxr\locals~1\temp\cpuz130\cpuz_x32.sys

235 - 服务 - DCOM Server Process Launcher - C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost

236 - 服务 - EagleNT - c:\windows\system32\drivers\eaglent.sys

237 - 服务 - EfiSystemMon - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\efimon.sys

238 - 服务 - VIA Rhine-Family Fast-Ethernet Adapter Driver Service - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\fetnd5bv.sys

239 - 服务 - VIA PCI 10/100Mb Fast Ethernet Adapter NT Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\fetnd5.sys

240 - 服务 - FsUsbExDisk - c:\windows\system32\fsusbexdisk.sys

241 - 服务 - hookcont - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hookcont.sys

242 - 服务 - HookPort - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hookport.sys

243 - 服务 - hooksys - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\hooksys.sys

244 - 服务 - ICBC Daemon Service - C:\Program Files\ICBCEbankTools\ICBCAntiPhishing\IcbcDaemon.exe

245 - 服务 - Motorola Inc. USB Device - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\motodrv.sys

246 - 服务 - Motorola USB CDC ACM Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\motmodem.sys

247 - 服务 - Netgroup Packet Filter - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\npf.sys

248 - 服务 - npkcrypt - d:\program files\tencent\qq\npkcrypt.sys

249 - 服务 - NVIDIA Display Driver Service - C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvsvc32.exe

250 - 服务 - PCCS Mode Change Filter Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\pccsmcfd.sys

251 - 服务 - PnkBstrA - C:\WINDOWS\system32\PnkBstrA.exe

252 - 服务 - PnpWmkDrv - c:\windows\system32\drivers\pnpwmkdrv.sys

253 - 服务 - StarForce Protection Environment Driver v6 - \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\prodrv06.sys

254 - 服务 - StarForce Protection Helper Driver v2 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\prohlp02.sys

255 - 服务 - StarForce Protection Synchronization Driver v1 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\prosync1.sys

256 - 服务 - Quantum DeepScanner Servers - c:\windows\system32\drivers\qutmdrv.sys

257 - 服务 - Rising RfwARP Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\rfwarp.sys

258 - 服务 - Rising RfwBase Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\rfwbase.sys

259 - 服务 - rfwtdi - d:\rising\rising\rfw\rfwtdi.sys

260 - 服务 - Remote Procedure Call (RPC) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost

261 - 服务 - Srramdisk Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\rramdisk.sys

262 - 服务 - rsassist - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\rsassist.sys

263 - 服务 - rsfwdrv - d:\rising\rising\rfw\rsfwdrv.sys

264 - 服务 - RsNTGDI - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\rsntgdi.sys

265 - 服务 - RsProtect - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\rsptect.sys

266 - 服务 - Rav Service - "D:\Rising\Rising\Rav\RavMonD.exe"

267 - 服务 - RFW Service - "D:\Rising\Rising\RFW\RavMonD.exe"

268 - 服务 - SafeBoxKrnl - c:\windows\system32\drivers\safeboxkrnl.sys

269 - 服务 - StarForce Protection Helper Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\sfhlp01.sys

270 - 服务 - Sony USB Filter Driver (SONYPVU1) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\sonypvu1.sys

271 - 服务 - Terminal Services - C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost

272 - 服务 - TesDrvPt - c:\windows\system32\tesdrvpt.sys

273 - 服务 - TesSafe - c:\windows\system32\tessafe.sys

274 - 服务 - M-Systems DiskOnChip 2000 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\tffsport.sys

275 - 服务 - VIA AGP Filter - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\viaagp1.sys

276 - 服务 - WmNdisDrv - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\wmndisdrv.sys

277 - 服务 - WmRegProDrv - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\wmregprodrv.sys

278 - 服务 - WmTimeProDrv - c:\windows\system32\drivers\wmtimeprodrv.sys

279 - 服务 - VIA SATA IDE Hot-plug Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\xfilt.sys

280 - 服务 - 主动防御 - "D:\360\360safe\deepscan\zhudongfangyu.exe"

281 - --------------------------- - --------------------------- - ---------------------------

282 - IE主页-当前用户 - Start Page - about:blank

283 - IE搜索-当前用户 - Search Page - http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=54896

284 - IE主页-所有用户 - Start Page - about:blank

285 - IE搜索-所有用户 - Search Page - http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=ie&ar=iesearch

286 - 默认IE主页-所有用户 - Default_Page_URL - http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=ie&pver=6&ar=msnhome

287 - 默认IE搜索-所有用户 - Default_Search_URL - http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=ie&ar=iesearch

288 - --------------------------- - --------------------------- - ---------------------------

