
最近本人一使用BT下载就出现蓝屏 请高手帮忙解决(xp sp2系统 补丁都有)
A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer
If this is the first time you`ve seen this stop error screen,restart your computer.It this screen appears again,follow these steps:
check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.If this is a new installatin,ask your hadware or software manufacturer for any windows updates your might need.
If problen continues,disable or remove any newly in stalled hardware or software.Disable Bios memory opions such as caching or shadwing ,If you need to ase safe mode to remove or disble components,retart your computer,press F8 to select A dranceed startup options,and then selet safe mode.
Technicat information
*** stop:0x000007A(0xC03E62DO,0XC0000000E,Ntfs.sys-Addresj F98B4PAP base at F985F00,Dates amp 41107eea
Beginning dump of phsical menory

其中可能有打错子的情况 晴见谅
最后编辑2005-10-11 14:35:32