CREATE Student(
[Studentid][Int]IDENTITY(1,1)NOT NULL primary key,--主键
[StudentName][char]NOT NULL
CREATE Subject(
[SubjectID][char]NOT NULL primary key, --主键
[SubjectName][char]NOT NULL
[Studentid][Int]NOT NULL, --联合主键
[SubjectID][char]NOT NULL, --联合主键
[Grade] [INT]NOT NULL,
primary key (studentid,subjectid)
create table student(
studentid number(3) primary key,
studentname varchar2(20) );
create table subject(
subjectid char(3) primary key,
subjectname varchdemar2(20)
create table grade(
studentid number(3) references student(studentid),
subjectid char(3) references subject(subjectid),
mark number(3),
primary key (studentid,subjectid)
insert into student values (101,'张三');
insert into student values (102,'李云');
insert into student values (103,'未');
insert into subject values ('A01','C++');
insert into subject values ('A02','ASP');
insert into subject values ('A03','JAVA');
insert into grade values (101,'A01',59);
insert into grade values (101,'A02',72);
insert into grade values (101,'A03',90);
insert into grade values (102,'A01',75);
insert into grade values (102,'A02',91);
insert into grade values (103,'A01',71);
学号 学生姓名 课程名称 成绩 (要全部学生信息)
关联查询 (多张表的)
select a.studentid "学 号",studentname "学生姓名",
subjectname "课程名称",mark "成 绩"
from student a , subject b , grade c
where a.studentid = c.studentid
and b.subjectid = c.subjectid
学号 学生姓名 课程名称 成绩(只显示每科最高分)
select a.studentid "学 号",studentname "学生姓名",
subjectname "课程名称",mark "成 绩"
from student a,subject b,grade c
where a.studentid = c.studentid
and b.subjectid = c.subjectid
and (subjectname,mark)
in (select subjectname "课程名称",max(mark) "成 绩"
from student a,subject b,grade c
where a.studentid = c.studentid
and b.subjectid = c.subjectid
group by subjectname)
select a.studentid "学 号",studentname "学生姓名",
subjectname "课程名称",mark "成 绩"
from student a,subject b,grade c
where a.studentid = c.studentid
and b.subjectid = c.subjectid
and (select count(*) from grade
where subjectid = b.subjectid and
mark > c.mark) = 0
学号 学生姓名 课程名称 成绩 (成绩大于60时的显示及格,小于60时的显示不及格)
select a.studentid "学 号",studentname "学生姓名",
subjectname "课程名称",
decode(sign(mark-60),-1,'不及格','及格') "成 绩"
from student a,subject b,grade c
where a.studentid = c.studentid
and b.subjectid = c.subjectid
学号 学生姓名 (查询出课程超过1门以上学生的信息)
select a.studentid "学 号",studentname "学生姓名"
from student a , subject b , grade c
where a.studentid = c.studentid
and b.subjectid = c.subjectid
group by a.studentid,studentname
having count(subjectname) >= 2
create table mydept as select * from dept;
create table mydept1 as select * from dept where 1=2;
insert into mydept1 select * from dept;
select ename "员工 姓名" from emp;
create table test(
id number(2),
name varchar2(10));
insert into test values (1,'aa');
insert into test values (1,'aa');
insert into test values (1,'aa');
insert into test values (2,'bb');
insert into test values (3,'cc');
create table test1 as select distinct * from
create table test1 as select id,name from test
group by id,name;
rename test to test2;
rename test1 to test;
create table test(
id number(2) primary key,
name varchar2(10));
insert into test values (1,'aa');
insert into test values (2,'aa');
insert into test values (3,'aa');
insert into test values (4,'bb');
insert into test values (5,'cc');
create table test1 as select name from test
group by name;
alter table test1 add (id number(2));
update test1 set id=(select max(id) from test
where name=test1.name);
create table test2 as select id,name from test1;
rename test to testb;
rename test2 to test;
alter table test add primary key (id);