289 - IE 嵌入对象 - ThunderAtOnce Class - C:\Program Files\Thunder Network\Thunder\ComDlls\TDAtOnce_Now.dll

290 - IE 嵌入对象 - IE2EMBHO Class - F:\easyMule2\modules\IE2EM.dll

291 - IE 嵌入对象 - WebDetectorBHO Class - E:\穿越火线\飞速Tudou\tudouDetector.dll

292 - IE 嵌入对象 - Thunder Browser Helper - C:\Program Files\Thunder Network\Thunder\ComDlls\xunleiBHO_Now.dll

293 - IE 嵌入对象 - SafeMon Class - D:\360\360safe\safemon\safemon.dll

294 - IE 嵌入对象 - ICBC Anti-Phishing class - C:\Program Files\ICBCEbankTools\ICBCAntiPhishing\Icbc_AntiPhishing.dll

295 - --------------------------- - --------------------------- - ---------------------------

296 - IE 扩展按钮 - {C7374464-48C2-4ED6-9E78-2AB34A852FE1} - 百度搜索 路径:http://www.11k2.cn/baidu/?ie

297 - --------------------------- - --------------------------- - ---------------------------

298 - IE 右键按钮 - 使用电驴下载 -  路径:/?ie

299 - IE 右键按钮 - 使用迅雷下载 -  路径:/?ie

300 - IE 右键按钮 - 使用迅雷下载全部链接 -  路径:/?ie

301 - --------------------------- - --------------------------- - ---------------------------

302 - IAVIStream & IAVIFile Proxy <IE控件> - {0002000D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} - avifil32.dll

303 - 快捷方式 <IE控件> - {00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} - shell32.dll

304 - 地址(&A) <IE控件> - {01E04581-4EEE-11D0-BFE9-00AA005B4383} - %SystemRoot%\system32\browseui.dll

305 - CLSID_CCommAcctImport <IE控件> - {1AA06BA1-0E88-11D1-8391-00C04FBD7C09} - %SystemRoot%\system32\msoeacct.dll

306 - Toolbar Extension for Executable <IE控件> - {1FBA04EE-3024-11d2-8F1F-0000F87ABD16} - %SystemRoot%\system32\shdocvw.dll

307 - Outlook Express Address Book <IE控件> - {233A9694-667E-11D1-9DFB-006097D50408} - %ProgramFiles%\Outlook Express\msoe.dll

308 - French_French Stemmer <IE控件> - {2A6EB050-7F1C-11CE-BE57-00AA0051FE20} - infosoft.dll

309 - Shell extensions for sharing <IE控件> - {40dd6e20-7c17-11ce-a804-00aa003ca9f6} - ntshrui.dll

310 - 「开始」菜单 <IE控件> - {4622AD11-FF23-11D0-8D34-00A0C90F2719} - %SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll

311 - German_German Stemmer <IE控件> - {510A4910-7F1C-11CE-BE57-00AA0051FE20} - infosoft.dll

312 -  <IE控件> - {53c74826-ab99-4d33-aca4-3117f51d3788} - %SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll

313 - Italian_Italian Stemmer <IE控件> - {6D36CE10-7F1C-11CE-BE57-00AA0051FE20} - infosoft.dll

314 - PostBootReminder 对象 <IE控件> - {7849596A-48EA-486E-8937-A2A3009F31A9} - %SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll

315 - 公文包 <IE控件> - {85BBD920-42A0-1069-A2E4-08002B30309D} - syncui.dll

316 - Dutch_Dutch Stemmer <IE控件> - {860D28D0-8BF4-11CE-BE59-00AA0051FE20} - infosoft.dll

317 - Swedish_Default Stemmer <IE控件> - {9478F640-7F1C-11CE-BE57-00AA0051FE20} - infosoft.dll

318 - Microsoft 常见浏览器构架 <IE控件> - {AF604EFE-8897-11D1-B944-00A0C90312E1} - %SystemRoot%\system32\browseui.dll

319 - Spanish_Modern Stemmer <IE控件> - {B0516FF0-7F1C-11CE-BE57-00AA0051FE20} - infosoft.dll

320 - CLSID_OENote <IE控件> - {cae80521-f685-11d1-af32-00c04fa31b90} - %ProgramFiles%\Outlook Express\msoe.dll

321 - English_UK Stemmer <IE控件> - {D99F7670-7F1A-11CE-BE57-00AA0051FE20} - infosoft.dll

322 - English_US Stemmer <IE控件> - {EEED4C20-7F1B-11CE-BE57-00AA0051FE20} - infosoft.dll

323 - XML DOM Document 2.6 <IE控件> - {f5078f1b-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221} - %SystemRoot%\System32\msxml2.dll

