瑞星卡卡安全论坛技术交流区系统软件 【转贴】最新的Avast!4.7 Home/Pro即将推出

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【转贴】最新的Avast!4.7 Home/Pro即将推出

【转贴】最新的Avast!4.7 Home/Pro即将推出

最新版的AvastAvast!4.7 Home/Pro即将推出,大约本周内。


We're completing a list of new features to be included in the next major release of avast. Please feel free to give us comments and/or suggestions of what you'd like to see there. Thanks!

• Support for EXE & file packers
• Leightweight support for ActiveSync
• Higher scanning speed on NT/2K/XP by using async IO
• Lower memory consumption of ashServ.exe
• Ability to manipulate running scheduled tasks (pause/stop...)
• Minimize page faults in ashServ and ashDisp (performance optimization)

Some features:

more and more virus detected (remember Win95 CIH ? ^^)

less memory (about 25MB!), probably because of ActiveSkin and other ressources (maybe sounds, pictures/textures...)

Copy files from results list once a scan is done (can Move it, repair, move to chest but not copy)

Microsoft Office files scanner (Word macros, Excel...)

Generic Plugin SDK to add the Avast! scanner to files you don't really care about: proprietary softwares/tools, Visual Studio .NEt macros,... This way some Open Source software like Abiword, OpenOffice would be able to use Avast! to scan their files. The plugin itself would just act as a simple and thin layer between the software and Avast! It means you don't have to do anything, just create a Software interface from your Avast! components... It may sounds crazy and tricky for some users

VRDB: Hum... I always wondered what the I icon was . So It's the VRDB one but even after reading the help file, I still wonder how I can add my own files to it. Moreover why do we have to edit the avast4.ini file ourself ? You should add it to the Avast! options or create a new interface to manage the VRDB. It's not very clear afterall because what does it really do ? Does it use some checksum or dates to restore the file... I first thought It may keep the contents of some files in a safe place but It would take too much disk space... But I think It would be a great idea, protect your important files with Avast! even if they get corrupted. It's what I do but with an Asset/Version manager (CVS).


beta version of upcoming avast update (4.7.807)

最后编辑2006-04-13 18:51:20


(1)新的数据储存格式,(2)减低了内存资源占用,(3)增加了开机引导扫描(Boot-time Scanner),(4)改善了在线邮件扫描,(5)增加了针对Office宏病毒的检测。
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