
1.407: DeRegistering the Uninstall Program -> KB938464, 5
1.407: UpdateSpUpdSvcInf: Source [ProcessesToRunAfterReboot.RebootNotRequired] section is empty; nothing to do.
1.407: In Function SetVolatileFlag, line 11741, RegOpenKeyEx failed with error 0x2
1.407: In Function SetVolatileFlag, line 11758, RegOpenKeyEx failed with error 0x2
1.407: WinMain: DoPostUninstallWrapper failed: 0x578
1.407: RebootNecessary = 1, DontReboot = 1

用户系统信息:Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
最后编辑hmhmd 最后编辑于 2008-09-22 17:22:20