BIOS旧版本3.06 刷新后BIOS版本3.15
刷新完BIOS.系统要重新启动. 重新启动时出现红色的英文字.几秒后红色的英文字不见了.启动完新的BIOS版本是3.15
请教 刷新完BIOS后.继续还要做什么.是否要装载BIOS缺省.
下面是官方网站安装指示. 不懂英文.请教应该怎样做.最好能详细点.谢谢.
Installation Instructions
1. Download the update.
2. Double-click the icon for the update downloaded in Step 1, and then click NEXT.
3. Select I accept the terms in the license agreement, and then click NEXT to proceed with
the installation.
4. If an Overwrite Protection message appears, click YES TO ALL.
5. Click OK at the Windows Based BIOS Update window.
6. Click YES at the next Windows Based BIOS Update window, and then wait for the update to
7. At the Windows Based BIOS Update window, click YES to restart the system.
8. If you see the following message during the restart of the system, continue with the
remaining steps; otherwise you are done with the update.
Default BIOS settings have been loaded due to BIOS update or checksum issue. Press to
enter Setup. Otherwise, allow the PC to continue.
9. Press and hold the F1 key for a few seconds to open the BIOS Setup.
10. Press the F5 key, use the left and right arrow keys to choose YES, and then press Enter to
load the BIOS defaults.
11. Press the F10 key, use the left and right arrow keys to choose YES, and then press Enter
to exit the BIOS Setup and save the changes.
12. Press Enter to confirm the save.
13. If you see a System Settings Change message prompting you to restart the system, click
YES to restart the system again.