信息1:WinDefender2009, also known as Win Defender 2009, WinDefender 2009, is one of the latest counterfeit antispywares thatare infected into our computers. Believe it or not, WinDefender2009 isa clone of the notorious TotalSecure2009, TotalSecure 2009, Total Secure 2009 application. Why? Because it is made by the same programmers.
Win Defender 2009, disguises itself as a Windows XP orVista protection software, but conversely, is a counterfeitanti-spyware software which will screw up your computer just like otherrogue antispyware software. Win Defender 2009 does nothing good butgiving you headaches. WinDefender2009 is destructive and devastated.Generally, Win Defender 2009 will advertises itself as a video codec orActiveX control then installed in your PC without your notice andconsent. WinDefender2009 will then display annoying and misleadingsystem popups to trick user to buy the paid version of WinDefender2009.Good luck in fighting with Win Defender 2009!
大意是该软件本身就是一个恶意软件,故意地模仿微软的windows defender,并弹出类似的窗口,引诱你上勾。
相应网站上提供有相关的软件可供查找该病毒,但要杀就要money。很怕旧伤未好,又添新痛,就按所说的方法手动清除,可就是找不到有windefender字段的文件或注册项,用AVG Anti-Spyware和瑞星查了一次又一次,系统重启了无数次,就是不行,惨了!
http://bbs.ikaka.com/showtopic-8567372.aspx),急忙下载啊,运行啊,查找啊,删除啊! 忙了一通,重启。系统基本正常了。
用SREng删除了BDGuard.sys项、oreans32.sys项、psguax.dll项,找不到cjvdh.sys项;再用IceSword查找,删除了psguax.dll和oreans32.sys文件,但找不到BDGuard.sys文件,也找不到Mg0qsj.dll 和cjvdh.sys文件。
用户系统信息:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; zh-CN; rv: Gecko/2008102920 (FoxPlus) Firefox/3.0.4