高手...帮忙... 我新买的电脑...经常死机蓝屏..... 到底是什么回事啊!! 急救!!
CPU:PD820 合光/双核
主板:升技 945/PRO
内存:KIMAX.512M . 667
显卡:双敏7300 256 (N芯片)
显示器:三星 711N
A porblem has been detected and windows has been shut dowm to prevent damage to yurr comper.
If this ti the first thme yuo're seen this stop error screen,resturt your computer.If this screen appers a gain ,fllow there steps:
Check to make sure any new hardware or of tware is properly installed.If this is a new installation ,ask your hardware or software manufaturer for ary windows apdates you might need.
If problems continae disable or remore any newly installed hardware or software .Disable BIOS memory options such as cahing or shadowing .If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components,restart your computrr,press F8 to select Adranced startup Optins,and then select safe mode.
Te chnical information:
*** STOP:0*0000000A(0*E1021280,0*00000002,0*00000000,0*80900BBE)
Beginning dump of physical memory.
Physical memory dump complete.
Contact your system a daministrator or technical support group for further assistarnce.