

  现在出现这问题   蓝屏时候  出现下面文字

if this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen restart your compute, if this screen appears again follow these steps:  chesk to make sure any new hard ware or software is propeyly installed if this is a new your hard ware of softwar manufac turer for any windows updates you might need if problems continue.disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software disable bios memory options suchas caching or shadowing if yoi need to use saft mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer,press F8 to selectadvanced startup optinoms,and then select safe mode

technical information

stop: 0X00000050 coxffb93000 0x00000000 0x804db337 0x00000007(这最后一个没有记清楚有没有这个 7)

最后编辑2007-01-08 14:22:56