【求助】显卡的问题 帮忙~~~

[求助]一个关于显卡的问题 很是郁闷
近日这台2003年的机子终于到了该换零件的时候了  原来的GF4 MX440的显卡报废

了 随便去淘了一张 GF2 MX400 64M 的显卡 一装上后就是不正常
故障一:有时候能正常开机 有时候不行 开机后花屏 重影 然后死机 然后蓝屏(

但是可以顺利的进入安全模式且显示正常) 以下是蓝屏后的提示 不好意思 实在

是看不懂 还请大伙帮忙看看(可能记录和打的时候有单词错误)

A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent 

damage to you computer

The problem seems to be caused by the following file: nv4_dusp

If this is the first time you've seen this stop errow screen pestare

you computer,if this screen appears again follow these steps:

The device driver got stuck in an infinite loop . this usually

indicates problem with the device itstlf or with the device driver

programming the hardware incorrectly

please check with your hardware drvice vendor for any driver updates

Teachnical information:

*** stop : 0*000000EA (0*8208B020  0*821ED898  0*F8968CB4 0*00000001)

beginning dump of physical memory
physical memory dump complete
contact your system administrator oy teachnical support group for

further assistance.

故障二:开机正常后 玩《极品飞车6 热力追踪》游戏进行中 会花屏

还有就是换上一张 GF2  MX400 32M 的显卡后 故障消失 但对游戏性能有较大的


还请懂行的朋友 帮我看看

最后编辑2006-01-23 12:43:29