昨天重装了系统后,显卡不能驱动了.是联想的机子,到联想主页下载的驱动程序,应该没错的,可是安装的时候就出错,而且在WINDOWS文件夹下生成一个s3iscfg.log的文件内容如下:********** S3 GRAPHICS SETUP LOG - Started 2007/05/18 6:38:24 **********
***** Please scroll to the end of *****
***** this document for the results. *****
S3Iset32 v2.00.15-0401, 2.00.13-0401 (IShield
System: Build 2600 (Service Pack 2)
Signature: 15-9956 (ANSI)
Caller cmdline: ''
SupportDir: 'C:\DOCUME~1\huiying\LOCALS~1\Temp\{34772EEC-ACFC-4DEF-8870-D9299742004F}\{5A118437-3B7B-402B-955C-A74B847CB0DE}\'
Mode: Unattended, Normal
AllowReboot: TRUE
Prompt: TRUE
SilentReboot: TRUE
Prompt: FALSE
PreInstFiles: FALSE
No UI Reboot: FALSE
MenuAnimOff: FALSE
MenuShadowOff: FALSE
Find VendorID: 5333
Driver INF at: E:\Lenovo_Driver\Download\Lenovo\Display\1665660\1\setup.UserDrv\uc03i.inf
Find hardware code->0
Custom uninstall info: C:\WINDOWS\UChrmPro.uns
Uninst DLL: C:\PROGRA~1\VIA\UChrmPro\s3iset32.dll
Uninst Log: C:\PROGRA~1\VIA\UChrmPro\UChrmPro.uns
Reg uninst key: C:\PROGRA~1\VIA\UChrmPro\s3minset.exe /u C:\PROGRA~1\VIA\UChrmPro\UChrmPro.uns
Add. dir to remove: C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{C9E0D83E-64E9-4E95-9A20-CF354590AE21}
Installing VIA/S3G UniChrome Pro IGP WinXP Display...
-> Setup was unable to complete the installation. Check the progress log in your Windows directory for more details. (-1)->C:\WINDOWS\s3iscfg.log
** Installation Failed **
!! Setup was aborted !!
******** End of progress log ********
哪位大哥能帮 我看看是怎么回事吗.