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Safe’n’Sec has been designed to protect user data from unknown threats and vulnerabilities that cannot be detected using traditional protection solutions. The protection provided by Safe’n’Sec is effective for both standalone and networked computers.

Multi-target protection against newborn threats and vulnerabilities involves the following three stages:

Control – constant monitoring of any activity on your computer: starting/stopping services, running applications, user actions, etc.
Analysis – examination and analysis of a sequence of actions performed by applications.
Decision – making a decision on the malicious nature of applications based on the results of activity analysis.
The first two steps are based on activity control policies, which define what to control and how to analyze the data collected.

Safe’n’Sec uses an intelligent analyzer to make a decision whether or not an application is dangerous based on the sequence of application activities.

The result of decision-making is a status assigned to the application. The following statuses are possible:

Malicious application – an application, whose actions and the sequence of actions damage the data stored on user computer. Each time the application starts, Safe’n’Sec asks the administrator or user to make a decision about this application. The program displays a warning message containing detailed information on the application activity and possible user actions. Using this information, the user can make an adequate decision how to treat the application. All malicious applications are recorded in the “black” list if the user selected to block them.
Harmless application – an application whose activity does not pose any danger to your system.
Regardless of their status, applications always remain under Safe’n’Sec’s control.
Proactive protection of all data stored on user computer is provided in compliance with the activity control policy.

The control policy is a set of rules is a set of rules the program uses to control, analyze and make decisions about the malicious nature of an application. It is the control policy that defines what actions (or a sequence of actions) should be considered malicious.

What Policy to Choose
Safe’n’Sec has three activity control policies, which differ in control severity level:

Total – provides total control over any activity on your computer. When this policy is selected, all activities, including user actions, are controlled. This policy is recommended for use during severe virus outbreaks, hacker attacks, or when a malware infection is suspected.

Attention! We recommend that only advanced users select the Total policy!
Strict – provides an optimal balance between the volume of controlled activities and the consumption of system resources. This is the default policy.
Trusted – this is the least strict policy because it analyzes only potentially dangerous actions (for example, writing to the system registry, modification of system files, such as autoexec.bat, boot.ini, etc.).
Depending on the situation, the administrator or user with appropriate rights can regulate the severity of control by selecting one of these policies.

How Safe’n’Sec Works
Read the text below for more information how Safe’n’Sec works.

The program starts together with your operating system. This provides additional security to your system because many malicious applications reside in OS services, thus causing damage to the operating system even before it completely loads. Some malicious applications are aimed to destroy operating systems. Because Safe’n’Sec is loaded before the operating system services, malicious applications have no chance to cause operating system startup failure. All malicious activities that can be performed upon system startup are effectively blocked.

Once loaded, the Safe’n’Sec program resides in RAM, controlling all processes running on a user’s computer. In addition to application processes and OS services, Safe’n’Sec controls user actions. This is necessary to prevent data loss and damage due to accidental user errors and misuse of potentially dangerous applications.
Safe’n’Sec keeps track of all activities in the background, having almost no impact on system resources.

When it detects an action performed by another application, service, or the user that can be regarded as malicious, Safe’n’Sec immediately blocks this action.

Safe’n’Sec warns the administrator or user with appropriate rights about a malicious action and suggests selecting one of the two options: allow this action or block it. The decision about the malicious nature of actions is made by an intelligent analyzer, a special analytical mechanism, which examines the activities based on the preset rules and makes a decision about the behavior of applications.


最后编辑2005-09-01 23:12:04





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