
register.exe > Register a program so it can have special execution characteristics. 注册包含特殊运行字符的程序
regsvc.exe > regsvr32.exe > Registers and unregister's dll's. As to how and where it register's them I dont know. 注册和反注册DLL
regtrace.exe > Options to tune debug options for applications failing to dump trace statements Trace 设置
regwiz.exe > Registration Wizard 注册向导
remrras.exe > replace.exe > Replace files 用源目录中的同名文件替换目标目录中的文件。
reset.exe > Reset an active section 重置活动部分
rexec.exe > Runs commands on remote hosts running the REXEC service. 在运行 REXEC 服务的远程计算机上运行命令。rexec 命令在执行指定命令前,验证远程计算机上的用户名,只有安装了 TCP/IP 协议后才可以使用该命令。
risetup.exe > Starts the Remote Installation Service Wizard. 运行远程安装向导服务
route.exe > display or edit the current routing tables. 控制网络路由表
routemon.exe > no longer supported 不再支持了!
router.exe > Router software that runs either on a dedicated DOS or on an OS/2 system. Route软件在 DOS或者是OS/2系统
rsh.exe > Runs commands on remote hosts running the RSH service 在运行 RSH 服务的远程计算机上运行命令
rsm.exe > Mounts and configures remote system media 配置远程系统媒体
rsnotify.exe > Remote storage notification recall 远程存储通知回显
rsvp.exe > Resource reservation protocol 源预约协议
runas.exe > RUN a program as another user 允许用户用其他权限运行指定的工具和程序
rundll32.exe > Launches a 32-bit dll program 启动32位DLL程序
runonce.exe > Causes a program to run during startup 运行程序再开始菜单中
rwinsta.exe > Reset the session subsystem hardware and software to known initial values 重置会话子系统硬件和软件到最初的值
savedump.exe > Does not write to e:\winnt\user.dmp 不写入User.dmp中
scardsvr.exe > Smart Card resource management server 子能卡资源管理服务器
schupgr.exe > It will read the schema update files (.ldf files) and upgrade the schema. (part of ADSI) 读取计划更新文件和更新计划
secedit.exe > Starts Security Editor help 自动安全性配置管理
services.exe > Controls all the services 控制所有服务
sethc.exe > Set High Contrast - changes colours and display mode Logoff to set it back to normal 设置高对比
setreg.exe > Shows the Software Publishing State Key Values 显示软件发布的国家语言
setup.exe > GUI box prompts you to goto control panel to configure system components 安装程序(转到控制面板)
setver.exe > Set Version for Files 设置 MS-DOS 子系统向程序报告的 MS-DOS 版本号
sfc.exe > System File Checker test and check system files for integrity 系统文件检查 sfmprint.exe > Print Services for Macintosh 打印Macintosh服务
sfmpsexe.exe > sfmsvc.exe > shadow.exe > Monitor another Terminal Services session. 监控另外一台中端服务器会话
share.exe > Windows 2000 和 MS-DOS 子系统不使用该命令。接受该命令只是为了与 MS-DOS 文件兼容 shmgrate.exe > shrpubw.exe > Create and Share folders 建立和共享文件夹
sigverif.exe > File Signature Verification 文件签名验证
skeys.exe > Serial Keys utility 序列号制作工具
smlogsvc.exe > Performance Logs and Alerts 性能日志和警报
smss.exe > sndrec32.exe > starts the Windows Sound Recorder 录音机
sndvol32.exe > Display the current volume information 显示声音控制信息
snmp.exe > Simple Network Management Protocol used for Network Mangement 简单网络管理协议 snmptrap.exe > Utility used with SNMP SNMP工具
sol.exe > Windows Solitaire Game 纸牌 sort.exe > Compares files and Folders 读取输入、排序数据并将结果写到屏幕、文件和其他设备上
最后编辑2005-10-04 10:41:12