Checking file system on D:
The type of the system is FAT32
One of your desks need to be checeked for consistency,
YOU may cancel the desks cheek ,but it is strongly recommended that you continue
Windows will now check the disk
Volume serial number is 98B5-13AA
Windows is verifying files and folders ....
Windows replaced bad clusters in file/system Volume Information/_resters{ZFFB0623-3411-4981-A5AD-B7C55926825E}/RP3/AOOO2774.dll of name(null)
Windows replaced bad clusters in file/FOUND.OOO/FILE6069.CHK Of name(null)
Windows replaced bad clusters in file/FOUND.OOO/FILE9005.CHK Of name(null)
Windows replaced bad clusters in file/FOUND.OOO/FILE9537.CHK Of name(null)
Windows replaced bad clusters in file/FOUND.OOO/FILE9619.CHK Of name(null)