324 - Free Threaded XML DOM Document 2.6 <IE控件> - {f5078f1c-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221} - %SystemRoot%\System32\msxml2.dll

325 - XML Schema Cache 2.6 <IE控件> - {f5078f1d-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221} - %SystemRoot%\System32\msxml2.dll

326 - XML HTTP 2.6 <IE控件> - {f5078f1e-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221} - %SystemRoot%\System32\msxml2.dll

327 - XML Data Source Object 2.6 <IE控件> - {f5078f1f-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221} - %SystemRoot%\System32\msxml2.dll

328 - XML Parser 2.6 <IE控件> - {f5078f20-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221} - %SystemRoot%\System32\msxml2.dll

329 - XSL Template 2.6 <IE控件> - {f5078f21-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221} - %SystemRoot%\System32\msxml2.dll

330 - XML Document 2.6 <IE控件> - {f5078f22-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221} - %SystemRoot%\System32\msxml2.dll

331 - XML Document 2.6 <IE控件> - {f5078f28-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221} - %SystemRoot%\System32\msxml2.dll

332 - XML Moniker 2.6 <IE控件> - {f5078f29-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221} - %SystemRoot%\System32\msxml2.dll

333 - 烧 CD 的 ShellFolder <IE控件> - {FBEB8A05-BEEE-4442-804E-409D6C4515E9} - %SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll

334 -  <IE控件> - {fef10fa2-355e-4e06-9381-9b24d7f7cc88} - %SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll

335 - --------------------------- - --------------------------- - ---------------------------

336 - 正常嵌入对象 - PostBootReminder - %SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll

337 - 正常嵌入对象 - CDBurn - %SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll

338 - 正常嵌入对象 - WebCheck - C:\WINDOWS\system32\webcheck.dll

339 - 正常嵌入对象 - SysTray - C:\WINDOWS\system32\stobject.dll

340 - 正常嵌入对象 - WPDShServiceObj - C:\WINDOWS\system32\WPDShServiceObj.dll

341 - 正常嵌入对象 - UPnPMonitor - C:\WINDOWS\system32\upnpui.dll

342 - --------------------------- - --------------------------- - ---------------------------

343 - EXE关联 -  - "%1" %*

344 - TXT关联 -  - "%SystemRoot%\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE" %1

345 - vbs关联 -  - %SystemRoot%\System32\WScript.exe "%1" %*

346 - Js关联 -  - %SystemRoot%\System32\WScript.exe "%1" %*

347 - htmlfile关联 -  - "C:\Program Files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe" "%1"

348 - HTTP协议 -  - "C:\Program Files\360\360se3\360SE.exe" "%1"

349 - FTP协议 -  - "%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" %1

350 - --------------------------- - --------------------------- - ---------------------------


  15 - 运行进程 - F:\easyMule2\easyMule.exe - 未知

119 - 已加载DLL - C:\WINDOWS\system32\xiaoyuer.dll - 未知

124 - 已加载DLL - D:\暴风影印\Codecs\mmfinfo.dll - 未知

125 - 已加载DLL - D:\暴风影印\Codecs\mkunicode.dll - 未知

206 - 已加载DLL - D:\360\360safe\firstaid\Fix\sqlite3.dll - 未知

223 - 服务 - 360TimeProt - c:\windows\system32\drivers\360timeprot.sys

233 - 服务 - ComputerZ - c:\program files\ludashi\computerz.sys

234 - 服务 - cpuz130 - c:\docume~1\cxr\locals~1\temp\cpuz130\cpuz_x32.sys

236 - 服务 - EagleNT - c:\windows\system32\drivers\eaglent.sys

240 - 服务 - FsUsbExDisk - c:\windows\system32\fsusbexdisk.sys

244 - 服务 - ICBC Daemon Service - C:\Program Files\ICBCEbankTools\ICBCAntiPhishing\IcbcDaemon.exe

245 - 服务 - Motorola Inc. USB Device - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\motodrv.sys

247 - 服务 - Netgroup Packet Filter - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\npf.sys

249 - 服务 - NVIDIA Display Driver Service - C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvsvc32.exe

250 - 服务 - PCCS Mode Change Filter Driver - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\pccsmcfd.sys

251 - 服务 - PnkBstrA - C:\WINDOWS\system32\PnkBstrA.exe

253 - 服务 - StarForce Protection Environment Driver v6 - \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\prodrv06.sys

278 - 服务 - WmTimeProDrv - c:\windows\system32\drivers\wmtimeprodrv.sys


用户系统信息:Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ; InfoPath.1; LVM; 360SE)